Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 52 I think the High Lords Council is good! (Please give me a reward, please give me everythi

"Is your Excellency really Jack Smoak?"

Kraft Vandil’s face was full of seriousness.

His question sounded very straightforward and stupid, but when it reached Chen Guo's ears, it had a different meaning.

At the same time, Chen Guo also had a different idea.

"Is there something unspeakable?" Kraft Vandil said very considerately, "If there is something unspeakable, you don't have to answer my question."

"Your Excellency Kraft Vandil, I would like to ask you, where will this information be sent to in the end?"

"They will be kept in my private collection...well, they will be entered into the archives of the Empire's Ministry of Internal Affairs." Kraft Vandil himself felt that what he said was a little untrustworthy, so before Chen Guo asked, He directly changed his words.

"Oh... Mr. Kraft Vandil, please don't be too nervous. I just asked casually... Indeed, I am not Jack Smoak!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Kraft Van Dier suddenly showed an expression of interest. He thought that the man in front of him could quibble, explain, and give all kinds of reasons that sounded reasonable but could not withstand scrutiny at all.

In addition, he also thought that Chen Guo would admit it boldly, but he did not expect that Chen Guo would admit it so decisively, so decisively that he had no defense.

"...Then can you tell me who you are, or what you are?" Kraft Vandil once again showed a pleasant expression, "I'm sorry, maybe some of my questions are too direct, but This is a shortcoming that I cannot change. I don’t like to hide it, but I like to be straightforward. I’m sorry..."

Listening to the other party's continuous apologies, Chen Guo smiled and shook her head, reached out and took out two bottles of spirits from the magic bag, flicked the bottle caps away with her fingers, and then gave Kraft Vandil a bottle. bottle.

"Your Excellency Kraft Vandil, you don't need to apologize to me. You can ask any questions you want. To be honest, I really enjoy chatting with you!"

Kraft Vandil reached out and took the strong drink, raised his head and took a sip and then said, "Thank you, please answer my question. Who or what are you?"

"I am a human being!" Chen Guo also took a sip and put the liquor in her hand aside, "This is something that is absolutely not allowed to be questioned, but I am different from the human beings you imagine..."

"Oh, that……"

"I am a person from the Golden Age!" Chen Guo interrupted Kraft Vandil's question, "As an expert from the Intelligence Department of the Empire's Ministry of Internal Affairs, you should know about the Eternal One!"

"Your Excellency is an immortal?" Kraft Vandil showed a surprised expression, but who knows how much of this expression was fake.

After all, a mature politician can easily control his facial expressions!

“No, Sir Kraft Vandil, this body is not the body of an immortal.

Due to some accident, I lost my body forever, but my soul was not lost in the chaotic subspace.

I successfully escaped from the subspace and took over the body of Jack Smoak.

Mr. Kraft Vandil, do you think what I said is a bit incredible? "

Kraft Van Dier took a deep look at Chen Guo, nodded first, but then shook his head, "If it were about other people, I might be suspicious.

But the things you have done these days really make it impossible for me to have doubts.

Your growth rate is so fast that I cannot update your information as quickly as possible.

Although I cannot tell you why I appear here, what I can tell you is that one of my tasks here is to update your intelligence.

In other words, if the information about Horus and the Traitor Legions is the most popular information in the empire at the moment, then your information is the second information placed below them... Your current light is really too dazzling, If not for the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Your Excellency would be dead by now. "


Chen Guo looked at the internal affairs expert from the Ministry of Intelligence in front of her and was silent for a while, saying, "His Excellency Kraft Vandil is such a master at chatting that I don't know how to continue talking for a moment. ”

"Sorry!" Kraft Vandil started his apology etiquette again, "I'm really not very good at chatting, especially on equal terms... I have been sitting in the position of internal affairs expert for one hundred and twenty years. , in these one hundred and twenty years, I have almost forgotten how to communicate... Sir, can we continue with the next question? "

"Okay!" Chen Guo nodded.

"Your Excellency...what do you think of the current human empire?

What I mean is to let you take a look at the current human empire from the perspective of a visitor from the Golden Age! "

"...This is a very interesting question!" Chen Guo sneered and slowly leaned on the bookshelf behind her, "How should I put it?

I don’t see any hope, vitality, or vitality in the empire. All I see is stubbornness, ignorance, and stupidity... Sorry, this is the lightest word I can use after thinking about it! "

Although Kraft Vandil's face began to look a little ugly, he still nodded politely and said, "It's okay, Your Excellency. You can express yourself as you wish."

"Well, since that's the case, I won't do anything to set the stage and talk about the core. I have a lot of opinions on the empire's later ban on the use of artificial intelligence. In my opinion, this is absolutely ignorant and What an ignorant child does!

Although artificial intelligence is uncontrollable, it represents the progress of the human species. Although the Iron Man War completely disintegrated the human federation in the golden age, this is not a reason to completely ban artificial intelligence.

In my opinion, the so-called laws prohibiting artificial intelligence in the empire are just a restriction in a sense to make it easier to rule. "

Chen Guo took a look at Kraft Vandil's face.

Kraft Vandil stopped what he was doing and said, "Please continue speaking, Your Excellency, I'm listening!"

"...Your Excellency Kraft Vandil, out of politeness, I would like to say that my next words may make you feel very unhappy.

