Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 680 Dimensional Research Point

Seven days after the Imperial Regent and Warmaster's fleet arrived at Tyrone.

Tyrone star sector, star system number 188.

A transport plane that uses electromagnetic power to travel at faster than light speeds flies into the star system.

Guilliman, Qin Mo, the Emperor's human body possessing Vanessa are in the cabin.

"This is the residence of the Star God Saranoga."

Listening to Qin Mo's brief description, the Primarch and the Emperor stood by the window and looked at the entire galaxy.

There are three stars in this galaxy, and the strange thing is that these three stars orbit a planet.

It is impossible for a planet to have the gravitational pull of a star to orbit it, but since this is the abode of a complete star god, anything is possible.

The three stars themselves have also been transformed. They are covered with silver shells. This silver shell outputs almost endless energy to the planet. It is a device similar to a Dyson sphere.

"The New Thunder Warriors program will take place here."

"The Thunder Warriors will be shaped into a more perfect and powerful combat unit."

Qin Mo and the Emperor came to the residence of the Outsiders for only one purpose - the New Thunder Warrior Project.

The Emperor's humanity harbored guilt over the Thunder Warriors, so he intended to participate in this new project that would make the otherwise flawed biotechnological creations perfect.

After Guilliman heard about the new Thunder Warriors project mentioned by Qin Mo, he first thanked Qin Mo for treating him as one of his own and directly told him about the new Thunder Warriors project.

Secondly, Guilliman expressed the hope that he could also go to the residence of the Star Gods.

Guilliman came to the Tyrone sector for three purposes.

The first is to meet Chagatai.

The second was to convince Talon to join the crusade against the Eye of Terror.

The third one is that he wants to meet the Star Gods, because he has too many questions in his mind that need to be answered.

"Are those Star Gods friendly? Will they answer the questions I want to ask?" The Lord of Ultramar moved his eyes from the window to the Lord of Tyrone.

Guilliman had many worries about this trip.

"As you can imagine, of course they are not friendly." Qin Mo shook his head, "But they will answer questions and answer your doubts."

Guilliman nodded.

"What do you want to ask, son?" Vanessa said, her eyes glowing with golden light.

Qin Mo didn't know what Guilliman wanted to ask. At that time, he and Guilliman finished soaking in the sea water, and then Guilliman hurriedly offered to follow him to the residence of the Outsiders.

"As for closing the Eye of Terror, we need the Star God named Void Dragon to create more black stone obelisks to completely close the Eye of Terror," Guilliman said.

"Then what?" the Emperor asked again.

"Then there are historical questions about which the Trust History Research Association wants to seek answers through me." Guilliman did not go into detail.

The Association for the Study of Credential History is an organization established by Guilliman before the Plague War.

There are many scholars in this organization who were persecuted because their ideas or research conclusions were different from the state religion, and were sent to the stake or sent to work as slave labor in areas with cruel environment.

Guilliman rescued these scholars in time and allowed them to participate in the study of the imperial history.

Now the history of the entire empire has been distorted, and the people of the empire don't know what the Horus Heresy is.

According to the Ecclesiarchy and other Imperial institutions, the cataclysm that led to the God-Emperor's ascension to the Golden Throne was a battle between the Emperor and his nine noble Sons against the minions of demons.

Guilliman didn't want the people of the Empire to know that the Great Heresy 10,000 years ago was an internal struggle within the Emperor's family, but he needed to let the Empire's decision-makers know more.

"Do you want to explore the origin of mankind?" Qin Mo asked.

Guilliman nodded: "Yes, this is a very important thing. Maybe it does not have any substantive effect, but it is definitely very important, believe me."

Very important.

Qin Mo nodded thoughtfully.

It was so important that Guilliman had to meet the Star Gods in person and ask questions...

"They will tell the truth." Qin Mo promised.

Within the planet where the Outer Ones reside, all geological structures from the core to the crust have been hollowed out.

Every twelve square meters of space from the earth's crust to the earth's core is sealed by metal chambers with no entrances or exits.

That metal is an energy metal originally created by Saranoga, the outsider. There is a more microscopic energy absorption and conversion structure in the atomic structure of the metal. If it is used to construct a war machine, it means that the war machine does not need to install an engine, nor does it need to be installed. Energy supply issues need to be considered.

And in the secret chambers where stacks of this unique metal structure fill all the space from the earth's core to the earth's crust, there are devices that lead to another dimension. These different dimensions are unique because of the various unique properties they have or do not have. Assigned by Saranoga for a variety of unique research sites.

In the dimension leading to the secret chamber near the core of the earth, the gods and all the surviving Thunder Warriors gathered here.

Five Thunder Warriors headed by Bendis were placed in the container.

In a state of clear consciousness, watch those transcendent beings busy.

When Qin Mo, the Emperor and Guilliman entered the dimension, the busy Star Gods looked at them.

"Look who's here."

"Master of Genetic Engineering!"

The one who said this was the Burner, who was obviously a little dissatisfied with the progress of the new Thunder Warriors project.

It's not that there are difficulties, it's that the people who should have personally come to improve the defective products they made are now late.

"How is the plan going?" Qin Mo asked.

"It's not bad. Even without the help of a certain genetic engineering master, it's not difficult to improve those defective products to a good level." Saranoga floated over.

The outsider's eyes fell on Guilliman.

The original body is also a kind of super warrior, but unlike the thunder warrior, the original body's warp content is a bit too strong.

The C'tan, unable to understand the Warp, felt ill at the mere sight of the Primarch.

The C'tan cannot shield against the Warp and psychic energies, but their presence can strengthen the fabric of reality.

Although they never said it, Lane and Jaghatai would feel uncomfortable when they were in the star sector.

Especially when you are in front of the Star Gods, the feeling of discomfort is particularly strong.

This is the mutual exclusion of two different beings.

But the strange thing is that Guilliman did not feel any discomfort in facing the Star Gods directly.

"Tell me what you want to transform the Thunder Warriors into, so I can help you." The Emperor didn't want to work with the Star God, but as a human being who wanted to atone for the past, he had to bite the bullet and do it. this matter.

"Just tell me your thoughts when designing these defective products." Saranoga turned around and floated to the container where the Thunder Warriors were. "This will save us Catans who are not good at genetic engineering biotechnology a few seconds. clock time."

I have something going on in the past two days, so I will be late, and I may ask for leave. I will try my best to write

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