Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 15 63-8 is Daven, not Dyna. (Please collect, recommend, reward, everything.) (1/2)

[Unit of Manifestation]: 86

[Fantasy Manifestation Data Table Updated! ]

[Golden Age Warp Engine Miniaturization Technology Has Been Collected. ]

[Golden Age Warp Engine Miniaturization Technology]: Level A+. From the Warhammer world, Warp Engine Technology is a key to open the Warp Gate, but it does not represent just the key to open the Warp Gate at this moment, but a precious symbol of friendship. (35000/86 cannot be exchanged, and 1% rebate can be drawn for each exchange)]

Looking at the introduction in the Colorful Meteor, Chen Guo was still a little confused. How come the things T gave him were inexplicably included in the fantasy data table and became one of the options?

Could it be that... Nine Yin White Bone Claw, Death Throat, these things also entered the fantasy data table in this way?

Chen Guo was not only a little horrified by the careful thinking.

If these things are not fictional, but really exist in some worlds, then wouldn't the illusion data table become a skin trading system that specializes in collecting the specialties, energy and souls of each world?

What on earth did the person who created this fantasy data list want to do?

Does he have any hidden conspiracy?


Slapping himself hard, Chen Guo forced himself not to think too much.

Even if there is really a hidden conspiracy behind this, what does it matter?

He is just a miserable time traveler. If it weren't for this fantasy data list, he would have died on that dark prison planet.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Guo once again put aside the unfounded delusion of persecution in his mind and began to observe the new projects that were replaced and added.

Burning bricks, Da Huan Dan, Huang Long Dan, T virus fluid, and the puppetry of the mental patient's wide thinking are all there, but everything else has been refreshed, and in addition to the above subspace engine technology, there are two new options.

[Magic Bag Blind Box]: Level C++, contains 25 meters, 25 meters high, 25 meters wide and long, square storage space, comes from the wizard world, is a trophy obtained by a wizard after a fight, covered with black blood, it is recommended to clean it before use, because it is a C++ version, each magic bag has different blind box properties, small gambling is fun, big gambling is harmful, strong gambling is wiped out, I wish you good luck! (2500/86)]

[Electric Spark Fruit]: Level B, comes from the world of Tongtian Road, after taking it, there is a 75% chance of obtaining a complete thunder spirit root or a 25% chance of obtaining a broken thunder spirit root, it can only be taken once in a lifetime, and it is invalid if taken too much. (10000/86)]

[Thunder Horizontal Refining]: Level C, a thunder body refining technique, a common commodity on the street, can be used as the basis of the initial body refining technique. (1200/86)]

[Motor Vehicle Fist]: Level C, from the Dream Martial Arts World, a representative martial arts skill that can break through thousands of enemies with one punch. The stronger the true energy, the greater the destructive power, but it requires the user to have a certain foundation in horizontal training. (2600/86)]

[Flying Flowers and Falling Leaves]: Level E+, from an unknown martial arts world, hidden weapon skills, practiced to perfection, flying flowers and falling leaves can kill people, because it is an E+ version, it will be directly instilled to perfection (900/86)]

[Chemical No. 5 defective version]: Level E-, from the world of the Black Robe Patrol, after injection, you can randomly gain non-human superpowers, each can last for 24 hours, but you will die after three times (900/86)]

After reading all the fantasy data sheets carefully, Chen Guo would be lying if he said he was not excited, especially now that it is lacking a method that can permanently increase physical strength, so as to ensure that the body will not be as brittle as a piece of paper when not using the demon body.

Opening his eyes from the recliner, Chen Guo ordered another glass of juice, and soon, a girl in revealing clothes pushed the door and walked in.

"Hello, your juice, a total of 15 Dyna coins!"

"Thank you!" He casually took the juice and stuffed a little tip into her chest. It was quite substantial.

But I don't know if the girl was sick because the air conditioning in the room was too low or she was sick. Chen Guo just touched her slightly, and she started coughing violently when she was excited. It wasn't until Chen Guo helped her pat her back that she got better.

But it was at this time that Chen Guo realized that the girl looked very bad, but she was just heavily made up, so it was not noticeable for a while.

"Are you sick?"

"Oh, it's okay, I have a little cold, you take your time?"

