Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 909 Influence and Counter-Influence

"So, Iron Man."

"You're still a partless Chaos Daemon from the Warp, aren't you?"

Guilliman slowed down, his tone sounding like a test but also an accusation.

Piccolo did not want to pay attention to Guilliman. It had no motive or desire to state the facts and confess to any third party.

People in the Tyrone Sector like to ask logistics machines some things when they face them, and they often get honest answers and pertinent suggestions from the logistics machines. So they have developed a habit of asking the logistics machines when they encounter something that is difficult for them to solve. mechanical.

This behavior and the desire for answers sent ripples and repercussions through the warp, and this is where Piccolo's candor comes from.

In Piccolo's view, Guilliman is just a third party, an Imperial person outside the Tyrone sector and the subspace entity, and it will not explain anything.

However, this silence lasted until Qin Mo looked at Piccolo. This look of eagerness for answers made Piccolo realize that he should explain himself to his indirect creator.

"You can say that, because the term demon was created to describe a creature like me."

Piccolo spoke slowly.

"But you don't have to worry that I will go on a rampage and kill people, or take refuge in some evil god, because my motivation and impulse to do anything is not because I am good or evil, but because I should do it."

"Just like the giant whale traveling in the subspace, it transports other creatures back and forth, not because it is good or evil, but because it should do so, because it was born in the real universe where creatures have a desire for speed and safety. The desire to reach the end of the journey.”

"Warp entities are bound to the cause of their creation."

"If there are a sufficient number of porters in the real universe, and the spiritual power of these porters is strong enough, then a thing with the main responsibility of transport will be born in the subspace, and it will keep transporting, and the cycle will continue forever. Rest."

Having said this, Piccolo looked at the living weapon in his hand, reached out and tapped his ribs.

"but me."

"The subspace entity that gave birth to me was originally a weapon against the subspace. It was created to serve the goal of using psychic energy to deal with psychic energy, and to clarify as much as possible those things in the subspace that cannot be clearly understood. "

"But the mental power of the Tyrone twisted it, adding more to it."

After the explanation, Piccolo didn't say another word. It habitually asked questions instead of taking the initiative to express anything.

Just like material iron men, they always passively accept orders and then act.

"Subspace entity." Guilliman tasted the word, and then asked: "You are like ants trying to survive in a crack, under the pressure of the four gods, right?"

"That's not the case. The four gods are just part of the subspace. They are not even qualified to be synonymous with the subspace." Piccolo replied, "Originally there should not be only four gods, but eight gods, symbolized by the eight-pointed star of chaos. There should be a god in each of the eight directions.”

Guilliman's eyes widened when he heard Piccolo suddenly mention that there would be more than just four evil gods. He recalled that Qin Mo had once told him that the Emperor was in a half-state of becoming a god but not yet, and about the Emperor's emergence from the Golden Throne. Corollary to what happens when you stand up.

What Piccolo could say was more.

"The Eight Chaos, the northeastern one, the Hellstorm, this is Tzeentch."

"Southeast, Rapture Sense, this is Slaanesh."

"The southwest is corrupt and corrupt. This is Nurgle."

"Northwest, killing without intention, this is Khorne."

Piccolo listed the positions of the Chaos Gods one by one, and then went on to tell Vashtor's goal.

"Zhengdong, the evil craft, and being promoted to the god of Zhengdong has been Vashtor's motivation since his birth until now."

"As for the man whose true name is unknown and who is called the Emperor by everyone, if he is promoted to a god, he will be the erosion and destruction of the true north."

All words were written down by Guilliman.

The original body thought a lot in a blink of an eye, thinking very long-termly. Finally, he asked Piccolo: "If spiritual power can affect the subspace, will the four gods also be positively affected by spiritual power?"

"It's not feasible, they are too powerful and too ancient." Piccolo said, "It is also not feasible to let others replace the four gods, because those who ascend to the gods will be distorted by the corresponding godhead."

Guilliman's answer to Piccolo was not surprising.

Because when he talked about the subspace all night long, Qin Mo had the same view, but after all, he was still a creature in the real universe, and he was still the kind of creature that could not be affected by spiritual energy. His understanding of the subspace was compared to Piccolo. Not so down to earth.

Understanding the role of subspace is also one of the reasons why the entity that gave birth to Piccolo was created.

"Don't talk about subspace yet." Qin Mo waved his hand, and a projection was projected from its armor, allowing everyone to see it.

The projection cast by the armor presents the effect of a flat map.

In this network tunnel, the map displayed on the projection is of course chaotic. The terrain structures detected one after another are completely different from one second to the next, but in fact, the terrain structure inside the network tunnel is not very different. The changes are just that the instruments and equipment have been disturbed.

But there is still an important piece of information captured, that is, there are life signals nearby.

"The Prowlers that mad inquisitor was talking about before?" Guilliman frowned.

Prowler, this is the name given by Guilliman himself to describe the team that the crazy inquisitor mentioned before: "the team that keeps wandering in the webway. Every time they encounter a new team, there are nine more people than the previous team."

Eighty-one red dots are scattered on the map projection of the ever-changing terrain. Each red dot representing life moves in a strange way on the map. They sometimes go up and sometimes go down.

The cycle goes on and on, never ending.

The AI ​​inside Qin Mo's armor directly sorted out the movement trajectories of these people, and then the movement trajectories looked like a strange picture. Even Qin Mo and Piccolo couldn't figure out what those people had carved with their footprints. what exactly is it.

"How can your armor detect the vital signs of those prowlers?" Guilliman knocked on the helmet of the Armor of Destiny, "The thing Caul built for me can't even detect our own vital signs in this environment. .”

Just after asking this question, Guilliman instantly realized what the answer was. He remembered what Qin Mo had said to him.

"The spiritual power is very powerful," said Piccolo. "This armor is the same as the chain sword and the scepter. They are entrusted with too many positive emotions and carry too much human hope and gratitude."

"But there is also a divination device in the Armor of Destiny... Only I can detect it, maybe there are other reasons."

While Guilliman, Piccolo and Thrall all believed that the armor was "enchanted" to detect the prowlers, Qin Mo put forward the opposite view.

Guilliman also thought of this possibility, but he did not think it was correct, because any equipment might not work intermittently in the subspace.

"I suggest that we don't go looking for those prowlers out of curiosity, although curiosity and desire to explore are characteristics of our two races." Thrall in the Titan interrupted the discussion about equipment, "I suggest that we go around."

"The suggestion is valid." Qin Mo turned off the projection, "Those prowlers don't look simple. Let's not make trouble."

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