Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 683 Uninvited Guest

"Whose right does this super soldier belong to?"

When Guilliman expressed his intention to revoke the Codex due to the birth of the new Thunder Warriors, forcing the Astartes to shoulder their original duties of war, the Emperor asked a crucial question.

The Emperor's humanity possessed by Vanessa has many flaws, such as escaping.

But at serious moments, he always says what needs to be said and does what needs to be done.

"That is your own political problem as a human being." Saranoga glanced at Qin Mo and the emperor, "Whether you two think you are human beings or those who are really pure human beings...this is your problem, not ours."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" the emperor retorted angrily.

Then the Emperor suddenly realized that he and these Star Gods might have different understandings of the same problem.

"I ask whether the new Thunder Warriors belong to us humans, or to you C'tans?" the Emperor added.

"I thought you wanted to ask whether the new Thunder Warriors belong to the Tyrone Sector or the Human Empire." Saranoga spread his hands, and in order to make this action, he even created a metal arm out of thin air. "After all, you humans just like to fight among yourself. , matters as big as a slap can reach the point of being litigated in court."

The Emperor was a little angry when he heard Saranoga's judgment of humans, but he still looked for evidence in his brain that he liked internal fighting because he was a human.

Then he realized why he should believe a star god's judgment about humans, just because they lived older?

After Saranoga finished his judgment on humans, he did not clearly say whether the new Thunder Warriors belonged to humans or to the Star Gods.

Until the Void Dragon took a step forward and said to the emperor: "You should ask the magical existence next to you about this question. He holds our essence in his hands."

Hearing this, the emperor looked to his side.

Qin Mo stood there.

He was silent from beginning to end, as if thinking about something.

"The new Thunder Warriors belong to us." Qin Mo also looked at the emperor, "There is no doubt about it."

The Emperor nodded.

The Star Gods felt it didn't matter. They didn't care whether the new Thunder Warriors belonged to the Star Gods or humans, even if it was indeed the product of their hands.

Essentially, the new Thunder Warriors are improvements to the original Thunder Warriors.

"One more question." The Emperor spoke again, "Can these Thunder Warriors reproduce?"

"Of course, reproduction itself is a way to increase the number of soldiers." The Star Gods either answered directly or nodded.

The Emperor mused.

This discussion is over.

Guilliman got the information he wanted. Not only did the Trust History Research Association have some more references, he also learned about the New Thunder Warriors plan, and could prepare with more confidence for the plan to completely cancel the Holy Code.

But the cancellation of the Holy Code will not start before the war of the expedition to the Eye of Terror. Large-scale military changes before the war are taboo.

As for the New Thunder Warriors program itself.

The Star Gods have determined the characteristics of the new Thunder Warriors, but some of them involve tedious matters such as the psychic potential of the human species, the connection with the subspace, the changes in genes after ten thousand years, and the matters related to the subspace. The Star Gods, who knew nothing about space, could only let the Emperor do it.

Fortunately, there are not many of these things.

late at night.

When all the work required for the new Thunder Warriors plan was waiting, Qin Mo and his team left to do what they should do.

The gods also left the abodes of the Outer Ones and used the Forge of the C'tan to forage in the Masterless System.

A transport plane using a dimension engine carried an uninvited guest into the interior of the planet where the Outsiders lived. He passed through the secret room made of energy metal with ease, opened the dimension generator in the secret room, and entered the research point of the New Thunder Warrior Project.

The Star Gods forage for food thousands of light years away.

Although the Star God Forge made by Qin Mo has a similar function to the Breath of the Gods of the Necron, and can extract the energy of stars in the past, present and future three stages, considering the safety of the reality membrane, the extraction process will not be very fast.

All the star gods have left to look for food. It will take about half a month for them to line up to eat and drink.

There are no C'tans left in the Dimensional Research Point.

And the defense mechanisms used to deal with intruders are not activated.

In this way, the uninvited guests easily entered the core of the new Thunder Warriors plan and came to the containers that were housing the future super soldiers.

"I'm sorry, your flaws are my fault."

The uninvited guest raised his hand and pressed it against the transparent metal shell of the container.

The Thunder Warriors contained inside were still awake. They blinked and looked at all this, not knowing why.


The sudden coughing sound frightened the uninvited guest, who turned around and looked back in shock.

Behind the energy beam used to support the dimension, Qin Mo walked out slowly with his head lowered, then stood still, put his hands in his pockets, leaned against the energy column, and slowly raised his head.

The Lord of Tyrone had an embarrassed but polite smile on his face.

The uninvited guest in front of him was Vanessa with golden light in her pupils, that is, the Emperor.

The emperor was completely unexpected by Qin Mo's appearance. He was very embarrassed. He turned around to look at the Thunder Warriors, then turned back to Qin Mo, with the same awkward but polite smile on his face.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

They both asked the question at the same time, saying the same thing.

Immediately, he smiled awkwardly at the same time and fell into a brief silence.

"You're here to castrate those new Thunder Warriors, right?" Qin Mo opened his mouth for the second time and revealed the emperor's thoughts.

So the Emperor admitted: "Yes, Astartes, Primarch, these tools should not have the ability to reproduce, otherwise they will replace the original humans as new, more perfect humans, which is unacceptable."

"Of course, most of the real humans are weak, but in the ten thousand years since I sat on the Golden Throne, they have made countless sacrifices to shoulder the responsibilities that should have been borne by the Astartes."

"Human beings are weak, so they are strong."

The Emperor added a profound ambivalence.

"Human beings still need to evolve." Qin Mo said, "Stronger, smarter, and bigger. This is the evolutionary path that humans must take."

Hearing this, the emperor said nothing.

"But the products of the New Thunder Warrior Project are just warriors, they will not be the direction of human evolution."

"And the addition of new Thunder Warriors is not limited by luck or age. They only need to extract their hard work and then infuse them with material power to become new Thunder Warriors."

"The only question is who is suitable to be the Thunder Warrior."

"So there is no need to rely on breeding to increase the number of people... What kind of woman can give birth to a five-meter-tall superman? It is better to mass-modify them after ten months of pregnancy."

When Qin Mo finished speaking these words, a smile appeared on the emperor's face.

Only now did he understand why Qin Mo left and returned like him.

It turns out that the two have the same purpose.

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