Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 498 The Lion King and the Blood Angels

The First Legion flagship finally came to a stop in the system where the trading post was located.

The captain picked up the communicator and shouted to the management of the trading station port.

"This is the flagship of the original body. We will be given priority to enter the port immediately."

And managers responded to the captain.

"What's your identity and what's your configuration? A ten-kilometer-long broken-down flagship?"

"Shut your stinky mouth. I didn't call the members of the Tribunal to show you face. If you bark again, I will destroy you!"

After hearing this elegant and easy-going response, the lion king was instantly furious. He rushed to the captain, grabbed the communicator and cursed loudly.

But after scolding for a long time, there was no response.

He lowered his head and looked at the information screen.

The other party hung up.

There is no way, now the Lion King and the Lion Guards can only wait for the ship to be pulled by the tractor beam of the star port.

During this period, Ryan stood in front of the porthole and looked at the entire galaxy in boredom.

This is a blood-red galaxy.

The light of the stars and the surface of the planet are all blood red.

This reminds Ryan of a certain good brother's home world.

"Does this make you emotional? Son of God?" the captain asked.

Ryan's performance at this time is enough for mortals to guess what he is thinking through his emotions.

The original body was trembling slightly and his eyes kept blinking, very sad.

Ten thousand years ago, Lion did not participate in the defense of Terra, let alone the Vengeful Spirit. He did not even follow Guilliman to deal with the aftermath of Terra.

That was why he didn't know about the Codex Astartes.

If he had been on Terra back then, he would have definitely struck down Guilliman with his sword.

In short, Ryan didn't know what happened to Terra before he fell asleep, but he occasionally had a premonition.

During his previous uncontrolled travels among the stars, Lion had seen Sanguinius beside the Fisher King.

Sanguinius was not beautiful at that time, his whole body was like a ball of mush.

"Sanguinius, my best brother," Lion said to the captain, "His home planet is just as fucked up as the planets we see here."

"But..." the captain was stunned for a moment, "Is this Baal?"

"Ah?" Ryan was surprised and walked to the star map to observe carefully.

The word Baal was not written on the star map, but icons of trading stations and other planets for collecting resources were marked.

"Here you are, sir." The captain took his portable device, and on this device with the Tyrone logo, the name, laws, and customs of the current area were marked.

Ryan shook his head silently after reading it.

never mind.

Anyway, since Sanguinius is gone, there is no need to disturb his descendants.

What Ryan wants to do now is to slowly line up to enter the starport, then personally log in to the trading station with a family emblem full of craftsman style, appear in front of the management and the Rogue Trader family, then borrow something and set off again.

But just as Lion King's flagship was slowly queuing up, a Blood Angel Chapter strike cruiser slowly approached the queue in front of the trading post.

Since the end of the Battle of Baal, Dante has asked Klein to permanently deploy a trading post next to the gas giant called Set in the Baal system. First, it is convenient to have a trading post, and second, he wants Klein to help form a gas giant. The mining business provided an income to Baldo, who was in dire straits after the war.

Klein naturally agreed, and operated the trading post on Baal in the same way he operated the trading post in Tyrone.

He asked Dante to arrange for companies of the Space Marine Chapter to be patrolled aboard strike cruisers, and Dante agreed.

He asked Dante to arrange for workers to go to the gas extraction station, and Dante agreed.

He asked Dante to establish laws for trade and industry, and Dante agreed.

This is why strike cruisers appear near the Lion's flagship.

Because this flagship, which looked nothing like a flagship except for its flag, was too strange, the strike cruiser immediately dispersed the other battleships in the queue, approached the flagship, and aimed all its main guns at the hull.

"My lord!" The captain panicked and raised the communicator and offered it to Ryan, "They asked to talk to us!"

Ryan took the communicator.

"This is the first company of strike cruisers of the Blood Angels Chapter. I am Captain Karan."

"Your warship is disguised as the flagship of a certain primarch. This is disrespectful, but under Baal's rules this is not something that needs to be punished."

"But you are in Baal, and I suspect that you want to defraud the merchants in the trading post, so now get down to the boarding point, kneel down, and put your head on the ground for inspection!"

After hearing these words, Ryan's forehead suddenly had veins, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the descendants of the angel could not be blamed for this matter, so he endured it.

Blood Angels transport planes then boarded the ship at their designated boarding point.

When everyone in the flagship except the Lion Guard and the Lion King went to the boarding point to kneel to greet them, the transport plane door opened, and Karan led the battle brothers and blood slaves into the ship.

An entire Terminator fighting team.

More than twenty blood slaves.

As the company commander, Karan personally stepped forward and took out a quill and parchment to record the number of people present and the battleship information. While staring at the words he wrote, he reprimanded these mortals: "Who gave you the courage? Who allowed you to pretend? The primarch flagship is showing off on the market? How dare you?"

"I dared them."

The sound of vicissitudes of life sounded, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

Karan looked away from the parchment and turned to look at the visitor: "Whatever you are, just let them use the original body..."

The Blood Angel Captain was stunned.

When he turned his head, what he saw was not a human face, but a person's chest. When he raised his head with difficulty in the Terminator power armor, he saw an old face that had experienced vicissitudes of life.

That is Lion King Ryan.

Karan had never met a Primarch other than the Gene Father, but the Gene Father had told his past to the entire regiment and analyzed each Primarch to his descendants.

Ryan is the grumpiest one according to Gene Father.

Karan even remembered what the father of genes said at that time...

Deep within the Citadel of the Sanguinius, Sanguinius sat within the vessel that held his living metal body, preaching to his Scions who sat around him.

"It's unlikely that you will run into Ryan, but if you do, respect him as much as you respect me."

"Otherwise, father? We really can't get along with the Dark Angels, including their original body..."

Karan asked Gene Father.

Sanguinius grabbed Kara'an's hand and put his big hand on Kara'an's head: "Otherwise he will punch your head away from the Terminator Armor with one punch."

Recalling this, Karan took a breath.

However, Ryan did not use his fists that could blow people's heads away. He just looked down at Karan: "So can you get out of my flagship now?"

"Are you really the first original body?" Karan was a little doubtful.

The lion king in front of him was obviously completely different from what the father of genes told him.

The difference is huge.

"I have a way to prove my identity." Ryan stretched out his hand to hold Kara'an's head and clenched his fist with the other hand. "As long as you agree, I will prove it right away."

The Blood Angel Space Marines and Blood Slaves immediately aimed their guns at Ryan.

Lion may or may not be the Primarch, but whether he is or not does not mean that he is going to attack a Captain while others can only watch.

Karan signaled the brothers to calm down, and then looked directly at the Lion King: "Actually, we have another verification method."

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