Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 547 Alloy Skeleton

The battle in the city of Hekaton has reached the cleaning stage.

Although the battle is not completely over yet, everyone is relieved, because according to past experience, this stage of the battle is usually not difficult.

But the reality exceeded everyone's expectations.

When the Sons of Antaeus opened fire and demolished the building, another building behind the street suddenly collapsed, and five huge, fat monsters rushed out of the ruins, howling and slapping everything around them, even disturbing the Sons of Antaeus. their front.

Those green freaks are Nurgle's Chaos Spawn.

Just like the bombs previously installed in dark corners, it gave the defenders an unexpected effect.

These five chaos eggs have the characteristics of their special species, such as a long mouth with long teeth. At this time, the chaos eggs in Hekaton are much larger than ordinary chaos eggs, and can reach about seven meters in height. And they also have bodies as strong as poison blade tanks.

Along with the Chaos Spawn, hundreds of Plague Marines appeared out of nowhere.

The soldiers of the Five Hundred World Auxiliary Army and the Tyron Army surrounded the Chaos Egg and fired a volley.

The laser rifle cannot penetrate the body of the Chaos Eggs, but it can contain them and prevent them from attacking the Sons of Antaeus who are reorganizing their formation.

Every time the Tyrone Army's rifle fires, it can turn part of the rotten flesh of the Chaos Egg into "quicksand", but like digging a mountain with a spoon, this level of attack cannot completely destroy the Chaos Egg.

The Fallen Angels, Black Dragons, Burning Falcons, and other Space Marines who came with the 44th Regiment rushed over to help, and the Battle Sisters naturally couldn't stand by.

Just dealing with the Chaos Eggs is not a big deal, but the problem is that there are also Plague Marines interfering, and the battle becomes fierce and chaotic.

In this chaotic battle, the red-armored nun, the colonel of the auxiliary army, and Grote, the commanders of the three armies, stood together before the war started. Now they are also facing a chaos egg at the same time.

The Chaos Egg howled and flew Groat's Ogryn guards fifty meters away, and its large mouth dripping with rotten pus let out a deafening howl.

The red-armored nun subconsciously wanted Grote and the colonel to retreat. After all, they were just regular armies and had never dealt with such things as chaos eggs.

They should feel scared and then recoil in fear and run away, this is normal.

But the colonel did not run away. After trembling for a while, he rushed forward with his chain sword raised.

Grote's reaction was even more violent than the colonel's.

He was completely unafraid.

Facing this monster called Chaos Egg, which had swatted away the Ogryn guard who had accompanied him from squad leader to captain of the 44th Regiment, Groat felt that his entire chest was filled with anger. The war in Groat's genes His instinct drives him not to escape but to fight to the death when facing more terrifying monsters.

Grote held up the gravity hammer and rushed forward one step ahead of the red-armored nun.

The Gravity Hammer, this weapon that originally belonged to the Guards, is the only proof that Groat once served as a Guardsman.

The Chaos Egg instinctively roared towards Groat.

Groat, who rushed towards the Chaos Egg, also roared in rage at the mouth that could swallow a car when opened, and then hit the Chaos Egg's mouth with a hammer.

The gravity hammer smashed the Chaos Egg's mouth into pieces and twisted it. The Chaos Egg's huge body leaned back, and its tentacles kept waving, accidentally hitting the auxiliary army colonel who also rushed forward.


Groat roared like a monster. The face under the power armor helmet had an extremely ferocious expression. Thick saliva stuck between his upper and lower teeth. The roar in his throat could not even be covered by the helmet.

But no matter how brave he was, Groat was still knocked out by the Chaos Egg and smashed straight into a relatively intact house next to the street, smashing three pillars and smashing them into the wall.

The colonel who had been shot away earlier no longer dared to rush over.

This is how normal people react.

But Groat, who was shot away and broke his arm, not only showed no fear at all, but also stood up from the ruins, took out an epinephrine from his waist and inserted it into the damaged part of the power armor, and once again raised the gravity hammer to charge towards the Chaos Egg. .

"The God Emperor." The red-armored nun sighed in her heart, "He looks like a green-skinned person!"

The Chaos Egg focused on Groat and charged towards him.

Groat was no Ogryn, and the power armor he wore couldn't protect him from the slapping of the Chaos Spawn.

But just when the arm of the Chaos Egg with a huge sarcoma was about to slap Groat, and Groat was thinking that he could smash the Chaos Egg while being slapped to death, a strange scream rang out.


A missile fell rapidly from the sky above the Chaos Egg. Grote didn't know if he was crazy or something. He saw that the missile had eyes and a mouth.

The missile screamed and penetrated into the body of the Chaos Egg, then exploded.

The resulting shock wave knocked Groot and the red-armored nun away.

"What the hell?!"

Grote got up from the ground, enduring the severe pain and observing his surroundings.

Finally, five hundred meters away, a person was marked in the enhanced vision displayed by the visor.

Looks like a human.

Human structure, human skull, human limbs.

It's just that it's all made of alloy.

That guy looked like a skeleton made of alloy, but it was a particularly strong kind of skeleton.

Its armored limbs are stronger than those of a Space Marine, and its height reaches three meters.

He was holding a weapon with the same physiological structure in his hand.

That is definitely not a Necron warrior!

Because the skull structure of the Necrons is different from that of humans, their warriors and the like do not look like that.

While Groat was still observing, the red-armored nun had already opened fire on the Iron Skull.

A series of explosive bombs hit Iron Skull's body with several sparks.

The Iron Skull lowered his head, touched the scratches left by the bomb, and then raised his head to look at the red-armored nun.

Grote suddenly felt something was wrong and shouted to the red-armored nun: "Get away!"

At the same time as the roar sounded, the weapon in the Iron Skull's hand turned into a spear, and when the weapon changed, it had already thrown the spear.

The red-armored nun rolled to the side to dodge, and after a series of clean tactical movements, she stood up, and then her body stagnated.

He looked down and saw that the spear had come out of the belly of the force feedback armor.

"Hello, madam." The spear with biological structure glanced at the nun, "I don't want to penetrate you, but I also don't want to be punished by my master."

The Iron Skull raised his hand, pulled out the spear from the nun's abdomen, turned into a drone and flew back to the skeleton.

After the Space Marines had eliminated all the Chaos Spawn and the Plague Marines arrived, Groat looked again and saw that the Iron Skull was gone.

The red-armored nun covered her bleeding abdomen and knelt down weakly.

Grote rushed to the nun, took out a potion from behind and inserted it into her neck.

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