The girl twisted her body and quickly left the sun room. Looking at her back, Chen Guo didn't care too much. He drank a sip of juice and continued to bask in the sun and meditate.

Although life these days is very comfortable, Chen Guo has not forgotten the capital of his life. However, without struggle and fighting, there is no progress in the manifestation points. Relying on meditation and charging with weak current, the growth rate of the manifestation points is really pitifully slow. Moreover, sometimes he is too lazy to meditate and would rather sleep than fight for more manifestation points.

Sure enough, comfort will make people useless.

When the sun was about to set, Chen Guo looked at the time again. It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon in Terra. He just finished meditating and prepared to go to the appointment.

It was Colonel Ans who invited the guests. This guy took a shift today and returned to the ground from the spaceport, but the invitation to Chen Guo to the banquet was sent a few days ago.

I heard from the imperial soldier who came to deliver the post that Colonel Ans was promoted to brigadier general, so a celebration party was held.

Without thinking too much, Chen Guo could guess with his toes that his promotion must be related to the spaceship that Chen Guo sold him.

To be honest, Chen Guo didn't really want to get involved in such a public event.

After all, even if Sage Linda faked his death for him, he was still a fugitive in essence, so it was better not to go to places with many people and eyes.

Otherwise, if someone who had seen Little Jack would recognize him, then Chen Guo's easy life would end again.

Don't think that this possibility is very low. Often things that theoretically would not happen will always happen miraculously - this is the damn fate.

After a few days of careful consideration, Chen Guo decided to join in the fun. It was very useful to have a good relationship with Ans, the local imperial general. It was a good opportunity to see what the banquets among the upper class in the Warhammer world looked like, and see if it was really as described in the novels, with wine pools and meat forests, and extremely luxurious.

She changed into the noble clothes that had been customized not long ago - a gorgeous coat suit wrapped in black fur, and a pair of genuine leather boots made of unknown animal skins.

This set of clothes fully demonstrated the famous saying that expensive but ugly, the only advantage was that it was low-key enough and would not attract too much attention.

The venue of the celebration banquet was very close to the high-end apartment where Chen Guo was living at the moment. After changing clothes, Chen Guo only took a few minutes to walk to the banquet site.

After handing in the invitation and entering the banquet, because he didn't know anyone, Chen Guo casually took a glass of Amaze and walked to the corner of the banquet.

At the banquet site, in addition to many local nobles dressed in luxurious clothes, there were also many generals wearing imperial military uniforms, both high-level and low-level.

But except for a few senior generals who stood together and chatted with the nobles, the other minor nobles and low-level generals all gathered in groups and divided into two camps, playing their own games.

Although the two groups treated each other with respect, Chen Guo still saw contempt in the eyes of many local nobles, as if it was a shame to be in the same room with these rude low-level generals to attend the banquet.

Facing such eyes, the low-level generals who came to the banquet were not to be outdone and responded with fierce eyes.

The two sides were like fire and water, but they did not let the conflict further intensify. After all, everyone was not a fool, and no one wanted to be the first bird to stand out.

"Ahem, how have you been recently?" Ans's voice came from the side. Chen Guo turned around and looked. Ans, who was wearing a general's uniform, had stood beside him without knowing when. The majestic general's uniform was ironed straight, and the badge representing the rank of brigadier general was even more polished.

However, Ans's face was not as bright as the badge, but rather a little dim, with a forced smile on his lips, looking extremely tired.

"Not bad, the beach here is very nice, congratulations to you, Brigadier General Ans, congratulations on officially entering the ranks of the Empire's senior generals."

"Thank you, but to be honest, I still have to thank you. If the spaceship you sold to me had not been favored by Governor Eugene, I might have to wait for many more years to get this rank... cough cough cough!"

Ans suddenly coughed violently in the middle of his words, and he drank several sips of warm and sweet honey wine before he felt much better.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine. It's all those damn religious lunatics' fault!"

"Religious lunatics, what religious lunatics?"

"Hey, my brother is serving in the battle fleet of the Word Bearers Company. A few days ago, the company stopped the expedition and came back to rest. My brother came to see me. When he attacked a plant planet, he was infected with a kind of fungal pneumonia that is difficult to cure, highly contagious, but not fatal. I was sick after having a meal with him. Although it is not fatal, the cough is endless. No medicine works. Only honey can temporarily relieve it... I won't say more. My boss is here. I'm going to entertain him. You can do whatever you want. They are all top-notch stuff!"

