Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 1195 Farewell

The room, which was almost filled with cables flowing with psychic energy, could only accommodate Horus himself. The primarchs stood by the door and looked at Aisha uncomfortably.

Qin Mo raised his hand.

The cables disappeared instantly.

"She felt that living like this was undignified, but in order to survive until you came back, she accepted this way of survival." Qin Mo said to the primarchs.

After hearing this, the primarchs stared at Aisha and then walked into the room.

Because they were in a hurry to come here, they took off their helmets and held them in their hands, half-knelt down and gathered around Aisha.

When Aisha saw Sanguinius curling up his wings, she reached out to him.

Sanguinius stepped forward and stretched out a finger for Aisha to hold.

"Don't feel inferior to your wings." Aisha said, "You and your brothers are born extraordinary and different. You just have one more difference than your brothers."

Sanguinius heard this sentence from Aisha more than once. When he heard it again, his wings spread gently, covering his brothers on both sides.

Elsa's eyes swept across the faces of the primarchs again, and finally fell on Qin Mo.

Elsa wanted to tell Qin Mo some truths at this time, some great truths, about the fate of the human race or the cause of the real universe that she couldn't understand, but just like she couldn't understand those things, she couldn't say it.

Qin Mo told Elsa with his eyes that she didn't need to say anything for him, the primarchs understood everything.

Elsa nodded gently and retracted her gaze.

"Maybe there are other ways." Magnus said, "Those forbidden knowledge, those..."

"I know those witchcrafts, my mother is a witch." Elsa looked at Magnus, "And I also know what those so-called methods of bringing people back to life will bring. I have witnessed a person who came back to life become like a monster... without dignity, don't let me become like that, child."

Magnus gently pinched Elsa's arm, his facial features twisted together in grief.

"I know you know it too." Aisha raised her hand and stroked Magnus' face. "You are just too sad, so you want to save him at all costs."

Magnus nodded vigorously.

"Your desire for knowledge exceeds any scholar I have seen in my 140 years of life." Aisha said, "But whether a person really masters knowledge and is truly knowledgeable does not depend on how much he knows, but on whether he can foresee what kind of cause and effect his knowledge will bring."

"I don't know much, and even compared with you children of a few years old, I seem stupid, but I have seen the fate of those who have delusions about mysterious knowledge."

"Always be vigilant about mysterious knowledge, okay?"

Hearing Aisha's words, Magnus nodded continuously.

Aisha slowly looked at each Primarch again, one after another, just like she had told bedtime stories to the Primarchs many times before, one after another.

After the primarchs fell asleep, when she was waiting in the dimensional space, there were many times when Aisha imagined what she would tell each primarch if she came to the end of the world.

She imagined many situations.

These superhumans who were born different could not come to her to do more important things, and she had to die alone.

Or there were other possible situations.

For example, she died suddenly and her soul dissipated.

Aisha wanted to prepare a suicide note full of instructions many times, but every time she picked up the pen, she didn't know what to write in the suicide note.

It's not that she has nothing to tell the primarchs, but she has no regrets. All the instructions that a person may say to the person who raised him when he is dying, Aisha, who has been nagging for several years, has told all the primarchs countless times.

Now Aisha just wants to fall asleep in the embrace of the primarchs.

Horus sat behind Aisha and let her lie in his arms.

He remembered that Ms. Aisha once said that she would never die lying down, which was not in line with her culture.

Aisha, who was about to ask Horus to help her sit up, was glad that Horus remembered this, and she gently closed her eyes.

Time passed in silence.

When Magnus suddenly trembled all over, the Primarchs knew that Aisha had fallen asleep.

It was exactly the same as falling asleep.

Aisha lay in Horus' arms, breathing normally, blood flowing normally, but no matter how Horus shook her, she had no reaction.

The withering of the soul is like the passing of consciousness, and the whole person is only alive on the physiological level.

Qin Mo stood up straight, lowered his head and closed his eyes.


In the dimensional space.

On the cradle world where the Primarchs grew up, on the plain outside the beautiful castle and countless magnificent giant buildings.

The Primarchs and Qin Mo are preparing for the funeral.

Angron knelt on the ground in pain, Lion and Leman Russ carried two large trees to the ground, and Ferrus and Vulcan picked up tools to make coffins from the trees.

Fulgrim took out the most beautiful clothes and burial objects he thought were prepared for Lady Aisha, and the other Primarchs also took out the items that they valued and related to their childhood experiences and placed them next to Aisha.

Aisha didn't expect that she could live so long, and she had already told the Primarchs about her afterlife.

Her culture was the culture of a nomadic tribe in the Terra Desert, and she was the last inheritor of her culture.

In that culture that even Aisha herself didn't know what it was called, people had to be buried after death, which meant stopping wandering and no longer having a place to stay.

Perturabo and Dorn dug a circular pit with a radius of 30 meters, then jumped out of the pit and walked to the coffin.

The brothers had already put the items they had prepared into the coffin, leaving Perturabo and Dorn.

Dorn put the collection of stories that Lady Aisha told him when he was a child into the coffin.

Perturabo took out a box and put the little girl's clothes he wore when he was a child and the leather rope used to tie pigtails into it.

The coffin closed.

"When we were young, we often came here to play after the lady fell asleep." Curze said. He himself didn't know why he said this.

Perhaps Curze thought that when he was a child, he was always the one who chose not to pretend to sleep among all the brothers who pretended to sleep.

Why would the primarchs need sleep? They just wanted to reassure Lady Aisha.

"Bury it quickly." Perturabo urged.

The Primarchs immediately cast dissatisfied eyes at Perturabo.

From the beginning, Perturabo was like an emperor who was present at Aisha's death, expressionless, and now he urged again.

Qin Mo raised his hand, and the coffin slowly floated up and landed steadily in the deep pit.

Perturabo silently stepped forward to pick up the shovel, dig the soil and bury it.

When everyone bowed their heads in silence for Aisha, Perturabo turned and went into the woods next to him.

When he came out, he was carrying a huge stone on his shoulder.

Perturabo placed the bottom of the boulder on the ground facing outward, then he squatted down and carved words on the smooth bottom of the boulder with his fingernails.

[A most loving person rests here. ]

After carving the words, Perturabo turned around expressionlessly, pushed Lorgar away, and walked towards the exit of the dimensional space.

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