Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 630 Death of Desire

Legend has it that when the six Phoenix Lords gather together and place their weapons in front of the statue of Kane, they can summon the incarnation of the god of war, Kane.

It is basically impossible for the six Phoenix Lords to gather together.

When the Arkworld faced life and death, and the Eldar had to summon Kane to incarnate to fight the enemy, only a person comparable to the prophet level could stand up and sacrifice himself in exchange for Kane's arrival.

Ahla couldn't find the other five Phoenix Lords, but he was a Phoenix Lord himself.

He is not a believer of Kane, but he just has the more powerful ability to summon the incarnation of Kane.

Ahela even knows a more forbidden summoning method. The Kane summoned by this summoning method will be more powerful and controllable.


"You cowardly god, you so-called god who is destined to be terminated by mortal beings."

Ahla walked towards the statue of Khaine and placed her hand on its surface.

Under the outer shell of the idol, fire and blood surged.

The statue itself is a treasure collected by Ahla, and now, the statue will become a tool for Ahla to win an inevitable victory.

The Thunder Warriors have already entered the warehouse.

The road is still straight and there are still many enemies, but on the road ahead, the space is no longer vast, but is made up of levels and rooms.

The Thunder Warriors didn't know how to describe it, or how to perceive each room, or even whether those "rooms" were rooms in the human concept.

It can only be described as best as possible as an abstract object created by a race with richer senses.

When the Thunder Warriors were inevitably delayed for some time due to observation, the pursuers also arrived.

The Haemonculi came with the various twisted and powerful creations they had created, and the warriors belonging to Victor's conspiracy stood behind the twisted creations.

With just a cursory glance, Bendis could count nearly a thousand enemies.

It also includes some vehicles and even a fighter plane called the Razor.

The Dark Eldar would never have dreamed that six Thunder Warriors who were unable to move without the medicine of the Haemonculi would suddenly attack the portal, and they did not know how these Thunder Warriors knew the location of the portal.

But by now, the Thunder Warriors' advantage of surprise has been completely lost.

Enemy reinforcements have already caught up.

"To die with glory."

Bendis gripped the spear tightly, let out a calm war cry, and walked towards the enemies with ease.

But he was held down by Gunter's arm.

"You won't get a glorious death here at this time." Gunter pushed Bendis back and looked at his other subordinates, "Guys, I can fight side by side with you, and I can lead you. My pleasure."

When the old chief said these words, the other five Thunder Warriors already knew what he was going to do.

The aliens are still advancing and will be here soon.

Behind you is the entrance to the maze-like room, but if no one can stop the enemy for a while, they will still be overtaken.

"We can die here together."

someone said.

Gunter shook his head slowly: "No, we are not a group of dispensable trash who have no goals and are born to run to death."

Bendis hesitated.

"I don't like sensationalism." Gunter turned around and faced the incoming alien army. "You must open the portal before you die. I don't want people outside to tell us that we are a group of people who have done nothing but die. guy."

Bendis nodded silently, took the two knives that were almost worn out by Gunter, and then handed over his spear.

Gunter nodded and looked at Bendis for one last second before the Thunder Warriors parted.

Bendis took over the command and led four other Thunder Warriors into the entrance.

There is a reason why the Thunder Warriors can still exchange a few words when the enemies are coming. The previously killed alien left behind a defensive device, which created a barrier between the Thunder Warriors and the alien army.

Countless dense light points washed away the barrier, and the aliens advanced while shooting tentatively.

Gunter turned around to confirm that his men were indeed gone, then he took steps and walked in the opposite direction to Bendis and the others.

The only decent thing about this thunder warrior is the spear in his hand.

His makeshift armor looked as crude as greenskin armor.



Every time Gunter took a step, a heavy muffled sound would spread throughout the space.

Before a person decides to die generously, his past will flash through his mind.

Gunter suddenly recalled what happened when he was a slave under a certain warlord in Terra. One year, he did not receive any reward, but only received an object that was said to be equal to the reward - a very ancient storage device.

Gunter read out the contents of the storage device, and then he saw things from the ancient Terra era. At that moment, he felt that it was worth it even if he didn't get paid.

There was some information in the storage, and Gunter learned that the place where he lived was originally called the Eastern Ocean, further east from where the Lord of Lightning and Thunder was born.

There is also a story in it.

A powerful warrior faced the warlord's lackeys. His troops were decimated, but he was fearless and stood in front of the rushing army with weapons in hand, as calm as a magnificent statue.

Then the soldier shouted one sentence before facing his own death.

After becoming a Thunder Warrior, Gunter believed that the ending of the protagonist in the story he saw was the ending of his life that he wanted to usher in.

The memory ends.

Gunter slowly came behind the barrier, only two meters away from the barrier.

The tall body stood still.

The spear in his hand was rotated twice by the agile and powerful wrist, and finally hit the ground at his feet.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go!

These were the words that the protagonist in the story roared before his death. Gaunt didn't understand the meaning, but he knew the pronunciation.

Although there are tens of thousands of people there, I will challenge many enemies alone until death for a great goal.

This was the glorious death Gaunt longed for.

A giant stitched freak named the Twisted Abomination breaks through the barrier first.

Gunter let out an angry roar, and the spear in his hand went from bottom to top, instantly piercing the body of the abomination.

The special metal that made up the spear decomposed flesh and blood, and the abomination's body began to disintegrate. A missile launcher nest sewn on his right hand fell to the ground.

At this time, more and more enemies rushed into the barrier. Gunter picked up the missile launcher nest, holding a gun in one hand and an explosive weapon in one hand, killing every enemy who came close to him or near the entrance.

Bendis, who was running inside the entrance, could only hear roars, explosions, and screams coming from behind.

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