Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 309 Past Events

"Not the enemy!"

"Open the city gate!"

The heavy alloy gate slowly rose, and the officer who had seen Yaoen help deal with the gene stealers led two people out of the fence and brought Yaoen closer to the 100th District.

Chen Ye jumped directly from the seven-meter-high wall, came to Yaoen and asked him excitedly: "Are you coming back to help me?"

"No. I'm here to investigate a matter." Yaoen asked, "What do you know about the death of the usurper."

"It's not a usurper, it's the former governor." Chen Ye corrected Yaoen's wording, and then motioned him to look at a larger house in the block. "The person involved is inside, go and ask them."

Yaoen rushed over immediately.

When he opened the door and walked in, he saw darkness, the air was filled with a strong smell of disinfectant, and there was only a broken bed and a sofa in the whole house.

A frail young man was lying on the bed, and another old man was changing his dressing.

The old man was obviously a psychic. His eyes were sewn shut, and the suture scars extended from his hooked nose to the corners of his eyes.

The psyker just glanced at Yao En, then suppressed the discomfort and continued to change the young man's dressing.

Yao En immediately asked: "Are you the one..."

"Yes, I am the psyker who can predict the future, and then the former governor was killed under my nose." The psyker directly answered what Yao En wanted to ask.


"The person in front of you is the grandson of the late former governor." The psychic seemed to have been asked before, and Yao En could give the answer as soon as he opened his mouth, "His name is He Qizheng."


"He was injured during the battle in the Underhive." The psyker continued to answer, "You and that adult have been to the Underhive, and you should know about our cleanup of gene stealers."

Yaoen immediately walked up to He Qizheng and scanned his wounds.


A case comparison of the wound in the database revealed that the wound was caused by a genestealer who was pure but not quite pure.

"You're lucky, the genestealer who hurt you is of impure blood, otherwise you would have been decomposed into mud by its claws." Yao En said, taking out an injection that looked like mercury from his jetpack.

He Qizheng was too weak to move or speak, but he still shivered violently when he saw that he was about to be injected with mercury.

"It's okay, kid." The psychic comforted He Qizheng, "There are nanomachines used to repair wounds. They will replace your necrotic and damaged biological tissues and organs."

Yao En looked at the psyker while He Qizheng was injecting the medicine.

This guy's psychic talent is very extraordinary.

A layer of silver attachment appeared on He Qizheng's wound. These attachments began to destroy the necrotic biological tissue and quickly repaired the body.

"Thank you..." He Qizheng let out a long sigh of relief. The pain that made him break out in a cold sweat disappeared, and he felt extremely relaxed.

The psychic helped He Qizheng sit up, "Now it's time for you to answer this adult's doubts."

Yaoen looked at the psyker again.

The psyker even knew what Yao En was going to say next, so he answered him in advance: "In my eyes, you are the ashes of a soulless person floating in the void, but I can see that He Qi and I are talking in the future. What kind of words and what happened to us.”

"Okay." Yaoen didn't want to delve into these mysterious things and still focused on what he should do, "You..."

Yao En wanted to ask directly how the governor died, but as he spoke, he suddenly became confused about another thing.

That's why District 100 went to the bottom nest to clean out the gene stealers.

From an individual point of view, the Gene Stealers have little to do with District 100. They have not launched a rebellion for the time being, and even the top brass of the hive city may not know about the existence of Gene Stealers...

So Yaoen asked He Qizheng a question.

The latter replied calmly: "Revenge. In the 100th District, a total of twenty-five babies and sixty-three teenagers were stolen in seventy years."

"What a damn bug." Yaoen suddenly thought of his children. He suppressed the urge to go to the bottom of the nest and kill them, and continued to ask: "How did the usurpers in the nobles' mouths die?"

"Those nobles are pouring dirty water on his head. My grandfather is not a usurper." He Qizheng raised his head and looked at the roof. This question made him fall into memories, "My grandfather and I were together a hundred and twenty years ago. Just the same, just an ordinary person in the next nest, a bug in the mouth of those nobles."

Yaoen did not interrupt He Qizheng's memories and listened quietly.

"Although he later became the Governor, he was no different from anyone else when he was young. When the then Governor wanted to find a wife for his mechanical hound, there was a man in the 100th District whose lover was taken away. Mine My grandfather only laughed at the unfortunate guy in the pub with his other friends."

"Until his best friend's wife was to be married off to the then Governor's mechanical hound."

Speaking of this, He Qizheng looked at the psychic.

"His grandfather and I were born together and grew up next to each other." The psychic nodded.

"Then my grandfather and he worked together to find a way to save people and kill the mechanical hound. When they came back, they found that they had become wanted criminals. The two of them went to hide in the bottom of the nest... The governor easily resurrected the dead hound, and continued to give this A hound seeks a wife.”

"After my grandfather secretly returned to District 100 to meet with relatives and friends, he learned everything that had happened so far, and suddenly realized that some things could not be ignored, so he decided to completely end the atrocities of the then governor."

"The rebel army is overwhelming. When the rebel soldiers, who are as poorly equipped as the militiamen here, come to the streets, the gang members and civilians will come out with various weapons, and they will join the team without saying a word. They went from nest to nest and then to the top of the tower, and even the priests and nobles of the state church joined their ranks."

Speaking of this, He Qizheng suddenly became excited, as if he was in the midst of those past events that made his blood boil.

"My grandfather killed the governor and his hounds and was crowned governor by a priest in front of everyone."

"He began to improve the living standards of the hive people, established connections with the agricultural world of Beisiu No. 7 to exchange supplies, and established process standards for many things that were decided by only one idea... He did a lot."

He Qizheng's eyes moved from the roof to Yao En, and his tone suddenly became low: "Then he was assassinated when he was old. A psychic who can predict the future, a man who has been guarding my grandfather since the first war. Guard captain for ten years..."

"Even the toilets in the mansion are guarded by guards. There is no corner that is not within the sight of the guards."

"Then my grandfather was assassinated anyway, and just as the captain of the guard moved his eyes from him to the candle, he fell to the ground with most of the guards in the room."

Hearing this, Yao En looked at the psyker: "Didn't you foresee his grandfather's death?"

"The prophecy is not a complete picture, but a flickering picture that seemed to have no meaning at the time and a voice that echoed in my ears. I spent a hundred years honing my talent before I could sit down and be able to Listen to the words of the prophecy and put them into order," the psyker replied.

"But it's not that everyone didn't see the assassin." He Qizheng recalled with his eyes closed. "At that time, I walked to my grandfather's room and wanted to ask him for money. In the corridor, I suddenly heard a noise in the ventilation duct. When I When looking towards the entrance of the pipe..."

Yao En listened with wide eyes and ears.

He Qizheng took a deep breath and continued: "I saw a tail, a long and slender tail."

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