Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 13: A day trip to the subspace. (1/2)

"Are you the only one left on this ship?"

Chen Guo was a little surprised. You know, the Sons of the Void live in a family-style gathering. For such a large heavy cruiser, either there is no Son of the Void, or there should be at least hundreds of Sons of the Void living on this ship.

"Hehe, this is a scrapped heavy warship. Its production date can be traced back to the middle of the Golden Age. Other Void families had left to serve on other ships when it was scrapped. Only my parents stayed until fifteen years ago when Garcia's Imperial Navy reactivated it and killed my parents. I was born after it was scrapped, so I was not on the retirement list, and they didn't know I existed."

"Fifteen years ago? Did the Garcia star zone start doing this kind of sneaky business fifteen years ago?"

"No, their initial plan was to use this scrapped heavy cruiser as a base for the Navy. Repair it, and then sell it to interstellar pirates at a high price, but because the price is too high, no interstellar pirates can afford it. In order to make a profit, they simply become interstellar pirates themselves.

Later, when they found that no one was investigating, they became more and more daring. In the past seven or eight years, they have done hundreds of highway robberies. The biggest one was that they directly robbed the tax fleet of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs and framed the Blood Monkey Pirates..."

This son of the void is called T. It can be seen that he must be holding back, otherwise a son of the void who is naturally eccentric would never say so many words to a stranger he just met.

That's right, it would be strange if he didn't become a chatterbox after holding back for so many years.

While chewing energy bars and drinking strange homemade wine, Chen Guo talked to him from time to time. According to this guy, after they finished the robbery and hid all these dirty ships and left, he could get Chen Guo a small long-distance transport ship.

Although the transport ship may be older than the Garcia Sector Government, it is not difficult to hear from T's words that the ship should still be strong enough for him to fly to the nearest inhabited sector.

I hope... so!

"Buzz buzz buzz ~"

The violent vibration knocked over the homemade wine next to him, and Chen Guo hurriedly helped him up, "Is it over?"

T shook his head, took off an electronic board covered with black oil on the pipe wall not far away, and clicked on it.

Soon, the three-dimensional projection of the cruiser's main control center and the area outside the ship appeared in the room respectively.

Looking at the fleet that began to move slowly on the projection, he nodded, "It has set sail..."

Before he finished speaking, dense red dots suddenly appeared at the edge of the projection. These red dots flew at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, they hit the projection of the ship from the edge of the projection.

"Boom boom boom ~"

The violent vibration once again knocked over the homemade wine, and Chen Guo hurriedly held the wall beside him to ensure that he was not knocked down.

But T was not so lucky. He fell heavily to the ground without standing firmly, and a big bump appeared on his head.

"What's the noise?"

"It's... the reinforcements of the Mechanicus have arrived!" Struggling to get up from the ground, T pressed the electronic board frantically. Soon, the projection screen in front of him rotated, and the Mechanicus fleet, which consisted of more than ten frigates and two battlecruisers, appeared in the projection of the star field in the distance.

One light and one heavy.

"It's over...!"

Seeing the scale of the fleet, T's face became even paler. As a native born and raised on this ship, he knew that this heavy cruiser was just an antique at this moment. It looked very powerful and could bully small frigates, but it would only wait for death if it encountered a cruiser of the same level.

Not only did he know this, but the "pirates" in the main control room also knew this, which was why they hurriedly started the spacecraft and wanted to escape without even having time to loot the spoils.

But how could a scrapped antique outrun an active spacecraft?

"Start the warp engine!"

The captain was also a ruthless man. Seeing the fleet of the Mechanicus approaching, he did not hesitate at all and directly ordered his subordinates to start the warp engine and prepare for the warp jump.

Not only did he abandon the spoils, but he also abandoned the imperial soldiers in the Garcia sector who were still on the frigate.

"Can this ship still withstand the warp jump?" Chen Guo was a little confused. This shabby cruiser looked like it would collapse directly once it entered the warp and completely become a pool of garbage floating in the warp.

"...I don't know." T's face was full of despair.

It's no wonder he was so desperate. At this moment, even if he wanted to run, there was nowhere to run. He could only pray that this cruiser, where he had lived all his life, could make another successful warp jump.

The surrounding frigates, under the order of their captain, turned their bows and rushed towards the Mechanicus fleet with the determination to die. They wanted to use their own deaths to give the cruisers enough time to warm up their engines... Of course, not all the Imperial soldiers on board were voluntary, but they did not have the right to protest.

