Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1170 The Submission of the Empire

The Pan-Pacific Empire's offensive was thwarted, and they deployed troops across great distances, forcing them to retreat after their offensive was thwarted.

The imperial army evacuated from the vicinity of the capital of another empire to the occupied area. The Achaemenids in the occupied area would inevitably face the most cruel and harsh raids.

Although the capital was safe, the Achaemenid Emperor Durr did not have much time to make decisions.

After escaping from the emergency situation of being besieged, Duer didn't even have time to change his torn ceremonial robes, and immediately came to the headquarters to continue the meeting as a representative of the Achaemenid Empire.

"You can make a decision whenever you want. We will not force you." Horus sat directly opposite Dur. "With the support of the Achaemenid Empire in the next war, We will certainly provide help, but you have to understand that the amount of help you can receive as a convert or as a partner is different.”

Dur listened to Horus's words and rubbed the ring on his hand.

Corax spread his hands, looked at Horus for a second, and then glanced at the other brothers: "Didn't anyone notice that I left for a minute just now? If I am alone and caught by the enemy, will I wait until my head is sent to him? Only in front of you will you realize that I am gone?"

Duer watched the Lord of Flame take a bite of meat and heard him smiling and asking himself: "What concerns do you have about our merger with each other?"

Twenty-one Primarchs gathered around the tactics table, thinking together about the same war.

After listening to Duer's words, Qin Mo thought for a while and then gave the answer.

"Develop the next strategy." Horus called his brothers and went to the tactics table.

"Why are we quarreling over this trivial matter?" Angron stretched out his hand to signal the brothers to stop talking nonsense, "Corax, who is here?"

Perturabo was silent, watching Horus walk to the tactics table and formulate a series of strategies based on the idea of ​​actively looking for opportunities for a decisive battle.

So Durr didn't mince words: "What role will the Achaemenids play in the future?"

"The price of civilian industrial products is less than 0.99 Sky Eagle coins, but no one can wait to buy them. The largest industrial area on Terra is not on the land of the former Maurya Dynasty, but near the Himalayas."

The Achaemenid Emperor Durr stood up, but he did not interrupt this meeting after a year and a half, and just remained silent.

Qin Mo didn't explain too much. He knew that Du'er was not stupid. Du'er knew everything he needed to know, but as a person, he needed a psychological guarantee.

Qin Mo floated up and hugged each of the original bodies.

But this efficiency is not the original body x21, there will also be internal friction between the original bodies.

"Just deploy me into the war as a high-level combat unit." Qin Mo glanced at Luo Jia, and then looked at Horus, "Compared to you, my ability in strategy is not very strong. I was in charge back then. When commanding, you only decide whether to use the strategy discussed by Taranis and the mortal generals. According to your ideas, this is your first war after all. "

Qin Mo didn't understand for a while. The Achaemenid dialect was difficult to learn and understand.

"But you are here," said Lorgar.

Corax gave Curze the middle finger.

There were some foods on the conference table that were meant to show the hospitality of the Achaemenid Empire. No one touched the food until Qin Mo pulled the plate in front of him.

"Will the Achaemenids exist as a labor supply region in the future? Like the Mauryans did."

So the matter is stuck here, and no military action will be launched until the Primarchs themselves discuss the outcome.

That was the Lord of Fire. He left Terra a year and a half ago and went to a void facility outside orbit to conduct research on hyperdrive engines.

Guilliman noticed this small gesture, and he felt that the ring obviously had a special meaning to Durr.

"What are your plans?" Qin Mo asked.

The Primarchs nodded.

There has been no news in the past year and a half, maybe out of confidentiality...

"What Perturabo said is not unreasonable." Magnus looked at Horus.

"In other words, will the Achaemenids have a situation like this: you will set up a large number of industrial areas on this prosperous land, and then after my people come under your rule, they will have to put their youth and Life becomes an industrial product, a product that people in the Himalayas buy casually in shopping malls for 0.99 Sky Eagle coins? "

Such a straightforward question is indeed in line with the description of the Flame Lord that Duer heard from officials and delegation members.

He gave the guarantee to Durr.

"Did you take the Achaemenid civilians into account when you call the least casualties?" Rogdorn asked.

"Don't be sad." Coze nodded, "We will avenge you."

"Why did you say who came? You have been here from beginning to end. How could you find out if someone came?" Horus looked puzzled.

Corax spoke suddenly.

Qin Mo didn't ask anything else. He lowered his head and looked at the image displayed on the tactical table: "According to your plan."

"Kids, I'm back."

Qin Mo opened his arms.

"I don't agree." Perturabo directly expressed his opposition, "We should build a defense line instead of actively seeking a decisive battle and actively looking for losses. The war on the Eastern Front will end soon. As long as a Titan combat team arrives, we can end the battle at the fastest speed and with the least casualties."

Dorn was silent.

Corax looked at the door.

All the Primarchs looked at this pale brother.

Dur was more straightforward.

Perturabo was silent for a moment, then asked Dorn: "The fact is that the Achaemenid civilians in the enemy-occupied area are already suffering from slavery and plunder. Suppose you lead your legion to rescue those civilians now, how many people can you save? Under the violent rule of the tyrant, the mad king's lackeys."

"Guess who's here."

A familiar figure slowly walked into the command center.

"There is no doubt that an industrial zone will be built on your prosperous and civilized land to undertake the production of materials, but even under your rule, your people are not all teachers in schools and scholars in societies. Although you have a tradition of advocating knowledge."

"My plan is to actively seek opportunities for decisive battles, but there may not be many votes in favor of this plan." Horus answered truthfully.

"I'll take care of some things and help a little by the way." Qin Mo took the Primarchs back to the tactical table, leaned down, supported the edge of the table with his arms, observed the situation, and then looked up at Horus.

"Our military force is not weaker than the enemy, so my idea is to actively seek opportunities for decisive battles." Horus said.

Qin Mo left the tactical table, came to the conference table, and sat in front of Dur.

The Primarchs immediately rushed forward.

Horus was silent for two seconds and nodded in agreement.

Horus also looked at Qin Mo.

All the Primarchs showed surprise on their faces.

Then, Dur thought for a while, nodded, and took off his dirty and torn robes.

Qin Mo knew that the matter had been discussed, and what Durr wanted to see next was whether his people could be better protected.

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