The heavy gate rose upwards instantly.

The busy figures on the bridge and the voices giving and receiving orders appeared in Qin Mo's vision and hearing at the same time.

The fleet executives of both the Tyrone Navy and the Imperial Navy were all staying in the flagship of the Glory Humanity. They were standing around the holographic image equipment showing the entire expedition fleet, and behind them was the tactical sandbox showing the images of their respective fleets.

The two naval commanders, Adam and Qualen, issued orders from time to time and made timely adjustments to the positions of the ships in the fleet.

Qin Mo moved his eyes away from the naval personnel and placed them near the huge floor-to-ceiling porthole at the front of the bridge.

The two primarchs, the various chapter masters of the descendants of the two primarchs, as well as the family heads and legion generals of the Knight families and Titan legions, the commander-in-chief of the mortal army, and the representative of the alien allies, Everene... …

The burly Primarchs, surrounded by a large crowd, did not appear to stand out at all, for Caul and the other Mechanicum mages of the Titan Legion were no smaller than the Primarchs.

"The entire fleet can use the hyperdrive to sail directly to the iron ring." Admiral Adam of Tailong Navy came over and reported to Qin Mohui.

Qin Mo nodded, understanding that this was the way for the emperor to fulfill his promise.

Instead of directly using psychic energy to move all the ships to the vicinity of the iron ring, special psychic energy applications were used to directly enable the fleet's hyperdrive to be used within the Eye of Terror.

But the emperor did use this method to fulfill his previous promise, and there was no problem.

"The fleet is ready and can sail to the battle location at any time." Adam added.

Hearing this, Qin Mo looked at Guilliman and Lion.

Although Qin Mo is not good at formulating war strategies, after the strategies formulated by the two original bodies are formed, Qin Mo will be invited to review them and sign his name on them like them.

It's a matter of respect.

Feeling Qin Mo's gaze, Guilliman and Lion both raised their heads, looked at each other, and nodded.

When Qin Mo looked at Adam and nodded silently, an order for the commanders to make a joint decision was issued in silence.

"Start the war!" Adam ordered the main control intelligence.

The huge engine in the flagship engine room reacted and locked onto a coordinate that appeared out of thin air in the distance.

Energy and signals were transmitted and jumped back and forth on every ship in the fleet, and eventually a giant super-light force field covering the entire fleet gradually took shape.

Qin Mo, who was on the bridge, saw that everything outside the porthole began to distort and gradually became illusory. The next second, the image outside the porthole turned into a huge iron ring very close at hand.

The flagship was already in front of the iron ring built by the traitors, less than a light second away from the huge engineering product that bound the seven planets.

Then, spots of light gradually appeared around the flagship.

Each of these increasingly dense light points represents a battleship, which is a sign that the energy bound around the battleship begins to dissipate after traveling at faster than light speeds.

A huge fleet of more than 50,000 warships soon arrived.

At a location far away from the iron ring, the newly established defense platforms and void fortresses were in vain when the golden expedition fleet suddenly appeared in a position that might get closer.

"Perfect." Ryan looked at everything outside the porthole, clenched his fists, and excitedly hammered the tactical table in front of him.

What he was most worried about: the expeditionary fleet was subjected to counterattack bombings as it approached the Iron Ring. The worry that it would pay huge sacrifices just to approach the Iron Ring was completely wiped out at this time. He had no doubts about whether the Emperor would still return this time. The worry of wasting a bunch of potions also dissipated.

The expedition fleet saves a lot of trouble. Just like in the real universe, it directly uses advanced super-light speed methods to bypass all galaxy defense methods.

When Qualen and Adam's attack plan prepared in advance for the void battle began to be executed, the defensive force on the iron ring had just reacted.

All ships carrying particle light lances in the entire fleet began to focus fire on one part of the iron ring.

While the bombardment was going on, Qin Mo in the bridge slowly walked to the porthole and stared at the huge project in front of him that shocked him.

A ring that seemed to be made of steel floated quietly in the weird purple void in the Eye of Terror. The energy field generated by the seven extending bulges bound the seven planets to the outer periphery of the iron ring.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Qin Mo felt that the appearance of this thing had changed.

Countless huge void shields cover the seven planets and many defense points on the iron ring structure. However, not all structures are protected by void shields. The connection between one of the planets and the iron ring only flickered a few times. The shield's light dissipates, and the connection loses protection.

The particle light spears of many battleships in the fleet instantly hit the connection, and everyone who was observing there saw a few relatively small fires as a whole.

The connection was broken, and the bound planet lost control and rolled away into the distance.

When the planet continued to roll, people saw a huge one-eye on the back of the planet. Under the one-eye was a big mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth. The giant defense line built by the Iron Warriors on it looked like an ugly face. wrinkles.

The mouth on the planet trembled, as if cursing something.

This planet with eyes and a big mouth just rolls and curses deeper into the Eye of Terror. However, this weird scene is nothing to the people fighting in the Eye of Terror. No one is looking at it. Stay with it for a while.

The reason why the fleet focused fire on the connection between the iron ring and the strange planet was not because they found a weak point there.

The void shield deployed there by the Iron Warriors was damaged because a team of powerful Inquisitors and a team of Sisters were dormant there during previous infiltration operations.

Before the fleet's light spears focused their fire on the connection point and blew it apart together with the void shield placed inside, the Inquisitors and Sisters were roaring and firing at the enemies coming in like a tide, using suicidal counterattacks. Make sure no enemy comes close enough to the Void Shield activation device behind them.

Their sacrifices ensured that the Iron Warriors lost a planet with a massive defense line that had been carefully built from the very beginning.

The fleet then began to launch a fierce bombing attack on all parts of the Iron Ring.

Some Imperial Navy ships full of fanatical believers even ran directly towards the iron ring, preparing to use the ship to ram the void shield directly to expand the victory for the large fleet behind.

However, even Admiral Qualen could not stop these fanatical believers' ships from rushing to their death. Under the intensive bombardment of anti-ship weapons that were launched one after another on the iron ring, they did not last even two seconds and were bombarded into the sky. The remaining six planets are the remnants of the spacecraft that fell away.

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