Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 406 Sad Birdman

The war on the plains is about to have a winner

Heat Death stood there holding Skarbrand's head high.

The vampires retreated from the perimeter of Heat Death.

The blood god's laughter echoed in the smoke billowing above the battlefield.

Khorne did not strike Heat Death with an ax like it had previously done to crush the Iron Man's giant battle-body army, and it did not want to do so because it really liked the Iron Man named Heat Death too much.

The entire war ended with the Iron Man's defeat at the beginning. Millions of Iron Man were slaughtered by the demon army after the giant battle body was destroyed, and their heads were all piled up.

As the war progressed, the Ironmen changed their tactics and fought back. This time the Ironmen used the tactics that Khorne liked. They gained the advantage, won, and killed Skarb in the battle against the general. Rand, and the victor carried out a brutal and painful execution on the defeated.

The two sides fought back and forth in the war.

The strength of both sides makes the battle between them a brutal flesh-and-blood battle.

This pleased Khorne.

From Khorne's point of view, there are two flaws.

The first point is that Skarbrand is too stupid to use clever tactics and amazing strategic arrangements, but it has the courage to lead the army to advance under artillery fire. Generally speaking, it is okay.

The second point is that these iron men have no soul or self. They have no feelings whether they are killing or being killed. They are simply disgusting soulless puppets.

But Heat Death is different. Khorne can see that Heat Death has its own thoughts, and it is proud and satisfied that it can kill Skarbrand.

Khorne cannot see Heat Death's soul and cannot interfere with it, but as a Chaos God in the Warp, it can see many things that ordinary humans cannot. It feels that Heat Death is simply surviving and continuing to fight for its creator. It can bring about many killings and wars that it likes.

The future is promising.

As for the technology used by Heat Death in the previous battle... Khorne does not hate technology, especially technology that can make war more cruel and terrifying.

Technology is the crystallization of mortal wisdom. The technology developed by countless mortals who have spent their entire lives and energy is fundamentally different from the witchcraft that can make battles unfair with the flick of a finger.

Khorne can laugh and watch the giant battle body kill its vampires like a massacre, but it does not want to see Skarbrand being set on fire and exiled by all the battle bodies. Instead, it wants to see it be destroyed by the enemy. Kill with an honorable duel, that's why it destroyed the giant battle body and its own trebuchet troops with one axe.

All in all, Khorne was very satisfied with the back-and-forth war.

When Skarbrand was killed in the duel, it can only be said that his skills were inferior to others. He should have been convinced by the defeat and continued to hone his combat skills.

Khorne only cares about whether the head is severed, not whose neck the severed head is attached to.

If Heat Death were a human, or another species with a soul, Khorne would have enchanted him on the spot, but now he can only think of other ways to reward him.

The Blood God's eyes are still on the battlefield, because the war is not over yet, but the focus is no longer on Skarbrand but on Heat Death.

The demon army that lost Skarbrand's command did not fall into chaos, but still maintained order. They quickly decided on a new commander, which made Khorne very satisfied.

However, the demon army can no longer confront the Iron Man head-on. Those soulless iron puppets have become far superior to the vampires due to the blessing of technology. Even the most ordinary individual can deal with three vampires at the same time, and their number is still small. There are so many.

The demon army began to retreat.

A retreat that does not serve tactics and strategy.

This makes their blood gods not very satisfied.

The iron men pressed forward step by step, but soon suffered setbacks.

On the west side of the plain, a group of Tzeentch demons and Nurgle demons emerged at the same time. They cooperated with each other to launch long-range bombardments against the Iron Man.

The long-range bombardment with flashing blue flames wiped out the iron men in pieces.

Germs that can infect even Iron Man's steel body have rendered many Iron Man incapable of fighting.

The reason why they joined the battlefield in time is because a great demon of Tzeentch ran to the demon army of Nurgle and persuaded a great unclean one, asking the great unclean man to cooperate with him to help defend the eight towers on the plain, otherwise The direction of the war will be changed.

The Great Unclean One asked Nurgle, and Nurgle responded that you can do whatever you want without asking me, so the two demonic armies joined forces and came to support.

In the past, the demon army of Khorne led by Skarbrand would not cooperate with the demon army of Tzeentch, because the demon army of Khorne adheres to the principle that no one who plays sorcery can deal with it, but the situation is different now. I can only hold my nose and endure it.

The great demon who led the Tzeentch Demon Army to promote cooperation was named Vlad.

Vlad wanted to trick Khorne into fighting Nurgle's demon army more than promoting cooperation, but Carlos felt that the war would not go well if this continued, so he threatened Vlad to use the Staff of Tomorrow to kill Vlad if he did not obey his orders. Ladd's mouth turned into limp noodles.

Vlad wanted to ask Carlos what he was thinking. Even the Lord of Change had just deceived one of his demon lords and the army led by the demon lord to go to the Soulless Ones to die. Why was Carlos so concerned about the war situation?

But there is no way, who let Carlos hold the Staff of Tomorrow and the Book of Destiny? If Carlos wants to defraud someone, it is really a good deception.

Vlad often performs military reconnaissance missions deep into the realm of Khorne in the Warp. Of all the Metamorphos, he is the one who knows the temperament of Khorne and his servants best.

In order not to let the demon army of Khorne be misunderstood for their good intentions, Vlad prohibited the demon army he led from using witchcraft. In addition, the demon army of Khorne is now at a disadvantage. The leader is not Skarbrand, so there is a high probability of cooperation. success.

While the changelings were bombarding the Iron Man, Vlad found the Daemon who led the Khorne demon army and used verbal hints to help him think of a strategy that would please the Blood God.

Everything about war, whether it is bloody battles or tactics and strategies, these are what Khorne likes. A character who can use exquisite tactics and strategies when leading troops in war and whose personal force is very powerful will get the Blood God even if he is an enemy. A blessing, a blessing that even if you don’t want it, you can’t do it.

So just as Vlad imagined, after seeing that the Tzeentch demonic army did not use sorcery, the current situation forced it, and his servant came up with a brilliant tactic, it pinched its nose and tolerated cooperation, And continue to pay attention to the battle situation.

"You don't need to change your combat body, just continue fighting." The mothership intelligence gave an order to Heat Death.

Different methods must be used to deal with different demon armies. In the battle with the Khorne demon army just now, the mothership intelligently learned this.

A new Iron Man unit is teleported to the battlefield. This unit is not a melee Iron Man, but a giant combat body.

The demon army of Tzeentch, which poured out firepower on the Iron Man, was the first to be bombarded by the giant battle body. When the first round of bombing was over, 60% of the demon army led by Vlad was expelled.

Tzeentch changelings are not able to sit back and relax in the blast wave like the vampires.

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