Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 2: The number of atonement places in the atonement camp is limited, but the number of deaths

Even though the game started with a catastrophic start, Chen Guo still had something to rely on, so he was not completely helpless.

In fact, when he first came here, Chen Guo did not know the existence of this colorful meteor.

It was only after he experienced the first cruel torture of medicine and electric shock that this colorful meteor inexplicably appeared from his head and began to emit warm light to help him repair his body, and also instilled a lot of strange information into him.

According to the information in his mind, Chen Guo knew that in addition to slowly restoring his body, this meteor in his mind also had the ability to materialize fantasy props.

Unfortunately, in order to materialize items from this meteor, something called materialization power is needed.

However, Meteor did not tell Chen Guo how to obtain this kind of materialization power. This led to Chen Guo wasting a lot of time after more than a month of research. Only then did he figure out that there are three ways to increase this mysterious materialization power: First, when he empties his mind and enters a state of meditation in a state of concentration, he will slowly increase one or two points of materialization power for every five hours of meditation; second, every time he is electrocuted, the stronger the current, the more it will give him a certain amount of materialization power every time it passes through his body.

These two methods of obtaining materialization power were discovered by Chen Guo after suffering a lot of hardships.

However, the gains brought by these two ways of increasing materialization power are extremely small.

After more than dozens of days and nights of deep thinking, coupled with increasingly powerful currents, Chen Guo only accumulated 98 points of materialization power.

The 1,600 points of materialization power came from the third way to obtain materialization power - the soul!

Chen Guo discovered that this third method of obtaining materialization was purely an accident... After an experiment a week ago, he was tortured to the point of losing consciousness. When he was dragged back by the prison guards, he accidentally came across a dead body that was thrown casually next to the test bench.

The seven-colored meteor directly extracted the soul of the poor guy and turned his soul into 20 points of materialization.

The harvest of one soul is almost as much as he would get from meditating day and night for a week or being electrocuted a dozen times.

This discovery made Chen Guo feel ecstatic in his heart, but also a little bit of pity.

After all, it is easy to figure out with your toes that the soul extracted by the seven-colored meteor will definitely not have the opportunity to reincarnate... For your own selfish interests, is it too cruel to deprive others of the opportunity to reincarnate?

However, this idea only existed in Chen Guo's mind for a moment before it disappeared without a trace, and he began to deliberately touch those corpses.

He was almost losing his life, so what qualifications did he have to empathize with others?

Let's stay alive first!

As for what exactly this meteor in his mind is, Chen Guo can't bother to find out for the time being.

Similarly, he can't even guarantee his own life at this moment, so it's meaningless to think about these things.

In fact, if it weren't for the meteor in his mind that gave him the hope of escaping, Chen Guo would hardly be able to hold on until now.

As for how to escape from this Jedi-like prison, Chen Guo has a rough plan in his mind after two months of careful observation and some inadvertent intelligence.


Time flies. About three days after Chen Guo was taken back to the prison, the hurried and powerful footsteps in the hot and dry passage finally broke the silence of the entire cell again.

This footsteps seemed to represent some kind of signal. The prisoners in the steel cage, who had originally stiff and dull expressions, came alive again. They turned their heads and looked at the passage, and their numb eyes were all filled with deep fear.

"Hehehe, your good days are over, get out of your dog cages!"

A whole team of tall imperial soldiers came in, and the sturdy man in the lead was like an iron tower. There was not a trace of dust on his black uniform. The rank on his shoulder showed that he was a captain, and the badge on his chest showed that he was an imperial commissar with blood of enemies and his own people on his hands. The whole person was filled with a dangerous aura like a venomous snake.

He grinned and glanced at the prisoners in each cell with a playful look:

"Hehehe, you are lucky. The empire now needs you to sacrifice yourself. It's still the old rule. Those who survive to the end can get a chance to atone for their sins."

The one who spoke was Zach, the imperial commissar of the 15th Company of the Iron Airborne Regiment.

It was he who gave Chen Guo the nickname of cockroach.

After Zach's voice fell, the prisoners in the cell became more nervous. Endless despair began to spread in their originally numb and terrified expressions.

In the shadow of the corner of the prison, after three days of recuperation, Chen Guo's physical strength has recovered. He listened to Zach's words, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The so-called dedication is indeed literal.

Although the empire is still in the period of great expedition, it already has countless territories, countless planets, and inexhaustible sources of troops.

However, when facing some disgusting enemies, even the most cold-blooded imperial military and interstellar regiments will not choose to use their soldiers and interstellar warriors to make unnecessary sacrifices.

At this time, the plan of the Atonement Camp will naturally appear in his mind.

The so-called atonement camps are all kinds of death row prisoners who have committed unforgivable crimes. They accepted the emperor's call and "volunteered" to form a death squad to help the emperor gnaw down the hard bones one after another, and finally Regain your freedom with all your merits

It may sound good, but you must know that the highest battle loss ratio of the Imperial Military Department at the moment is only 100%, while the battle loss ratio of the Atonement Camp is 300%!

Although I don’t know how this number was calculated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it means that the only way to enter the atonement camp is to die.

In addition, the Atonement Camp is not something you can enter just because you want to.