Facing the pirate fleet, the mechanical monks showed no mercy at all. Amidst the fierce laser fire, a few guided torpedoes easily blew up the frigates into dazzling fireworks.

But the sacrifice of the frigate also successfully completed the task. The subspace engine was warmed up, and a constantly rotating vortex appeared above the cruiser.


Following the captain's order, a heavy feeling of weightlessness quickly enveloped the entire spacecraft. The homemade wine scattered on the ground slowly detached from the ground and turned into small turbid water drops, in this dark and dull place. floating back and forth in the internal pipes.

The picture projected by the black electronic board also disappeared in waves of distortion.

The aging gravity system of the spacecraft has completely failed due to the distortion and interference of the physical rules of subspace.

Chen Guo also slowly left the ground and floated into the air, but his mind was not focused on this right now.

Inexplicably, there were countless whispers in his ears, as if someone was lying on his back, blowing and talking into his ears in a low voice.

It made his ears itchy and uncomfortable.

Ten seconds later, as the void shield outside the spacecraft slowly unfolded, the gravity system resumed its work again, the projection appeared, and Chen Guo and the drink fell to the ground again. Only the whispers in the ears continued. in progress.

Lying in front of the projection, observing the status of the spacecraft, T's face looked much better.

This old antique ship deserves to have the technological foundation of the golden age. It is already in such a state of tatters. It can actually complete subspace jumps, and it seems that the hull structure is still very strong, with no intention of disintegrating.

But when he saw the projection of the subspace map around him, his face became ugly again. Right in front of the ship, a huge subspace eye of the storm was slowly twisting its body like a big octopus. .

As soon as the cruiser appeared in this world, it was captured by the eye of the storm and was being dragged towards the center of the eye of the storm bit by bit.

Even though the spacecraft's subspace engine has been pushed to its limit, it still cannot escape the pull of the subspace storm group.

If you have the Tao, blessings will come unparalleled, and misfortunes will never come alone.

The disaster encountered by the old antique cruiser was not completely over yet. With the flash of the projector, the heavy cruiser of the Mechanicus actually jumped into this subspace area like a dog's skin with medicine.

As soon as they came in, they didn't even say a word to persuade them to surrender. They opened fire fiercely on the flanks of the old antique cruiser. The blue-gray void shield outside the cruiser kept shaking and flashing, and it was dangerous.

"Damn it, these asshole-less engine oil guys, get ready, turn on the weapon system, turn on the backup engine, turn around, and hit him to death!"

The captain's irritable voice echoed through every corner of the cruiser through the ship's radio. Soon, the cruiser on the projection began to turn around at a weird angle, accelerating and crashing into the Mechanicum's cruiser.

At the same time, the blue light beam that killed Ping and paralyzed the entire escort transport ship appeared again. Every time the void shield of the Mechanicum opposite was hit by this blue light beam, a large piece of it would immediately disintegrate. The fragile steel hull below will not be refilled until several seconds later.

"What is this!"

"This is the technology of the Golden Age - a beam of electromagnetic pulse radiation, capable of destroying and fragmenting all electrical equipment."


"What is emp?"


Within a few words, the two cruisers had collided hard. Various lasers and artillery began to fire at each other. The void shield was of no use at this moment. Now the only thing left to compete was Who can hold on longer and whose hull structure is harder?

If it were placed thousands of years ago, the cruisers of the Adeptus Mechanicus may not necessarily be the opponent of the warships of the Golden Age, but today, thousands of years later, the outcome has been decided long before the battle begins.

The "pirates" are doomed.

"follow me!"

Seeing that there was no hope at all, T and Chen Guo quickly shuttled through the dark pipes. Soon, they arrived at the bottom deck of the ship.

The huge deck was already devastated, and hundreds of engineers were holding various repair tools, trying in vain to repair the damaged areas of the deck, hoping that this old antique ship could last longer.

From time to time, one or two engineers would be sucked out by the hole due to untimely and cautious operations, or they would be sucked and stuck at the entrance of the hole, and were squeezed to death by the huge unbalanced pressure from the inside and outside.

All the engineers and soldiers were busy with what they were doing, and no one noticed the arrival of the two outsiders, Chen Guo and T.

Quietly entering an abandoned launch warehouse through a secret door, T pushed aside the pile of debris covered with gray cloth, and a simple and old small transport ship more than ten meters long appeared in front of them immediately.

