Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 742 Two Guilliman

The clones were really like Qin Mo's subordinates, and the new Thunder Warriors stood there obediently, silently waiting for Qin Mo and Guilliman to finish talking about what they wanted to talk about.

Guilliman still had a lot to say, such as the recent events involving the Inquisitors, the next strategy, and Qin Mo's experience in the Eye of Terror.

But what puzzled him was that as soon as he said a few words, Qin Mo suddenly said that he was very tired and wanted to rest.

So Guilliman could only swallow what he wanted to say.

"Have a good rest." The regent patted Qin Mo's shoulder and looked at Eisenhorn, "You have worked hard too."

Eisenhorn bowed slightly and saluted.

Then Guilliman turned and left.

Seeing that he didn't notice anything was wrong at all, Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the original clones hidden among the new Thunder Warriors behind him: "Follow me..."

"Wait. Qin. Wait." Guilliman suddenly remembered something and trotted back.

Qin Mo thought Guilliman had discovered something again, and immediately became nervous.

But Guilliman just smiled and said: "An inquisitor has stolen something from an enemy. Can you lend me a Thunder Warrior to investigate the thing?"

"I'll help you."

"No, no, just let a Thunder Warrior who is not too busy do this little thing."

When Qin Mo was about to personally help Guilliman create what he wanted, Guilliman waved his hands repeatedly and looked at the Thunder Warriors behind Qin Mo.

Bendis, definitely not.

He is the commander-in-chief, and there are many things that require him to be busy.

Anyway, all the new Thunder Warriors can, like those Catans, gain insight into an object's past just by touching it, and it's the same no matter who you choose.

Guilliman thought this, and finally fixed his gaze on a Thunder Warrior behind Bendis: "Can you please help me do this?"


Under Qin Mo's gaze, the man accidentally chosen by Guilliman nodded.

The person under that golden armor is a clone of Guilliman.

Under Corax's nervous gaze, the clone Guilliman turned and followed his true form.

"Why did he pick his own clone at a glance?" Ryan complained, "Is it because they are all the same short?"

"Fortunately, I didn't take you away." Qin Mo glanced at Ryan. He was very relieved about cloning Guilliman and wasn't too worried. He immediately led the originals in another direction.

The two Guillimans walked together in the corridor.

The main body strode forward with hands behind its back, a look of indifference.

The clone wrapped in armor also strode forward, but there was obvious tension on the face under the armor.

Clones inevitably have a lot to think about.

Why did the ontology choose me right away? Did he see who he was?

What should you do if you are questioned by the body?

However, Guilliman himself did not know that the clone was following him, nor did he know what the clone was thinking.

The reason why he chose the clone was because the height of most of the new Thunder Warriors always reminded him of Ryan and how he felt in front of Ryan, so he chose a "New Thunder Warrior" who looked slightly shorter. .

The two Guilliman came to the entrance of the archives on the Glorious Mankind together.

Just when Guilliman was about to say that this was his residence on the flagship, the clone Guilliman had naturally followed him into the archives.

When he saw the slightly surprised expression on the main body's face, Clone Guilliman realized that he had taken a careless step while thinking and failed to pay attention to the details.

Whether it is a clone or the original body, Guilliman will choose to stay in the archives, because here he can deal with the things he needs to deal with in the most timely manner.

But Guilliman himself had no doubts. He just thought that the new Thunder Warrior in front of him often stayed on the Glorious Mankind, and knew that his residence on the flagship of the Tyrone sector was the archives.

"The thing is inside." Guilliman made a gesture of invitation.

Clone Guilliman hesitated for a millisecond. In this millisecond, he suddenly thought of many things.

It can be seen that the ontology is really careful to maintain the relationship with Qin Mo.

Guilliman knew very well that the New Thunder Warriors were Qin Mo's subordinates. Although Qin Mo had never made it so clear, the New Thunder Warriors belonged to him.

Therefore, in order to prevent his friends from thinking that he might snatch the ownership rights of the new Thunder Warriors, Guilliman often treats the new Thunder Warriors with a very polite attitude, even though his status is much higher than these super warriors.

The reason why Guilliman was so cautious was because he discovered very early that Qin Mo was actually a sensitive and serious person.

"Yes." The clone nodded and walked towards the interior of the archives, "Regent."

The moment he was called away by Guilliman, the clone had already realized that he was not the real new Thunder Warrior. It was impossible for him to be able to access the past of an item just by touching it like Bendis.

But he had already taken countermeasures, so he wasn't nervous at all, it was very, very natural.

Guilliman looked at the "New Thunder Warrior" who was exactly the same height as himself, and watched him naturally approach the wet piece of human head brought back by the Inquisitor placed on the table.

But he didn't stare for too long, but took advantage of the time when he couldn't help to do other things.

The clone walked up to the wetware and, like a true New Thunder Warrior, reached out and placed his hand on the wetware as he had seen before when working with Bendis in Fabius's lab.

"This wetware used to be placed in a battleship and used to store information."

"But I don't know exactly what information there is."

"Between my battle brothers and I, I am not the one who is good at seeing into the past. I suggest you let me ask someone else to try."

Cloning Guilliman turned his head to look at the main body while "analyzing" it.

At this time, the real Guilliman was sitting at the table, engrossed in dealing with things.

There is actually nothing in the fleet for him to use his "multi-core processor" talent, because the main control intelligence on the Glory Humanity can handle many things by himself, at most there are some things that require someone with status to take responsibility. Just leave it to Guilliman.

So, as always, Guilliman was dealing with the Empire's mess.

Guilliman is on the side of the main fleet of the Golden Crusade, but his brain is thinking about the several deaths in the file between 960.M41 and 970.M41 about a political commissar named Caiphas Cain. And the matter of resurrection.

Because he buried his head, the clone could see his original head of white hair.

"Okay, thank you, then please help me call your battle brothers." Guilliman said without raising his head.

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