Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 535 Happy Demonic Army

Valens and Burroughs spent more than two months on Yax.

There was nothing wrong with their health and they should have been able to return to the army, but the Soulless doctors insisted that there was something wrong with Valens and Burroughs. They had not seen anyone who had been in direct contact with the Plague Marine virus and still survived. So I want to study it for a while.

The Tyrones brought medical teams, engineering teams, and huge amounts of supplies.

All the wounded can eat hot food, and even have fruits and small cakes before going to bed. Although Kalidomas, the medical commander of the hospital world Yax, thinks this is not necessary, the soulless doctor believes that they can get sugar and vitamin supplements. The wounded will recover faster and the psychological trauma suffered in the war will be repaired faster.

Callidomas thought this reason was nonsense.

The sugar is supplemented by sugar cubes, and five hundred worlds can produce enough sugar cubes.

Vitamins and other things, Five Hundred World can also use industrial extraction of vitamins to make medicines. Isn't this more useful than fruits and small cakes?

But Kalidomas cannot deny that those fruits and cakes can indeed provide more psychological comfort than vitamins, medicines and sugar cubes, and the recovery rate in the hospital world has been increased by about 2%.

Yax's life is so beautiful that even Valens, who has an overwhelming sense of responsibility, gradually becomes dependent on Yax.

But it's not all good on Yax.

For Valens, one thing bothered him.


Valens had another nightmare today. In his dream, he came to a swamp surrounded by forests.



A familiar voice suddenly sounded in Valens' ears. He looked around and saw his good brother Burroughs.

Burroughs was wearing a hospital gown and wandering the swamp like a ghost.

"Damn it!" Valens yelled, but he still rushed towards Burroughs desperately, wanting to take his good friend back.


When Burroughs counted another number, another man in a hospital gown emerged from the forest. Like Burroughs, he seemed to be crazy and wandering aimlessly.

"What are you doing!" Valens

"Three!" Burroughs ignored Valens and continued counting, but this time no one showed up.

"Four!" Burroughs said the number again, "Five!"

A woman and a soldier appear.

"Okay, okay, you are much smarter than Ogryn. Should we go back now?" Valens said, "Brother, the smart guy?"


A man appears. He seems to be sane, but as soon as he appears, he is so frightened that he falls to the ground and vomits.


A bearded man came out of the woods.

Valens suddenly remembered that he had seen this bearded man when he lived in the hospital world.

His name is Garstand.

"What happened? Valens!"

Garstand staggered towards Valens and questioned him.

Valens froze in place, breathing rapidly and his pupils dilated.

At this time, Garstand had no eyes, and fat leeches hung on his face.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven." Burroughs continued counting.

At this time, everyone present had a change.

Garstand took out a dagger and cut open his stomach, and countless flies flew out of his stomach.

The body of the previous woman had been extensively ulcerated.

Others also have all sorts of weird situations.

Even Valens himself, who is still sane.

In the swamp, Valens looked up at the sky and counted like Burroughs.

"one two three four five six seven."

The sky in Yax became extremely strange. The original beautiful starry sky was gone, replaced by the illusion of a twisted and dirty garden, like a mirage.

Seven swollen void whales slowly fell from the sky. They were plague arks that could transport Nurgle's demonic army from the subspace to the real universe.

The first plague ark quickly landed on the ground, and the countless flies accompanying it covered the moon and plunged the earth into darkness.

Jumping Nurglings emerged from the Plague Ark. These Nurglings played cheerful music and even started dancing.

"Septicemia, septicemia! The seventh lord of the seventh demon palace! It's coming!"

The big demon named Septicemia squeezed out from the void whale's eyes and waved to the demon army with a smile.

"The Black Death! It's coming! It's coming!"

The second plague ark landed, and another fat demon walked out of it. It was the most cheerful of all the Nurgle demons. When it appeared, the music played by the Nurglings reached its climax.

Then all the plague arks landed, and the plague lords also walked out one after another.

Bad throat, beggar...

A total of six Great Unclean Ones appeared, and they were the commanders of the Nurgle Demon Army who came to the material world.

But there are seven plague arks, and the demons still have to face the last heavyweight monster.

"Ku'gas! Ku'gas! Ku'gas, the father of the plague!"

Kugas, an extremely fat man, appeared in a sedan to the sound of cheerful music.

"Stop singing, stop singing!"

"This is not the place to play music, please be serious!"

Kugas scolded the demons while slapping those demons who were still playing music with his hands.


"Honored Father Nurgle!"

In the sound of Kugas' reprimand, Septicemia commanded its demons to play music even more cheerfully, while Black Death just danced directly. Its fat short legs often wrapped around its own intestines, but it didn't care. I would rather break my intestines and continue playing music and dancing.

"Why does there always have to be music?" Kugas asked Sepsis.

"Because Father Nurgle needs to be happy!" Septicemia said and continued to play more cheerful music.

Kor'gas is at odds with all Nurgle demons, for he dislikes cheerfulness.

Ku'gas was once just a Nurgling sitting on Nurgle's cauldron. He accidentally slipped into the cauldron and drank the plague that Nurgle had brewed.

By the time Kugas reacted, it had become a big demon soaked in the crucible, and then he realized that he had taken away the perfect plague created by his respected father.

Nurgle just stood over the pot and laughed at Ku'gas' antics.

Ku'gas felt very guilty, but Nurgle didn't care. He just fished Ku'gas out and started cooking the plague again.

Favor and tolerance made Kugas feel even more guilty. It vowed to create a perfect plague for its father, and in its view, acting in the name of Father Nurgle was a very serious matter that required concentration.

Septicemia and Black Death are just squandering the love and tolerance of their respected fathers, and are not professional at all.

Soon the laughing colleagues shut up, but Kugas was not happy because the reason for shutting them up was bad.

The previously opened rift leading to the material universe has been completely closed, and the entire sky has turned into a pure starry sky.

In the beautiful mountains directly in front of Nurgle's demonic army stands a series of giant fortresses. The black stone creations in these fortresses are exuding the power to contain the subspace.

This even caused a void whale to be crushed by its own weight, and the bursting internal organs and blood rushed out the demonic army contained inside.

The wounded in the hospital world have been transferred to various cities in the center of the defense line, because the souls of the injured cannot withstand the suppression of the black stone, and they cannot be placed directly in the fortress.

"There is nothing on this planet that can kill us."

“Spread the will of the Father.”

Sitting on the palanquin carried by the Nurglings, Kugas raised his hand and pointed to the mountains.

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