Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 489 The Three Giants of the Second Empire

The communication efficiency of the Tyrone Star Sector is the most extreme.

When Ryan was discovered by the stone men of the Karis system, news of the return of the No. 1 Primarch immediately spread to the upper levels of the sector.

The news was then relayed to Guilliman by Qin Mo using a communication station in the dimensional space.

There is a direct communication device between the Primarch and the Lord of Talon.

Guilliman was quite happy when he received the communication request.

The work pressure during this period made him breathless, and Qin Mo was also a person with a sense of humor. When talking to him, Guilliman did not need to worry that his little humor would be treated solemnly by others because of his identity as the original body. .

But after the dimensional communication was connected, Guilliman saw Qin Mo with a serious expression.

"The Red Pirates are attacking you again?"

"Of course not. Someone more troublesome than the Red Pirate has appeared in my sector."

Guilliman became serious and listened quietly.

Qin Mo opened his mouth, pondered for two seconds, and then closed his mouth again. He was obviously organizing his words and thinking about how to say something.

After a few seconds, Qin Mo organized his words and said with a smile: "You will not be the only one to deal with the mess in the future."

"Sanguinius may have just met his heir, but I can't drag him to Terra to deal with the mess." The only person Guilliman could think of to handle imperial affairs with him was Sanguinius.

But Guilliman had thought about Sanguinius before, and he didn't want his brother to leave the company of his heirs so soon to deal with the many things that might make the angel's hair grow gray and his wings fall off.

Besides Sanguinius, all Guilliman could think of was the Stoneman Assistant.

During his first trip to Tailong, Qin Mo said that he could arrange for a stone assistant.

Super artificial intelligence is indeed very tempting, but it is difficult for Guilliman himself to immediately accept the use of artificial intelligence in violation of the Crimson Agreement, even if reason tells him that the AI ​​created by the Star God will indeed be very useful.

"No, not Sanguinius, but Lion." Qin Mo said.

After hearing the name Lion, Guilliman seemed to have the word "confused" in capital letters on his face.

When he stood in front of the mirror and looked at his white hair, Guilliman wished he had a brother who could help him.

The question from his mother, Mrs. Euton, echoed in his ears when he expressed the same emotion ten thousand years ago.

"Even Ruth?"

Guilliman thought, yes, even Russ.

And now, Ryan... can do it too.


Guilliman was silent, thinking, and did not reply for a long time.

During the Horus Heresy, when the Five Hundred Worlds lost contact with the Imperium, the three Primarchs formed the leadership of the Second Imperium.

Ryan was the Warmaster at that time.

But Guilliman would not think that Lion had a good relationship with him.

Ryan just had no choice at the time, and he had a very good relationship with Sanguinius, so he agreed to be the Warmaster.

Assuming there was no Sanguinius at the time, Guilliman speculated that Llane would most likely strike him.

"Don't worry, he's not so irritable now." Although Qin Mo has not seen Ryan after he wakes up, he is very sure that Ryan is not as extreme and irritable as before.

When Tyrone's Gate was established, Anreda reported that he went to a planet called Caris and persuaded the locals to join the Tyrone's Gate defense zone.

Qin Mo just listened but didn't pay attention to it. It was only now that he was sure that the Karis on which Ryan would wake up was a planet in his Tyron's Gate defense zone, not the same name.

Assuming that the Battle of Cadia was not won, Cadia was destroyed, and a great rift spread across the galaxy, then the Tyrone Sector would be on the dark side of the Empire.

As for why Ryan woke up early, we don’t know yet.

"I hope he's not so irritable." Guilliman sighed.

The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds is quite happy to have another brother return now, but he is inevitably worried about what Ryan will do in the future.

For example, the "Code of Astartes" split the First Legion.

Then both Guilliman and Qin Mo fell silent.

The former was still thinking about the Holy Code, and how to make him understand the importance of the Holy Code at that time when he saw Ryan later.

Qin Mo was thinking that the return of Guilliman and Lion was inevitable, while Sanguinius's return, which was not a return, was caused by himself.

This is simply assembling the Big Three in order to summon the Second Reich.

"Send my brother here as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid he will cause trouble at your place." Guilliman broke the silence.

"Of course." Qin Mo nodded, "He will arrive in Terra soon, and with him will be five engineering ships used to build the star gate."

When he heard about the Star Gate, Guilliman instantly became energetic.

"Humanity must get rid of subspace navigation as soon as possible. Since there are temporary difficulties in promoting the dimension engine, it is better to use another super-light speed method. This method is not as useful as the dimension engine, but..." Qin Mo smiled, "But you This is clearly needed.”

Guilliman was so excited that he didn't know how to thank him.

Although the dimensional engine and the star gate are both technologies from Tyrone, their different forms alone will lead to different opinions from others.

Reaching another galaxy through an unknown dimension? no.

Go through a door to another galaxy? OK.

"No need to thank you." Qin Mo pressed the end button on the communication device with one hand, and punched his chest twice with a fist, "I support you."

Communication ends.

With a smile on his face, Guilliman opened the drawer and gently placed the communication device inside.

Qin Mo also put down the communication equipment.

In the research facility at this time, the scholar was sitting cross-legged on the ground, sensing every move of Lord Caliban.

"Has the fleet I sent received Ryan?" Qin Mo asked, then picked up a piece of soul crystal and stuffed it into his mouth.

The Tyrone Navy has dispatched the First Fleet to pick up Ryan.

Both the Glory of Humanity and the Lord of Tyrone were in the First Fleet, which was a good representation.

"No." The scholar shook his head, "He is not on Caris."

"What do you mean? He won't get on a cargo ship and run away, right?" Qin Mo knew that some merchant ships would go to Terra to install dimensional engines on the ships of the big shots in the High Lords Council.

Not so.

The scholar used his spiritual energy to perceive Ryan's every move in confusion. In its sight, Ryan was traveling everywhere, not even always in the real universe.

But Ryan quickly stabilized. He had an extra shield in his hand and an extra set of armor on his body.

The scholar informed Qin Mo of this situation, and Qin Mo was not surprised.

"He's got the Emperor's Shield."

"Navigating the fleet to the world where Llane was finally stabilized is his special ability, which is why he woke up in Caris instead of the Monolith Fortress."

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