Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 175 Dark Apostle

Foundry Area 4.

Since the death of the Ruler, more and more enemy forces have poured into the Engine Foundry and other nearby foundries, eventually taking control of these areas.

Some of the civilians died at the beginning of the war, and then some died during the looting. The remaining small population was scattered in various industrial facilities in the foundry area, either hiding in places where they thought others could not find them, or taking weapons. Weapons for resistance.

The resistance activities in Forge 4 were the most serious. Three Oathbreaker Chaos Space Marines and an adjutant named Kvain were withdrawn from the front line and led a hundred thousand mortal servants to exterminate the resistance in the entire Forge.

When the armies of the Oathbreakers warband, led by Kwaine, entered the Forge, preparing for a bloody war with the Resistance, they could only see the ruins of industrial facilities everywhere in the Forge.

Neither the Chaos Space Marines nor the mutated mortal servants think there are living people here, because the air quality in this casting area is even better than other casting areas.

But Thorax's lieutenant, Dark Apostle Kwain, doesn't think so.

As an apostle of dark beliefs, Kvain is able to receive evil revelations and then act upon those revelations.

At the entrance to the forging area, Kvain held up the scepter with the symbol of Khorne and ordered to the Oathbreaker Space Marine beside him: "Go and bring the prisoners here."

The Space Marine was not very fond of carrying out orders from Kvaine, but he obeyed after seeing the scepter in his hand, and returned shortly after leaving to bring over the prisoners Kvaine had requested.

Kwaine walked up to his prisoner and looked him over.

The prisoner's head was held by the Space Marine's big hands, and his mechanical legs hung weakly on the ground.

Mechanically modified parts can be seen everywhere on the prisoner's body, including a nose, an iron lung, and a pliers hand that has been modified to be more suitable for industrial production...the quality of these mechanically modified parts is so poor that even a layman like Kwien would despise it.

"Look at what you look like." Kewei En looked at the captives with disgust, and a low voice came from his mouth, "The fake emperor's lackeys I saw were miserable enough, you bullshit Wan Ji Shen's lackeys What’s worse, you are simply slaves.”

"I'm worse than a slave, but I know that if I fall into your hands, I will most likely be tortured to death. I won't even be qualified to be your lackey." The prisoner said, glancing at the members of the Oathbreaker warband. Looking at the mortal servants, he observed through their life as captives these days that these servants were already very high-status people among the traitors. Those weaklings with weak bodies would most likely be skinned and hung on the iron pillars.

"What do you know?" Kvain looked down on the prisoner with disdain and said as if he wanted to join him: "Wouldn't it be nice to become servants of the Blood God together and kill those priests and other bastards who oppress you on the battlefield? ?”

The prisoner opened his mouth and spat at Kwaine.

This sputum was more like lubricant used to lubricate the mechanical respiratory tract. It emitted fluorescence in the pitch-black environment, and burned Kwaine's eyeballs after falling on them.

"Give me a happy death, coward." The prisoner continued to stimulate Kwaine, and shouted words that were unpleasant to the ears of these traitors, "For the God of All Machines! For the Messiah of Ohm!"

Kevin wiped his face and complained helplessly while working.

"I really don't want to waste energy on rituals in this place."

"If you were smart, I would give you a happy death."

The prisoner watched Kwaine's every move nervously. This guy was waving the scepter in his hand, not knowing what he was doing.

After a while, the captive found that his body was levitating, a large amount of blood was pouring out of the pores of the body, and the skin attached to the limbs fell off like a sol.

The intense pain made the prisoner want to scream, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he could not scream. Many horrific and horrifying scenes flashed before his eyes, torturing his spirit.

The blood flowing from the prisoner's body was suspended like a thread, connecting to all parts of the No. 4 Casting Area.

Kvayn didn't need to give an order. The men of the Oathbreakers warband knew what to do. They divided into small groups and followed the blood line to various parts of the Forge.

When the first person reached the end of the blood line, he found metal tiles on the ground that could be moved.

Others gradually discovered pipelines connecting industrial facilities, and channels used to transport molten iron underground in the foundry area.

These discoveries mean nothing to Kvain. Who doesn't know that the Forge World is full of pipelines and underground structures. At a casual glance, you can see thousands of pipelines connecting industrial facilities together. The key is these chaotic pipelines. Where will it ultimately lead.

The blood line continued to extend to point out the way for everyone, and Kwain ordered everyone to move forward along the blood line.

These pipes are more mazes than mazes. Some places are big enough for tanks to walk through, some places can only be crawled, and some places even have to remove all the decorations on the body to squeeze through. It is annoying for those who walk through it. chaos.

But fortunately, this was not in vain. When some of the people led by Kewein followed the blood line into the underground cave, he saw many people resting or training here. Some of them were Skitarii soldiers, but most of them Most are civilians.

Kvain looked at these civilians with a smile, raised his scepter and ordered: "Kill the skitarii and those who have undergone severe transformation, and take away all the rest."

The Chaos Space Marines and mortal servants charged at the survivors, easily wiping out the Skitarii soldiers and servitors before they could react and organize resistance. Some civilians with minor mechanical modifications were also affected along the way, but it was irrelevant. critical.

"Go and pile up the heads of the dead!" Kwaine ordered again.

The mortal servants immediately did so, removing the dead man's heads and heaping them together.

This pile of skulls is not just a random pile. If you want it to have some effectiveness, you must meet some hard conditions. Therefore, when the number is not enough or the shape of the pile of skulls is not perfect enough, you need those controlled civilians to fill it.

Eventually the skulls piled up into a small mountain, and those of the Forsworn Warband felt warlike in their hearts when they saw it, while others either rushed towards the Chaos Space Marines with bare hands or felt nothing but fear. I was so scared that I had to be careful even to breathe.

The people who suddenly became furious were slaughtered. Kwaine looked at those who were too frightened to move and gave them orders: "Don't move, wait until we come back."

These civilians had all participated in the resistance, but now they suddenly lost any fighting spirit. They knelt near the pile of skulls like slaves. They nodded tremblingly after hearing Kwein's wishful command, unable to produce any resistance in their brains. idea.

"Keep going." Kwaine nodded with satisfaction, turned around and led the others to continue moving forward.

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