Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 763 The battle of everyone getting what they need

"Angron, huh?"

After listening to the language of the psychic noble, a complicated expression appeared on Ubundlak's face.

The other Dracasi nobles looked at me and I looked at you, all with expressions that were meaningful and unspeakable.

"Anyway, he is a powerful warrior, and we need powerful warriors now." Ubundlak spread his hands, turned his body and said this to everyone around him, "Since he will come over, it means that the Blood God His eyes have fallen on this planet called Broome."

Hearing this, the Chaos Space Warrior leaders, mortal slave owners, demons and other nobles all nodded in agreement.

At least one thing the Demon Prince was right about was that they needed powerful warriors like Angron.

After all, Angron is the Daemon Primarch.

"But there is another question. If Angron arrives, how can we get him to help cover our retreat?"

someone asked.

"Yes, yes, we still have to find a way not to be hacked to death by him when we ask like this. How can we do it? Promise him a beautiful gladiatorial fight, is that okay?"

Someone echoed.

Ubondrak listened to everyone's questions and thought in silence.

Eventually, the remarkable reptilian-turned-daemon-prince of Khorne made a decision: "We cannot leave Broome."

In the questioning eyes of all the Drakasi nobles, Ubundlak held a pair of axes and walked past each of his companions with his huge body. He glanced at others with a fierce and violent look that contained a little rationality.

"The Blood God has set his sights on this world. What does this mean?"

"It means that a bloody war is coming. No, no, maybe it has already happened."

"We should find ways to please the Blood God in the war in this world. If we make the choice to leave here at this moment, then we will be cowards who run away and may encounter divine punishment."

Every time the Demon Prince's words reached someone's ears, someone subconsciously wanted to question and refute them.

But the only one who spoke out under pressure was a red-helmeted Chaos Space Marine.

He is a former member of the Chaos Lord Corsorax of the Forsworn warband and an admirer of Corsorax.

"I still think we should leave." said the Red Helmet Space Marine. "Do you remember why we came? To help that damn bastard Fabius, but we ended up fighting those plague pigs, and now we have to stay. It’s not good to actively get bogged down in a war on Broome.”

When the last syllable fell, so did Ubdrak's axe.

The body of the red-helmeted space warrior was split into two together with the mutated crimson armor, and fell to the left and right in the blood that burst out like a fountain, making a splashing sound as it was smashed into the blood.

"Damn it. What kind of nails did he and his damn boss Thorax hit?"

Ubondrak muttered something under his breath, and then continued to preach his great strategy.

"We are not stuck in the quagmire on Broome, we want to win the favor of the Blood God and get what we want."

"Just like those plague pigs came to Broome for the Deathly Hallows!"

"Just like the so-called yellow expedition fleet came to annihilate all our servants of the dark gods!"

"The war has progressed so far, and it has nothing to do with Fabius anymore!"

"Fight! Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!"

The demon prince's war proclamation was met with cheers.

Only a small number of nobles were still worried, but they also had to cheer.

"What are you cheering for?"

A question instantly silenced the cheers, and the person who asked this question was none other than Ubondrak himself, who suddenly changed his face.

Everyone present was confused by Ubondrak's sudden change of attitude.

When confused eyes were focused on him, the Demon Prince continued to say what he wanted to say: "A pre-war speech has no substantive meaning, and you cheered for it instead of asking me how to survive in this world. Go fight or give me advice, a bunch of idiots."

"The will of war cannot be transformed into an indestructible fortress, and cheers cannot kill the enemy. We need a huge military fortress if we want to stand firm in this world."

"Do any of you know how to build a military fortress?"

No one nodded in response to the Demon Prince's question.

"I know you guys can do nothing but watch gladiatorial games." Ubundlak was still pacing back and forth, but stopped when he finished speaking, "Invite in my name A murderous weapon comes into this world.”

Hearing the word "killing weapon", the nobles present and even the aliens called hundred-eyed insects became a little more solemn.

The murder weapon was not a weapon, but a demon prince who had a good relationship with Ubbondrak.

Unlike most Daemon Princes of Khorne who like to slash and slash, the Daemon Prince of Killer likes to build war machines.

Inventing and creating war machines, which is why he was promoted to demon by Khorne.

"This Fabius' laboratory is specially used to study teleportation technology."

"Ask the killing weapon to come to Drakasi and teleport to us."

"He is not only good at manufacturing war machines, he is also good at planning and building military fortresses, so please invite him over."

Ubendrak babbled the order, and everyone present listened in silence.

Everyone had no doubts about inviting the demon prince named Killer Weapon to come, because it was an absolutely correct decision.

The military fortress that Ubundrak mentioned was not the various defensive fortresses that had been built in conjunction with the Death Guard and the Black Legion. Those things that could not even hold up a battleship or a spear could only be said to be fortifications, and the Demon Prince The fortress in his mouth is a huge military project with several void shields that can withstand tens or even hundreds of years under siege.

Although it seems a bit whimsical to temporarily build this thing on Broome, it will not be a problem as long as the demon prince named Murderous Weapon arrives, because he has a way to spend very little time building a giant military on Broome in the Eye of Terror project.

"Do as I say," said Ubundlak.

The demon prince walked in front of everyone, swinging his huge body with obvious alien characteristics of a hundred-eyed insect.

"Wait until the killing weapon arrives and the fortress is built, until Angron, sent by the Blood God, arrives..."

"We will then share our fortress and war supplies with the Death Guard swine."

"In the face of that military operation called the Yellow Expedition, as the opposite of the forces of order, if we continue to fight among ourselves as we have in the past, we will die miserably."

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