Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 880 Hybrid Breeds

Six torpedoes carrying Blackstone warheads were launched.

Since the targets that needed to be hit were not loose, the Blackstone torpedoes were arranged in a diamond shape and flew towards the planet below where the anti-ship defense had been destroyed.

It easily penetrated the fire network, penetrated the barrier easily, and was finally distributed loosely but orderly around the location of the torment circuit.

Each black stone warhead is connected in series with each other, creating an effect similar to the fixed obelisk on Cadia.

This is the resonance of the power of reality.

The resonance formed by the six black stone warheads created a realistic area covering thousands of kilometers, and its impact even caused a narrow gap to be torn out of the barrier.

All the weapons on the flagship fired a salvo at the crack. The advanced fire control system allowed each attack to penetrate the crack accurately and land in the center of the real area shaped by the six black stone warheads.

The earth crumbles and its tectonic plates melt.

A round of orbital bombardment by the flagship is enough to cause a devastating planetary disaster on a normal planet outside the real universe. On that planet that also has obvious mutations, at least it will also destroy the real area created by the black stone warheads. It exploded into a huge crater that went tens of thousands of kilometers underground.

The torment circuit was completely destroyed, and the control device of the void shield completely lost its function.

The barrier gradually shrank and fragmented, eventually leaving the planet in an unprotected state.

The connection point between the iron ring and the planet was still protected, but the fleet focused fire directly on the unprotected planet.

The first round of orbital bombing had no effect, but when the Blackstone ships in the fleet gradually approached and expanded the scope of real influence to cover the surface of the planet, the fleet's attack brought devastating consequences to the planet. catastrophe.

The giant defense line built by the Iron Warriors that was visible to the naked eye from orbit was "uprooted" from the surface by horrific bombings.

The fortress hidden deep underground was shattered along with the planet's tectonic plates.

The fleet's swarm bombing forcefully dug out a large hole in the planet that reached the core of the earth in less than one solar hour. In the end, the last light spear launched by the flagship detonated the entire planet.

The planet's rubble splashed around, and large pieces of rubble that could destroy the surface environment were easily shattered by the barrier.

The Iron Ring and other planets were not affected by this man-made astronomical disaster.

"Take it!" Imperial Admiral Quallen cheered enthusiastically.

The fleet began to bomb the next planet using the same method.

"Maybe we got something cheap." Ryan said, pointing to a planet that was just blasted to pieces. "Maybe Hongsuo, the boss of the Iron Warriors' bastards, is there."

Hearing this, Guilliman cast a helpless look at Ryan: "You don't have a sense of humor like mine, so you don't have to force a lively atmosphere."

at the same time.

the other side.

Somewhere in the Iron Ring, Honso was holding a war meeting with every war blacksmith.

What everyone is discussing is not how to deal with the current war, but which war blacksmith should be responsible for the losses just now and bear the price.

Honso is one of the most representative figures among the traitors of the Iron Warriors. The creation of the Chaos Fetal Sac is inseparable from him. However, the Iron Warriors are no longer a traitorous legion active in a legion. The conflicts between the various war blacksmiths and Honso Relationships are also anything but affiliation.

At the most heated stage of the discussion, when everyone was shouting curses and about to draw their guns and shoot, an adjutant belonging to Hong Suo walked over quickly and reported something to everyone.

"The wight's lackeys have taken two planets."

"The second planet was taken down by a black stone weapon. They..."

The adjutant was not good at words and explained his words directly with what the Chaos Sorcerer saw under his psychic vision.

Honso and others soon realized what had happened to the bombed-out planet.

"Send a salvage ship to recover the remaining black stone fragments." Hong Suo ordered the adjutant decisively, almost instinctively.

"Under such a bombardment, it is a question whether there will be any black stones used by the enemy remaining." The adjutant responded.

"Go and salvage. At least you won't know if there is any until you go there." Hong Suo insisted.

The adjutant no longer hesitated, nodded, and personally went to arrange a fast salvage ship equipped with a void shield to search for the wreckage left behind by the planet.

"What is the use of the Black Stone to us? You can't wait to send the salvage ship to salvage the Black Stone from the wreckage of the planet where it is almost impossible to leave any fragments of the Black Stone, just to please our Word Bearers allies who are always on the road?"

A warsmith questions Honso's order, and the question is followed by an insult.


When the word bastard reached the ears of everyone present in the form of language, even the war blacksmiths who hated Honso and did not stand with him could not help but feel a little nervous.

Honsou prided himself on having a heart of steel, and he was not one to be outraged by an insult, but that was a different matter if the insult was brief and true.

The reason is that Honso's gene-seed did not simply come from Perturabo, but he was the product of a mixed experiment with the gene-seeds of the Iron Warriors and the Imperial Fists.

It was Fabius Bayer who carried out mixing experiments that led to the birth of Honso.

"Yes." Honso gritted his teeth and squeezed out words from between his teeth, "I have to please those Word Bearers, because if we bastards with discord don't get the help of the Word Bearers, our final fate will be to be killed by those The Blackstone torpedo exploded into the sky!"

"You trash can't even manage your own territory."

"Chagra is even more of a damn waste. He didn't even know that those rotten lackeys were beaten to the torture circuit. We lost a fortress world as soon as the war started!"

"The enemies used the black stone as a weapon, and we actually thought they were just a group of lackeys of the Carrion Throne."

The more Honsou spoke, the more excited he became, and he began to accuse every warsmith present.

The war blacksmiths were silent, but it was not because Honso said they were speechless, but they were silently thinking about the thoughts and purposes behind Honso's words at this time.

Does he think these Iron Warriors are not as good as the Word Bearers?

Honso should not be so stupid.

While the war blacksmiths were silently speculating, a voice suddenly reached their ears.

"You're just not united enough, not like the Word Bearers."

"You're just not experienced enough, not like the Death Guard."

"I'm talking about my experience in dealing with the enemies of the Golden Expedition. In terms of head-to-head combat, you are much stronger than the current plague pigs, haha."

A ferocious-looking space warrior slowly walked into the steel hall where everyone was discussing matters.

This man is obviously not an Iron Warrior, he is wearing armor with the color of the Word Bearers.

The ferocious and stiff face was covered with runes.

"Enable anti-ship weapons that can't break through the defense line." The Word Bearer bowed slightly, seeming to request or suggest, "My people are already there ready, we just need to delay a little longer, that half The reinforcements led by God will arrive on the iron ring and completely end the dark enemy's expedition."

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