Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 159 Capturing the Tauren alive

"Come out." Gray said to the remaining three Astartes. He could see them hiding in the room on the right. One took out an electromagnetic pulse bomb, and the remaining two took out melta bombs.

"My mission is not to kill you all. Look, I haven't killed your battle brothers either."

Gray continued to persuade, his eyes scanning all the Astartes around him.

Everyone's vital signs were still there. Although some were missing arms and legs and some were fainting, no one died.

These guys are really tenacious, even those with missing arms and legs are still holding bolt guns and shooting, but all these shots are intercepted by the gravity shield that is turned on again.

As if they felt that there was no need to fight to the death, the three Astartes still walked out of the room, but they did not raise their hands in surrender.

"I remember you, you are a Praetorian Guard, and it was you who attacked us." One of the Astartes said.

"There is no need to waste your brain cells remembering this matter. If the Lord of Tyrone does not execute you but lets you leave, you will definitely have the relevant memories replaced." Gray shook his head, "Now you want to fight for the governor of this world. Do you want to die, or do you want to get rid of this idiot thing completely?"

The three Astartes looked at each other and fell silent.

"Send down ten teleportation protection devices." Gray ordered the communicator.

Then ten teleportation protection devices were sent down by the cruiser in orbit.

Gray put on protective gear on the Astartes, and then ordered the communicator: "Teleport them into the prison."

After speaking, Gray turned around and walked towards the passage.

Oded and Ellen, who were hiding on the third floor underground, already knew what was happening on the ground. They could see it clearly from the monitor.

Now Judge Ellen is not the calmest one, Oded is.

Because Oude had already happily accepted his upcoming fate, he sat in a chair and drank the wine he had collected, preparing to die generously.

Ellen was running around in circles anxiously. He was not sure whether the guard who suddenly rushed into the manor would kill him as well. He could only hope that he wouldn't.

"A person like Governor Tyrone, if they were placed in a relatively peaceful period of the empire, they would be directly surrounded and killed, right?" Oded took a sip of wine and spoke in a light voice, as if he was not Governor Ellen.

"Absolutely." Ellen nodded in agreement, "But he just found this opportunity, and you can't do anything about him at this moment."

After hearing this, Ode took another sip of wine and sighed: "The sky is high, the gods and the emperor are far away, man."

Ellen wanted to say something more, but then he saw a beam of light drilled out of the door. This beam of light gradually cut a hole in the door that could be entered and exited.

The two saw a Praetorian guard walking in through the hole.

"In the name of Lord Tyrone, I..."

"No need to announce it, just execute it."

Oded held the wine bottle and looked at Gray with an indifferent expression. Gray was stunned for a moment by his generous attitude towards death. Two seconds after the two sides looked at each other, Oded's head was blasted by a shotgun laser.

Gray turned to look at Inquisitor Ellen. There was nothing about this man to prove his identity.

"I am an inquisitor, and I investigate plagues in this world... none of this is my business." Ellen explained nervously.

"Okay." Gray nodded and put down his hand and ordered the communicator, "I have one more person here to teleport us to the cruiser. In addition, the cruiser is ready to return."

"The teleportation device has detected that the person in front of you is not wearing a teleportation protection device. Do you want to continue teleportation?"

"Yes, continue transmitting."

"Received, transmission begins."

After one hour.

Tyrone Galaxy, inside a cruiser docked in the star port.

"That hive world had no orbital defense weapons and no battleships. I took a cruiser and successfully arrived in orbit."

"Then I had to fight those ten Astartes, but I didn't kill them. I imprisoned them in the prison on the ship."

"There was also a judge. I knew his body was still useful, so I didn't kill him. I just let him make an unprotected teleportation."


Gray followed Qin Mo to the cruiser's prison, telling the details of his operation as he walked.

There was another person beside the two of them - Captain Foros of the Weeper Chapter.

Flowers listened to the details of Gray's narration with a complicated expression and remained silent.

"When I entered the building and was discovered, my first reaction was to kill the Astartes, but I didn't do that." Gray explained why he did not kill the Astartes. "They are the Astartes after all." Especially, they are the same people as Chapter Master Foros, they all fight for humanity, it would be a pity if they die in this matter."

Flowers rolled his eyes at Gray when he heard this.

Qin Mo shook his head and said: "They are tauren, different from the leader of Foros Chapter."

"What is a tauren?" Gray asked in confusion.

"The Astartes of the Minotaur Chapter, their symbol is a bull's head." Qin Mo said.

Upon hearing this, Gray looked at Foros, and seeing that he was not in a good mood, he immediately speculated on the possibility that there had been conflicts between the Minotaur Chapter and the Weeper Chapter.

Qin Mo's trip was not to avenge the Weeper, nor was he trying to be a peacemaker. He just wanted to know why the Astartes from the Minotaur Chapter appeared in the sector.

The three people soon arrived in front of the prison.

Ten Astartes who had been treated were imprisoned in a laser-blocked metal prison. They sat around together looking dejected.

After hearing the footsteps, the Astartes followed suit, and then they froze.


"Why are you here? Have you joined these heretics?!"

"What benefits did they give you? You bastards!"

"Why are you in Tyrone? I thought you were all dead long ago!"


Foros remained silent, recalling some things involuntarily in his mind.

In the Badab War more than 80 years ago, the entire war group was tied to the chariot by the Hurons in a daze, and then they had a big battle with the Minotaur war group.

The Minotaur won.

When he thought about this matter, Foros felt that he was going to be angry, but he couldn't curse the people in front of him who had enmity with him, because Huron's matter was the weeper's fault.

Foros was in a very complicated mood and just remained silent.

"Although you cursed remnants are poor and unlucky, you still have some wealth. We gained a lot after that war." An Astartes stood up and grinned at Foros, "You guys Those weapons, equipment and warships are quite comfortable to use, don’t worry about them, they are fine with their new owners.”

In the morning, I went to carry boxes for others. I will write four chapters first.

Working half-time is really a struggle

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