Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 168 Desperate Situation

The Dreadclaw drop pod roared to the ground.

As Vic and Sevin watched, the airdrop pods began to ignite recoil rockets and slow down. Some of these airdrop pods were destroyed after slowing down, and most of the airdrop pods still penetrated the void shield.

One airdrop pod hit the wall in the west of the fortress, one airdrop pod hit the center of the fortress and directly penetrated the building and fell into the ground. Other airdrop pods landed further away or out of sight.

Vic didn't know what modifications Sewyn had made to accurately calculate the landing points of these airdrop pods, and also arranged for troops to defend them, but he knew it was useless.

The reason is simple. The airdrop pods that fall towards the fortress are all Dreadclaw airdrop pods.

These drop pods, painted red and decorated with brass, sprayed flames and fired melta weapons in all directions after landing.

The infantry of the Skitarii who were waiting were burned by the flames, and the heavily-equipped servitors and vehicles were destroyed by melta weapons. Only the heavy weapons on the city walls could still fire at the airdrop pods.

The mortal Chaos cultists pouring out of the drop pods fell in droves.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

A terrifying roar sounded, and some execution masters and berserkers rushed out of the drop pod. These Chaos Space Marines killed the people nearby at extremely fast speeds.

When the rangers and vanguards come face-to-face, they will be beheaded by the executioner master wielding a giant ax, while the berserkers will disrupt the formation of the skitarii present.

Only the Rustseekers can compete with these bloodthirsty lunatics, but there are not many of them and they will be beheaded after killing a few people.

The Oathbreakers warband will chop off whatever comes their way, even a robot's head.

Vic calmly withdrew his gaze and continued to observe other places.

The battle situation I just saw was pretty good, but the battle situation in other parts of the fortress was much more severe.

Those airdrop pods that smashed into city walls or some buildings gained terrain advantages, and they would not be exposed to the muzzles of various heavy weapons after exiting the airdrop pod.

"Some enemies are attacking the Void Shield." Sevin's eyes flashed as he spoke. He was obviously checking the situation in other places in the fortress. "If we let them paralyze the Void Shield, the consequences will be disastrous."

Severin gave orders while talking as before, quickly mobilizing manpower to defend the void shield.

Sewing continued to observe the situation elsewhere.

Through the eyes of a Skitarii Vanguard, he saw one of the largest Chaos Space Marines, wielding a huge ax and killing people in the corridors, causing rivers of blood to flow in his path.

The blood of various colors gathered together and flowed forward in a way that was completely inconsistent with the laws of physics, seemingly guiding the way.

The fortress is very large, and Sevin would not be nervous if he saw this enemy elsewhere, but the person he is currently using to observe the environment is the Marshal of the Skitarii stationed in the tunnel at the bottom of the tower.

The next second, Sewyn saw a giant ax sweeping towards him.

Sewen's body trembled, the light in his eyes disappeared, and he looked helplessly at Vic: "You saw them, they are coming."

Sewing has transmitted the scene he just saw to Vic. Through this extremely efficient communication method, Vic can instantly learn about Sewing's thoughts and everything he knows.

Then both of them realized that they could no longer stay at the top of the tower and had to move, so they walked together toward the secret room below the tower.

"We can kill it." Vic took out a melta bomb from under his robe as he walked.

"No." Sevin stuffed the melt bomb back under Vic's robe, then patted his back. "With all the modifications I've made, it won't be a problem to kill the one with the axe."

This sentence is not about holding on even when death is imminent, but because Sewyn is really confident. He is the most enthusiastic and radical person about mechanical transformation. He can exchange STC for mechanical prosthetics. He killed a Space Marine. It's not difficult.

But just when Sewing thought he had a better chance of winning, he saw the situation in another passage of the tower.

Five execution masters were walking through the corridor.

"Trouble." Sewing suddenly felt something was wrong.

The odds of winning against a total of six Space Marines were slim, and now that airdrop pods were attacking everywhere in the fortress, troops could not be mobilized to defend a tower that only had residential and observation functions.

Finally, Sevin made up his mind and continued to rush to the secret room with Vic in silence.

"We may not be able to hide in the secret room." Vic said.

"There is a door in the secret room that is difficult to open. I can give orders to the marshals of the Skitarii Corps inside and let them continue fighting. At least I cannot die before the orders are issued." Sevin responded while thinking in his mind Think of a strategy that can run automatically.

Through a large number of rules, these Skitarii at the southern end of the Forge World will not become chaotic, but can still form a force that blocks enemy attacks.

Sewen and Vic gradually came to the secret room. Sewen entered the biometric verification password to unlock the door of the secret room and walked in.

Vic didn't follow.

Severn stared at Vic. This time he didn't send any communications or speak with his iron mouth, but just looked at Vic.

Severin's entire face has been metalized or electronicized after undergoing excessive mechanical modifications. Vic cannot read any biological information from his expression, but Vic, who still has half of his face and one biological eye, can still To convey some biological information to Sewen.

Severn read the expression and eyes on half of Vic's face, realized what he was going to do, then turned around and entered the secret room and closed the door.

Vic stood in front of the closed door, stretched out the mechanical arm holding various weapons from under his red robe, and pointed it at the corner of the passage ahead.

Sewyn in the secret room began to make final arrangements, while Vic stood outside the door and waited.

Traces of blood could already be seen gathering at the corners of the corridor, which pointed the way for enemies looking for the commander.

Vic detected that six biological signals were getting closer and closer to him. He realized that there would be a big battle next, and he would inevitably be defeated.

They may have their heads chopped off, they may be tortured to death...

Vic felt frightened and trembled all over when he thought of these. When he realized that he was frightened, he remembered that he had forgotten to turn off some physiological functions.

After turning off the fear mechanism, Vic waited calmly, ready to fight and die.

As the footsteps and gasps got closer and closer, Vic suddenly remembered something. He reached out and took out the STC template previously obtained in the Tyrone Galaxy from the storage compartment in the heart.

If this STC template fell into the hands of the enemy... the thought of this made Vic feel worse than death. He would rather destroy this thing himself than let it be defiled and desecrated by the enemy.

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