Although this transport ship is a bit small compared to the smallest frigate, its flowing curves and compact design lines show that it comes from the famous golden age.

It's a pity that even in such an era of technological explosion, it is impossible to scale the subspace engine to a small transport ship more than ten meters long... No, there is actually a subspace engine on this ship!

Looking at the subspace engine at the rear of the ship, Chen Guo frowned. Even though he was not a professional engineer, he could tell that the subspace engine was installed later. The wasteland-style decoration made the entire ship feel inharmonious.

"Come with me, I need you to be my co-pilot!"

"Wait, won't you explain what's going on? Why is the subspace engine installed on such a small ship?"

After tying the directional bomb to the hatch of the launch hatch, T replied expressionlessly: "This is an interstellar yacht. The subspace engine was assembled by my parents based on the drawings and parts of the golden age. This is also the reason why they don't want to leave here. I have done a simple test. It can theoretically perform a subspace jump, but I don't know whether it can succeed, but it's better than waiting to die here?"

"...I understand, what do you need me to do?"

"You will be the main driver of the spacecraft. After rushing out, you will keep driving forward. I will be responsible for debugging the subspace engine and performing subspace jumps."

"But...I can't drive a spacecraft."

"...You don't have to drive, I can debug it. You just need to hold the steering stick and make sure the spacecraft is driving forward all the time."

"Then...I'll try it!"

Sitting in the driver's seat, looking at the densely packed buttons in front of him, Chen Guo felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Fortunately, he didn't need to press any buttons. He just needed to press the propulsion lever and fly forward like he did in his previous life.

"Are you ready?"


"Okay, ready, push!"

He pushed the steering lever down hard, and the bomb stuck on the door blew the hatch in front into pieces. The endless suction drove the spacecraft to crash into the fence like a wild bull.

The huge reverse thrust was fed back to the push rod the moment it entered the subspace. Chen Guo almost let the push rod hit back because he didn't hold it firmly. He was so scared that he quickly gritted his teeth, poured all his energy into his palm, and pushed forward hard, and finally fixed the push rod firmly in the highest speed gear again.

"Don't use too much strength. The physical rules of the subspace are different from those of the real universe. This spaceship has neither a Geiger stand nor a void shield. It will be 100% affected by the physical rules of the subspace. Sometimes it is moving forward in the last second, but backward in the next second. You have to be flexible and change at all times. Remember that we have to fly forward all the time!"

T's voice came from all directions and different angles, but it also indirectly confirmed the fact that the physical rules of this world are chaotic.

"How long will it take for the engine to warm up!"

"Twenty seconds, be careful of the void demon in front!"

Chen Guo hurriedly looked forward and immediately saw a toad void demon as huge as a mountain. It suddenly emerged from behind the red fog group unique to the subspace, floating in front of the spaceship with its abyss mouth open, waiting for them.

Its eyes, which are larger than a three-story building, flickered with strange purple-black flames. Chen Guo could clearly read from the purple-black flames that the toad was very happy because the food was about to be delivered to its mouth!

He hurriedly pulled the steering stick to control the spacecraft to dodge to the left, but the toad in front of him was so big that even if it didn't move, it still blocked the route in front of the spacecraft!

"I can't dodge!"

"Push it all the way down, rush down, give me five seconds." T gritted his teeth and opened the connecting plate of the subspace engine inside the spacecraft, and stuffed his entire palm into it.

Although there was only one plate between them, the temperature inside and outside the engine was thousands of degrees different. In just one second, T's entire arm had been frozen into a black and purple ice block, but with this second, he successfully removed the suppressor on the engine core.

Without this part used to limit overload, the subspace engine began to shake violently, and the speed increased by more than ten times in a row, causing the entire spacecraft to shake constantly, and it felt like it would completely collapse and disintegrate at any time due to excessive speed.

It was at this speed that the red mist began to gather and merge rapidly in front of the spacecraft, and a vortex leading to the real world quickly appeared in front of them.

Five, four, three, two, one!



Chen Guo gritted his teeth and let out a sharp roar. His whole body began to swell, black hair shone through his body, and his demonized body emerged with even greater power. He tightly grasped the steering rod that had also begun to shake left and right.

A black light flashed, and the bizarre subspace disappeared, and what appeared in front of Chen Guo was a yellowish earth planet.

He finally ran out of that damn subspace!

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