Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 382 A Webway Gate

"Home-style Ironman? Huh?"

Heat Death walked towards 025 and used the printing device to help 025 repair the potholes on his body.

025's combat effectiveness far exceeded Heat Death's expectations. He also thought that this home-type iron man could only defend himself.

"If I didn't develop into a combat type, I wouldn't be alive now." 025 was quickly repaired, and then asked Heat Death, "What are you going to do next?"

"I want to install an engine on the Blackstone Fortress and take it away." Heat Death walked to an open space and used a printing device to quickly create a dimension engine.

This dimension engine is just a simple version. It has no function other than being able to bring objects into the dimensional space. It doesn't even have a protective barrier.

But this is what Heat Death wants. It knows that there are still many people in the fortress, and these people are hidden in every corner, but it doesn't matter. When the fortress enters the dimensional space, all creatures with souls will die.

"I know you want to take the Blackstone Fortress away, but what are your plans after giving this thing to your creator as a gift?" 025 asked.

This really put heat death into question.

Heat Death had not thought about this when he was sent to find Blackstone Fortress.

Thinking about it now, after finding the Blackstone Fortress and sending it back, it was time for him to return to the Iron Man Mothership.

"Go back to the mothership." Heat Death said, "It's really not a good place. It's dark and cold, and there's a bastard AI that lied to me and said it was my creator."

"Then maybe we can go together, after you send the Blackstone Fortress back." 025 suggested.

Then during the printing process of the dimension engine, 025 talked a lot about adventure.

It proposed that Heat Death could go on an adventure with it, traveling around the galaxy, collecting treasures left behind by human beings in their glorious past, and searching for the surviving Iron Men of their kind in the galaxy.

Heat Death refused without hesitation: "I still have my own responsibilities, and I am not a free iron man."

"Did humans make you? Can humans still make iron men today?" 025 asked.


During the conversation, the dimension engine had been printed. Heat Death turned to look at his kind and asked: "You said before that the Jin people... what is the difference between them and today's humans?"

This was the first time that Heat Death heard the word Jinren. Before that, he thought that there was only one name for human beings: human beings.

"The difference is huge, both in terms of technology and biology." As he said that, 025 took off a projection device from behind, and when he clicked the button, a yellow arc-shaped object was displayed on the device, "This is an ancient earth-like object. The fruit of the period is called banana.”

"So?" Heat Death looked at 025 in confusion.

"On a biological level, bananas are closer to humans in ancient times than to humans today," 025 said.

Heat Death was stunned for a long time, and finally felt that 025 was just joking. It knew that humans had made many modifications in order to adapt to the environment of the planet, but it was by no means less similar to their ancestors than bananas. After all, bananas are also fruits but not biology.

While the two iron men were talking, a dimensional rift opened in front of the Blackstone Fortress, and the entire fortress jumped directly into the dimensional space, slowly moving forward amidst the waves of time and space in the dimensional space.

Every minute and second passes, the Blackstone Fortress can advance several light years until the energy of the dimensional engine disappears and the fortress is spit out by the dimensional rift and returns to the real universe.

This place has entered the empire's sphere of influence, and an imperial navy patrol fleet is sailing in the galaxy.

The fleet immediately discovered the Blackstone Fortress, which was out of the dimensional space, and came closer to inspect it.

Guilliman had ordered the Imperial Navy to be released, but the Imperial Navy had not yet received the news. They thought it was an enemy fortress and immediately launched an attack, even mobilizing the entire sector's military forces to deal with what they imagined was coming. A Black Crusade.

The dimension engine of Blackstone Fortress quickly recharged, sending the fortress into the dimensional space again.

Qin Mo informed Guilliman that the Blackstone Fortress would pass through the empire's territory, just to prevent him from taking it as a precursor to the Black Crusade after getting the news. He did not expect that the empire's current information transmission efficiency would immediately allow the various naval departments to All received news of release.

While sailing in the fortress, 025 remained silent.

Until Heat Death broke the silence: "You can go to the Tyrone star sector with me."

"Do you think there can be a place for me?" Although 025 was waiting for the invitation from Heat Death, it still asked cautiously, because it was not sure whether human beings could accommodate an Iron Man now.

Because the intelligence of Heat Death is too high, and considering the technology currently mastered by humans and their ban on artificial intelligence, 025 even began to suspect that Heat Death is not an iron man created by humans, but an iron man implanted in the human soul. of iron man.

"Of course it is your place." Heat Death persuaded, "The humans there are just like the people in the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar. They are not extreme or ignorant. They are willing to accept us and trust us."

"Did you come from the dark technological age?" 025 said, "I have been to the Five Hundred Worlds. People there do still have rationality, but they are not able to accept the existence of Iron Man."

"Believe me, you can." Heat Death was very firm.

Seeing it like this, 025 thought about it and finally nodded in agreement.

Blackstone Fortress continued to sail, but Heat Death did not continue to wait in place, but asked 025 if he knew anything good in the fortress.

After arriving at the Blackstone Fortress, Heat Death blended into the expedition team of the Black Mechanicus, and then started a confrontation. Until now, it has taken control of the fortress, and it does not know what place is in this fortress.

Hearing people from the Black Mechanicum talking, they said there was a treasure in the fortress, but Heat Death didn't know where the treasure was or what it was.

"You really asked the right person." 025 turned around and motioned for Heat Death to follow him.

The two iron men walked in circles in the core area, and finally came to a dark and narrow passage.

This passage is too narrow to allow an iron man to pass through.

"This is the road leading to the secret room, but I don't know what's inside." 025 said.

Heat Death decided to see for itself, so it let its brain separate.

Iron Man's body stayed on the spot, his head with tiny mechanical legs entered the passage, and crawled toward the deepest part.

025 cannot go in, so we can only wait where we are.

After a moment, there was an explosion.

Heat Death's headless body straightened up instantly, and then fell backwards.

025 squatted down in a panic and tried to repair Heat Death, but the technology it mastered was not enough to repair it. It only knew that Heat Death's head was damaged at the end of the tunnel and its body lost remote control before it fell.

But fortunately, 025's help was not needed to repair it. The printing device on Heat Death's body began to restore its original head.

"There is a webway gate inside." Heat Death got up from the ground and raised his hand to straighten his head. "It's just that there is a little defensive device inside... Fortunately, the webway gate was not damaged by the defense device."

"That's good." 025 nodded.

Heat Death did not explore other places where good things might be hidden, and turned around and returned to the core area to wait.

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