Quietly pointing to the several gorgeously dressed noble girls standing in the opposite corner, Ans dragged his tired eyelids and made a hint that all men understand, and turned away.

But he didn't notice Chen Guo's gradually gloomy face.

"The Word Bearers Company... It's not such a coincidence. This is the Dyna Star District. Although there is only one letter difference, it is not necessarily in the same form. The governor is..."

"It's the Daven Star District, and the governor is Eugene Tamba!"


Hearing the voice in his ear, Chen Guo was startled again. This was the second time today that he didn't feel someone approaching him.

However, compared with the problem of perception, the words conveyed by this female voice made him more desperate.

This is a girl wearing a gorgeous long dress. At the same time, she is also one of the noble girls that Ans just hinted at.

"It's the Daven Star District. The Dyna Star District is the replacement name. The reason for the name change is that the governor is a believer of the Coiling Snake Church. Dyna is the name of the God of Coiling Snake. However, because the name change was relatively short, many people have not yet changed." The girl said while sticking to Chen Guo and holding Chen Guo's arms in her arms.

Whether it was intentional or not, after feeling Chen Guo's strong arms hidden under the coat, she hugged him tighter and the smile on her face became sweeter.

Chen Guo could already clearly feel her breathing.

Obviously, he had become her prey today.

Unfortunately, if it was just now, Chen Guo might be very interested in getting to know her more deeply, but now there is only one voice in Chen Guo's mind... Run, leave this planet, leave this star region.

Gently pulling his arm out of the girl's arms, Chen Guo smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I still have some things to deal with, goodbye!"

Ignoring the girl's resentful expression, Chen Guo quickly left the banquet and walked directly to the Starport elevator. He didn't want the luxury apartment worth millions of Dyna coins.

He walked very fast, forming a sharp contrast with the leisurely crowd around him.

As he walked, Chen Guo unconsciously covered his mouth and nose with his clothes. Since he found that he had come to the wrong place, the coughing people on the road became particularly conspicuous.

'TMD! The name he changed a year ago, what a shitty name, Daven changed to Dyna, the Serpent Cult fuck, Eugene Tamba, I fuck your ancestors! ’

Seeing more and more passers-by start to cough, Chen Guo cursed all the eighteen generations of the interstellar governor Eugene Tamba in his heart.

However, this is also his fault. He didn't investigate the humanities and geology here before coming here, and he was confused and spent more than a month on the planet where the Horus Heresy broke out!

But this can't be completely blamed on him. After all, who would have thought that it was really such a coincidence that the subspace vortex that was opened casually would directly bring him to the Daven star zone, to the starting point of this chaos.

"I hope everything is still in time now!"

The spaceport's elevator is still overcrowded. Because of the artificial ocean, Daven has long become a famous tourist destination in the surrounding galaxies.

After all, there are many ocean worlds, but there are not many planets willing to spend a lot of money to build a huge artificial ocean in the vast desert Gobi.

"I want to go to... the capital of the Selven star zone. Are there any ships now?"

"Yes, there is still a merchant ship of the Bis family that has not left, but there are no first-class and ordinary cabins, only the Supreme Governor's cabin. Do you want it?"

How could Chen Guo not see that the female ticket seller was ripping him off? The reason must be that the clothes he was wearing were obviously very expensive, but now was not the time to care about it.

"Just a Governor's Suite, when will it leave?"

"After fifteen Terra hours, you can board the ship now or tomorrow morning. Do you need me to call the luggage servant for you?"

"No, arrange for me to board the ship now..."

"Okay, please wait..." The ticket seller in front of him suddenly stopped the work at hand, touched the earphones on his ears, stared at the direction behind Chen Guo, and unconsciously showed a panic expression on his face.

Following her gaze, the crowd not far behind her was fleeing in all directions. The imperial soldiers stationed at the elevator were evacuating the crowd while running in the direction of the crowd's escape.

"This elevator is about to close. This elevator is about to close. All passengers and staff are requested to evacuate urgently. All passengers and staff are requested to evacuate urgently!"

"It's over!" Chen Guo's heart sank. He knew that he was still a step too late.

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