Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 885 Curiosity is also desire


Diana looked back at the Crimson Rose and forced a smile.

Just as she imagined, the demons ran away without attacking.

Diana was quite confident in this aspect. She knew that even if it was not herself who was teleported to face the demons, but her father who would not make ordinary people feel uncomfortable when standing in front of ordinary people, those demons would run away directly. Lose.

Being blown up by a Titan or a Knight Mecha is nothing more than rolling back into the warp, but being killed by a Soulless One is really gone.

Not to mention that just seeing a soulless person is a torture.

"You don't look good," Donna said.

Diana nodded in acknowledgment.

Although she couldn't feel the spiritual intimidation brought by those demons, the appearance of those demons was terrifying enough.

Diana, who took the initiative to use the simplest and most direct method to expel the demons, gradually calmed down and walked towards the altar.

In the dark environment, it was difficult to see what was on the altar.

When Diana approached the altar, she was startled by what she saw in front of her.

It was a square cube made of flesh and blood.

That's a creature.

But this creature has no mouth or nose, and only ears and eyes are scattered all over its body.

In the space between the ear and the eye, what looked like a wriggling line of data transmission lines was inserted.

As Diana came closer, the creature shuddered, obviously feeling intense discomfort.

"Why are those demons here? What's their business here?" Donna's doubts came through the communicator, "And what is this ghost thing?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a demon, maybe it's an artifact." Diana looked along the lines connected to the flesh cube and found that these lines were uniformly linked to the living weapons.

Diana turned and looked at the Crimson Rose.

Donna in the cockpit nodded.

Diana then teleported back to her Mars Witch, and Donna ordered her second son to put the damn thing away.

A patrol-class knight immediately walked into the air defense tower and fired a static force field at the meat cube. Then he called a black stone box to the family's support ship, stuffed the meat cube into it, and launched it outside the unbreakable defense line.

Flagship, Blackstone Vault.

An entire black stone box was placed in the center of the bridge, and then the contents inside were projected out.

"What the hell is this?" Ryan asked, pointing to the projection of the meat cube.

Guilliman said nothing.

Qin Mo was disgusted by this ghost, and suppressed the urge to release lightning to erase it.

Ryan wished he could punch a bloody hole in this ghost thing, but considering that he was found and delivered by the Titans and Knights sent down just now, there is a high probability that it is related to the air defense fortress with a 100% interception rate, so he still held it tight Nose wonders what to do with this thing.

Eventually Ezekiel was summoned by his genetic father and removed from the front lines.

The chief think tank of the Dark Angel teleported into the flagship and quickly came to the secret room. He first saluted the father of genes, and then followed his father's order to detect the meat cube in the black stone box.

After the detection was clear, while everyone was waiting for him to speak, Ezekiel walked up to Ryan, the father of the gene, and whispered mysteriously.

"King...throne..." After listening to Ezekiel's whisper, Ryan rubbed his face, pointed at the black stone box and said loudly: "This damn thing is a demon prince!"

Guilliman raised his eyebrows and looked at Lion and Ezekiel, as if asking, "Are you sure?"

Qin Mo's reaction was similar to Guilliman's, except that in addition to being confused, he was also shocked.

"Tell them what you told me." Ryan said to Ezekiel, "The Dark Angels have no secrets whether they are legions or war groups. Don't be mysterious in your actions and make friendly forces suspicious."

"Yes." Ezekiel saluted, and then told Guilliman and Qin Mo what he had discovered.

It is not difficult to detect this meat cube, because the black stone box no longer suppresses psychic energy, and the black stone chamber has not entered an emergency state, nor has it suppressed psychic energy.

Ezekiel's spiritual energy seeped into the flesh cube. He originally thought it was a strange object, but he did not relax his vigilance.

It was the wise decision not to let down his guard that saved him, because during his detection he discovered that the meat cube was not an object, but a demon prince.

This demon prince's spiritual power is not strong, and its attempt to capture Ezekiel's soul also failed. In turn, Ezekiel used it to gain insight into his past.

During this period when the Demon Prince was still a human being and a child, he was interested in everything. He liked to sit in the Governor's Manor and look up at the night sky and wonder what was above the sky.

He loved to know everything about the servants, their names, their past.

He even spent a lot of money to give supplies to a chapter passing by his home planet, just so that the chapter leader could sit down and tell him some of the chapter's past history.

He took pleasure in satisfying his intellectual curiosity from any story or piece of knowledge, until it grew beyond control.

In order to know more and learn taboo knowledge, he transformed himself so that he could gain insight into a person's past through the act of eating brains. He spent all his wealth to hire rogue merchants to find books for him, no matter what kind of books they were, as long as they could help him know more.

Finally, an Inquisitor noticed him, and he launched a rebellion, using the evil witchcraft, forbidden technology, and all the knowledge he had learned that could come in handy to launch a successful rebellion, freeing the home planet from the control of the Empire.

And he became a demon prince because he sacrificed all the people on his home planet and let a terrifying existence that had been targeting him for a long time tell him more things in the universe to satisfy his thirst for knowledge.

This demon prince does not have a body that can move freely like other demon princes. The blessing he received allows him to hear and see more.

If it was a demon prince of Tzeentch, Qin Mo wouldn't be surprised at all.

The problem is that this is a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh.

Qin Mo was difficult to determine because Tzeentch in the subspace was being attacked at this time, so that it had no time to covet this potential believer who was thirsty for knowledge.

Or is it because this guy wants to know more because he can get pleasure from the act of "seeking knowledge"? It is the desire for knowledge that drives him to seek knowledge, which leads to Slaanesh, who has the power of desire, to focus on him.

"This damn blasphemous man made a deal with Honso." Ezekiel said. "Honso promised it that as long as it helps him, he will take it with him when he attacks Macragge in the future and let it enter the library."

"Huh." Guilliman smiled at Honso's attempt, "It seems that the reason why the anti-aircraft fortress has a high interception rate is because he can directly know when the object that needs to be intercepted appears and its specific location... It’s really a wasteful use of natural resources.”

"Open your eyes." Ryan looked at Qin Mo, "I think a soulless person should come over and stab him to death."

Qin Mo nodded, but did not immediately call Yaoen on the ship. Instead, he thought for a moment and said, "Maybe he has other uses in someone's hands."

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