So, if I say anything that makes you unhappy, you can interrupt me at any time! "

"Sir, don't worry, I'm an excellent listener!"

"Your Excellency Kraft Vandil, to be honest, I know nothing about politics. At the moment, I can only answer your question from the aspects that I know... If you want me to say, I know the most about Regarding the content of the Empire, it may be the Legion of Astartes.”

"Legion Astartes?" Kraft Vandier was obviously stunned. Why did Chen Guo's attitude take a 180-degree turn?

Didn’t we just criticize the empire and even the great emperor?

Why is it involving the Legion of Astartes again?

Chen Guo looked at Kraft Vandil's expression and of course knew what he was thinking.

He is not stupid, although Chen Guo has a lot of opinions about the emperor and the empire.

But he won't tell it now!

"Yes, the Astartes. In fact, I admire these extraordinary genetic warriors. I am full of admiration for these genetic warriors who are not afraid of death.

If it weren't for them, I don't know how many other human planets in darkness would have suffered from the brutal rule of Chaos and aliens.

but! "

Chen Guo suddenly changed the subject, "Although they saved mankind, did they really bring hope to mankind?

The answer is...no!

No one can deny the achievements of the Astartes, but it is undeniable that they brought more killing and despair, and their Primarchs were often as childish as children.

This includes Robert Guilliman, the King of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar!

Although he is not as naive as I thought, and he is a very powerful politician and diplomat, this cannot cover up the romantic idealism in him that makes me want to vomit! "

Chen Guo covered her mouth and made an exaggerated vomiting gesture, "However, Guilliman is still very powerful. At least if you ask me to do it, there is absolutely no way I can make five hundred galaxies safe and stable." forward development.

In addition, Salamander is also a respectable being, and he is the only one who makes me feel close to him... But apart from these two, I can no longer feel any favorability from other Primarchs, especially Angron was killed by my own hands, and Lorgar escaped from my hands.

Oh, and Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor's Children.

Don't get me wrong, I have no discrimination against this kind of transvestite who likes to dress up like a woman. The reason why I hate him is just because he can actually use that last move when facing his best brother and friend. A sword strike, and fell into the arms of Slaanesh.

Tsk tsk tsk, Lord Kraf Vandire, please remember what I said, one day, I will personally pluck Slaanesh out of his damn palace, and then stuff his head into his **... "

"Sir, we are digressing. Let's get back to the topic!" Kraft Vandil interrupted Chen Guo's self-pleasure with a smile.

Chen Guo grinned and said, "The Milky Way is too vast, and the universe is too huge. Humanity once had a huge territory and territory in the golden age, but it is a pity that because of an Iron Man War, everything was lost. It turned into nothing. If you insist on asking me what I think of the empire, I can only say that everything doesn’t seem that bad..."

"It's not that bad?"

Kraft Vandil grasped the key point of the problem. He looked at Chen Guo with blazing eyes, "Could it be that in your impression, the current empire is very bad?"

"Of course, wasn't the outbreak of the Horus Heresy a bad sign?"

Chen Guo raised her brows and said with a half-smile, "The dominance of the Primarch is really too great. Each legion of Astartes is like a vassal king. They control a powerful fleet and... An Astartes genetic warrior as sharp as a knife.

These are decisive uncontrollable forces for the rule of an empire!

Just like the Horus Heresy that is currently breaking out, Horus caused this disaster because he had too much power in his hands, too much authority on his body, and too much dazzling crown on his head. Rebellion throughout the empire.

Although the Primarchs are the descendants of the Emperor, they did not grow up beside the Emperor after all. Some of them even took office without receiving formal education and training, controlling huge Astartes legions and The same huge fleet!

This is equivalent to handing a sharp long sword and dagger into the hands of children whose minds have not yet fully matured!

For example, Angron, Lorgar who grew up on a religious planet, and Curze who grew up on a criminal planet...

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Horus Heresy does not break out this time, one day in the future, these powerful lords will become bombs for the empire.

So I am not surprised that the Horus Heresy broke out this time. On the contrary, I feel extremely lucky, because this bomb did not explode in the future, but exploded in front of my eyes. Once the empire can survive smoothly With this difficulty, the feudal king will never cause chaos again in the future! "

Kraft Vandil nodded and quickly recorded it in the small notebook in his hand. After a while, he continued: "Your Excellency, although I don't quite agree with your views, I don't completely oppose them either. But I still want to know your thoughts on the empire in general, especially...,"

Kraft Vandier did not say those two words, but Chen Guo had no scruples and said, "Emperor?"

"I have no objections to the Emperor. At the same time, I also agree with his approach to establishing the High Lords Council. This is a very wise decision."

A smile appeared on Chen Guo's face, and she couldn't help laughing in her heart: 'This is such a wise decision that I want to laugh out loud! ’

"Oh, why!" Kraft Vandil's eyes flashed. This was the first time a different look appeared in his eyes until he talked about it.

“I am a person who has experienced the Golden Age of Human Federation, and I know deeply that only political mutual constraints can make a system go further.

Power can never be concentrated in the hands of one person, especially in the hands of a Primarch who doesn't know how long he can live, so I am fully convinced of the decision to establish the High Lords Council! "

Kraft Vandier looked at Chen Guo seriously. After a long time, he slowly wrote on the paper a secret code that only he could understand - not a word of truth, but he could control it!

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