Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 464 God of Life

The equipment made of living metal emits jumping electric light. At the square door-like metal structure, a bit of golden light suddenly appears, and then the golden light curtain unfolds, and the entire door is activated.

"What is this?" Guilliman stepped forward and asked.

"Network." Qin Mo only said two words.

Guilliman nodded in a daze. In his impression, the Eldar Webway Gate was very different from this boxy shape, so he did not immediately realize the function of the gate.

The shape of the Eldar's Webway Gate...

Very strange...

Not an ordinary monster...

"This is the second thing I brought back from the subspace. No, I should say, it's a life." Qin Mo raised his head and stared at the entrance to the webway.

Sanguinius stepped forward and watched with bated breath like Guilliman.

The emperor possessed by Vanessa frowned, suddenly feeling that things were not simple.

Before the beings in the Webway came out, they had already noticed something was wrong.

Guilliman's hair changed from mixed white to pure gold, and Sanguinius felt as if his spirit had been healed.

Vanessa's body, which was damaged due to the Emperor's possession, instantly recovered.

The four of them waited with bated breath.

After ten seconds, nothing appeared.

"Come out." Qin Mo said to the gate of the Webway, "I can enhance the structure of reality. Slaanesh can't do anything to you."

After hearing this, the people in the network channel came out.

One leg came out of the web channel first, as if testing the water, and then the second leg and the whole person came out of the web channel.

It was Elsa who escaped from Nurgle's clutches.

"Five hundred worlds!" Guilliman exclaimed.

The life in front of you is like a work of art, not perfect, but exquisite enough.

Every hair, expression, and skin of hers seemed to be shaped to highlight the word beauty.

The Emperor turned his head and glared at Guilliman, but he had to admit that the beauty of this alien god was comparable to the perfect image he had condensed in the eyes of others.

Aisha first smiled and saluted Qin Mo, and then saluted everyone present, including the emperor.

She seemed very polite, not only to thank Qin Mo for rescuing her, but also because she was the most indecisive, sentimental, and cowardly among the gods of the spirit race.

Elsa bowed and stood close to the webway gate, like a frightened kitten.

Before arranging the meeting between the two original bodies, Qin Mo had contacted Aisha, not face-to-face, but using a communicator.

Elsa didn't dare to come out of the webway because she was afraid that she would be captured by Slaanesh as soon as she came out.

The beauty of this Eldar goddess of life had some subspace elements, but Qin Mo was not affected. He turned his head and looked at Guilliman: "She can help you heal your wounds. You will never have to take a bath wearing the Armor of Destiny again."

Elsa nodded and raised her hand to Guilliman.

The divine power with subspace content is attached to Guilliman's neck, and his wound cut by his brother is recovering rapidly.

This is something that material power cannot do, because Guilliman's body is not just injured, but the essence of his soul is damaged by Fulgrim.

"Can she help me ease the torment I endure on the Golden Throne?" the Emperor asked.

"Of course, her power can allow you to be painlessly drained of psychic energy by the Golden Throne." Qin Mo nodded, but then said: "But before she helps you, you have to convince your imperial army not to hack her to death. .”

Hearing this, the Emperor looked at his thirteenth heir: "Guilliman..."

The one who can convince the Forbidden Army is not the Emperor, because if the Emperor really wants to order the Forbidden Army to release Aisha, then Trajan, the commander of the Forbidden Army, will receive many orders, one is to let him hack the alien evil god to death, and the other is to make him fast. Click Release.

Only Guilliman could do this, at least he was not crazy and Trajan listened to him.

"I understand, Father." Guilliman nodded, "Even if you just said very hurtful words, I will still find ways to alleviate the pain you are suffering. Who makes you the Emperor? The Emperor's orders cannot be violated."

"I should have designed your mind more carefully from the beginning..." the emperor said.

At this time, facing the goddess of life of the Eldar race, the emperor was not too extreme, although his human side was gentle...

The Emperor saw many possibilities in Elsa.

A cowardly, stupid, easily controlled crybaby.

And this crybaby's ability is exactly what humans need.

All it takes is a bottle of antidote that Aisha casually researched, which can save countless mortals suffering from the Nurgle plague in some parts of the empire, and the cold sun formed by the convergence of many wills is either weeping or responding to them one by one. pray.

The prayers of those mortals ring in the Emperor's ears, and he is willing to pay any price to have them saved.

"Let's get down to business." Qin Mo looked at Aisha, "Is it true that Enad, one of your Eldar gods, can kill Slaanesh?"

Elsa did not confirm or deny: "There is no death among the Ada gods, so I don't know what kind of ability Enad has... Resurrecting him can kill Slaanesh. This is an ancient legend. "

"It is said that after the complete destruction of the Elda race, the death god Enard will be born, and with the revenge and grudge of the entire Eldar race, he will stab Slaanesh with a sword and kill this evil god."

"I cannot deny that the birth of Slaanesh is closely related to the Eldar, so there is still a possibility that the Eldar god can kill Slaanesh, especially a god like Death."

Then Elsa said a lot more.

About the concept of the Eldar.

As a species designed by the ancient saints, the Eldar are no longer a simple race that is a product of bioengineering.

The powerful psychic talent of the Eldar.

The prosperity and fall of the Eldar.

This series of factors all have an impact in the real universe and subspace. The gods created when this race falls may certainly have powerful power.

Finally, Aisha explained by giving an example: "For example, when the last human being dies in front of the Golden Throne, their leader will be promoted due to the demise of the human species, and will launch a sleepless war against the four gods with a desire for revenge. , every human soul will rush from the sea of ​​souls to their species leader, and then become a powerful boost. Something like this."

These words made the Emperor think deeply.

Qin Mo asked: "So, why didn't the Annihilators create this kind of god? Aren't they a powerful and prosperous race?"

"Whether they are prosperous or powerful is not the decisive factor in whether they can make a big splash when they are destroyed." Aisha shook her head slowly, "They have no psychic talent and are purely real-world creatures."

Qin Mo nodded, thinking that no wonder there was no movement at all when the souls of the whole clan of the dead were eaten by the Star God.

I originally wanted to save the manuscript, but I didn’t save it, so I’ll post it first.

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