"Your real universe will be safe."

"The Great Crusade will not fail, your career will not be suspended, and your dream-like ideal is not a dream, but a fact that is about to be realized."

"When Neos and I leave, I will seal the Eye of Terror here."

The emperor heard Qin Mo standing in front of him speak to him.

Qin Mo, who was standing side by side with him, was silent.

"What is it?" The Emperor raised his hand and pointed at the sun, "And how do you know my real name?"

"It's you." Qin Mo glanced at the sun above his head, "It also told me your real name."

With that said, Qin Mo planted the giant ax on the ground, reached out to pick up the necklace around his neck, and showed it to the emperor.

"In that primary reality within the Veil, at the very center of the Warp, we are friends."

"To be precise, your human nature and I are good friends."

"Your human nature chooses to leave that reality and return to the sun. This is a contract he signed with other wills in the sun, and it is also something he is willing to do, because he can direct the actions of the sun to help in the next battle. I."

Listening to Qin Mo's incomprehensible words, the emperor looked at the necklace hanging around Qin Mo's neck.

The necklace is connected to a brand.

There is a line of words engraved on it.

【Tailong Three Resort World VIP guest certificate】

"No...you look like a demon." The Emperor said warily.

Qin Mo put down the necklace and pointed to the armor he was wearing: "What do you mean? It is the Blood God, and the whip in my hand is Slaanesh."

"You accepted their reward?" asked the Emperor.

"No, it's just that they still want to trick other brothers even after they die." Qin Mo raised his whip, "You know, the never-ending internal fighting of the dark gods is called the great game. Even if they die, Want another way to play the great game.”

Qin Mo tapped the breastplate: "This is how they continue to participate in the great game."

"..." The emperor looked at Qin Mo in shock, feeling that all this was outrageous and reasonable.

"Your career is not over yet, but it will be successful." Qin Mo looked at himself opposite, "Without the influence of the gods, the human race will easily achieve any goal under the leadership of Neos, especially in the You've left the hyperdrive intact."

Hearing this, Qin Mo, who was standing next to the emperor, looked at Qin Mo under the sun, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

"Come back." Qin Mo stretched out his hand, "I'm going to fight Nurgle right away. It has taken away a lot of power from the two gods that have disappeared, so I need to be able to fight Nurgle at 100%. dirt."

Qin Mo nodded again.

He actually knows all this.

After destroying the Night Holder, he learned all about it from Qin Mo, and he was also ready to leave as a force one day to deal with the dark gods.

So, Qin Mo walked towards himself, who was shrouded in the cold sunshine.

After taking a step, the Emperor suddenly grabbed him.

"He can't just leave with you." The emperor stared at the cold sun and the other Qin Mo, "He is the Lord of Flames in this universe. He should stay here. Even if victory is certain, he should look at Until the day when the fruits of victory bear fruit.”

A directed psychic blast struck the Emperor.

The emperor's body and his projection were in a trance for a moment, and then he heard a voice coming from the sun.

"Neither he nor I had to fight for consent."

"At least you can stay here."

"Don't force me to push you on the toilet in the palace right now! Let you fall apart and then come to me and be taken away by me!"

"We are all suffering, why can you enjoy the moment when your dream career comes true! Don't push me, Neos!"


Countless sounds enveloped the Emperor's soul, and those sounds alone were enough to drive the Emperor into maddening agony.

But soon, those voices dissipated.

Qin Mo looked at the emperor of this universe and said calmly: "If I don't continue to kill the gods, this universe will not be safe, and your career will not be realized."

"Kill the gods?" The Emperor was puzzled. "How long have you been in the warp with that sun? Are you sure you are not crazy?"

"If we were crazy, then this universe would have been eroded by the power of the Blood God and Slaanesh." Qin Mo replied calmly.

As for how long I stayed in subspace...

Qin Mo has forgotten, he even forgot when he stopped counting time.

Time does not exist in the subspace and has no meaning.

But for those who fight in the subspace, it is very meaningful, although it is only a subjective false existence.

For thousands of years?

Tens of thousands of years?

Hundreds of thousands of years?

Qin Mo tried hard to recall the approximate number, but couldn't remember it.

The only memory he had was of spending time with Guilliman in the agricultural world of Tyrone before embarking on the road to slaying gods.

Under the scorching sun.

Qin Mo and Guilliman were lying on the top of the cockpit of the agricultural mecha.

The refreshing sensation brought by the carbonated drink continues in the throat.

Feel the breeze.

Don't talk about big things and serious things, there are just no small things in your head.

In the countless years since then, the never-ending battle in the subspace has never been as relaxed and leisurely as that time.

After recalling, Qin Mo thought for a while and said softly: "When the God-killing business is over, I will send him back. He is a part of me. He will not forget or die."

The Emperor was silent and turned to look at the Lord of Flame who had fought side by side with him until now.

The Lord of Flame nodded: "We all know that the gods are the biggest threat... If I need me, I will do this without hesitation."

The Emperor was still silent.

Many, many years later, when the Emperor sat under the parasol on the ridge of the field, watching the Primarchs working in the fields, he suddenly heard the familiar sonic boom and saw the figure falling from the sky, and then heard the Primarchs' extremely surprised shouts...

Before that.

The Emperor felt that the bastard wearing Khorne and holding Slaanesh said that the so-called "he will be sent back" was a lie and prevarication.

"If you want to go with him yourself, then fine." The Emperor's expression became cold, and he stepped back a few steps, crossed his hands on his chest, and looked coldly.

The Lord of Flame had a complicated expression. He stared at the Emperor for a moment, then turned and walked under the cold sun.

The powerful force that would devour psychic energy began to accumulate, and would devour the entire Eye of Terror after they left.

"I will bring you back." The Emperor suddenly said, "I can also enter the Warp. So... I will definitely."

The Lord of Flame smiled and nodded gently. After a two-second pause, he said, "Be honest with the Primarchs."

Before the Emperor could respond, the cold sun instantly dragged the two Qin Mo below into the Warp.

The material destructive force released by Qin Mo instantly wiped the Eye of Terror from this real universe.

The Emperor's psychic projection dissipated.

At this moment, the Emperor's body suddenly stood up on the Himalayas of Terra.

The deep golden pupils stared outside the Himalayas.

On the huge statue, the double-headed eagle with thunder and flames on both sides still looked shining and noble under the light.

The Emperor squatted down again, raised one hand and rubbed his temple.

"How should I tell them..."



Extra to the Mortal God IF line: Mortal God, but 30k (below).

The end is grand.

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