If you want to enter the atonement camp, you must first make atonement.

There are so many prisoners in this large prison that even if the largest troop transport ships are used to transport them one by one, it will take several years. The time is too long, which will slow down the pace of the Chapter's expedition.

Besides, strong bones are not available every day, so there is no need for so many people.

Therefore, every prisoner who participates in the Battle of Atonement must go through a brutal duel. Only the prisoners who survive to the last tenth can successfully join the Atonement Camp and gain a real chance to atone their sins.

"Hahaha, you are just lucky. The Lords Astartes of the Scarlet Judge Company think it is not a good look to let you losers go hungry to atone for your sins.

So before you make atonement, you get a chance to have a full stomach, so please cheer as much as you want. At least you can have a good meal before you die. Food other than synthetic food, oh, by the way, and wine. , hey hey hey! "

After hearing the news, the prisoners finally found some psychological comfort.

Compared with the synthetic food they eat daily, having the opportunity to taste meat, even fruits and wine will undoubtedly revive the prisoners' long-lost will to survive.

This is also the result Zac and the Astartes want.

After all, the Empire and the Chapter need brave death squads, not weak cannon fodder.

Thoughts flashed through his mind. The cage in front of Chen Guo had been opened. Zach was looking down, with a serious and weird smile on his ferocious face:

"Little cockroach, you are very unlucky. What was waiting for you was a spectacular experiment. If you were lucky, you could even leave your name on the vast and magnificent pages of the empire.

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Unfortunately, you don't have that luck now. You will die here like a bedbug or on some dirty planet filled with putrid sludge. "

Chen Guo ignored him and stood up directly to walk out of this simple cage.

Other prisoners also walked out of the cage one after another.

The cell where Chen Guo was staying didn't look big, but it was packed with thousands of people.

There are tens of thousands or more cells like this in this devil's hell.

There is no doubt that this planet is a huge prison. There are so many prisoners who don't even have one-tenth of the size of this prison.

The desperate prisoners lined up in a long line, filling the entire cell in an orderly manner. Zach was very satisfied that these prisoners could be so obedient, and took the lead to turn around and leave the cell where he was about to faint.

After passing through several winding passages, the group finally walked out of the dim prison passage. All the prisoners, including Chen Guo, were immediately blinded by the bright light outside the passage and did not recover for a long time.

And when their eyes regained clarity, what appeared in front of them was a complex steel corridor.

"Coming, coming, our warriors are coming!"

"Oh oh oh oh, our warriors have appeared, hahahaha, they are the warriors of our 136th Ward, hahahaha, perform well, I am optimistic about you!"

"Hey, remember to behave well, or I will hang you up and roast you, as easy as roasting a suckling pig."

"Oh, Paul, stop talking, I'm hungry."

Walking through the steel corridor, there were many passing soldiers and Astartes on patrol and alert from time to time.

Their eyes were either full of indifference or unabashed teasing and contempt, as if they were looking at the crickets that were about to be put into the pottery to be killed.

Chen Guo was at the end of the team and carefully recorded the number of soldiers and space warriors she met along the way:

“The empire is still in the period of the Great Crusade, which means it still maintains the establishment of legions.

According to the information after chatting with them, I learned that there is a large company of Astartes from the Night Lords Chapter stationed here.

This also means that there are at least 1,000 Astartes stationed here on this planet at this moment. "

"It's just a prison planet. As for stationing so many Space Marines? There are enough Space Marines to go to the Eye of Chaos."

"The number of people should be correct. We have seen three or four Astartes warriors with different patterns sprayed on their armor along the way. This density should be that of a large company."

Thoughts flashed through Chen Guo's mind one by one.

They've been in jail for a long time.

The entire underground prison is filled with a rough industrial style, and looks very simple, but even in such a simple environment, it is designed to be as difficult as a maze, and Chen Guo has discovered many extremely sophisticated traps and seemingly meaningless dead ends through his own observations.

Haha, this is very much in the style of the Midnight Lord.

The prisoners turned around and walked through several secret doors that looked like walls but were actually doors, and finally came to an underground arena that was larger than dozens of football fields combined.

The arena was surrounded by rows of neatly distributed viewing areas, and there were some viewing platforms embedded in the soil on the top, but they were too high to see what was inside.

There were also thousands of black containers above the head, and I don’t know what was stored in them.

As soon as I entered here, there was a faint smell of food in the air.

That was definitely not the smell of synthetic grain, but a carefully cooked delicacy.

But the strange thing was that Chen Guo and the others could only smell the aroma of the food, but could not find the source of the aroma anyway.

"Okay, losers!"

Zach clapped his hands and shouted:

"See the number one mark on the ground over there, and if you don't go there, sit down where you are. You are not allowed to make any noise. If anyone dares to make any noise, I will pull his head off and put it in his **!"

Thousands of prisoners looked at each other, and tacitly kept a long line to the mark and sat down side by side.

Seeing that the prisoners he brought were so obedient, Zach nodded with satisfaction, turned his head and walked towards his boss standing at the edge of the finals, and whispered to the short man with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Not long after, the prisoners in the second cell also arrived, and this time the team was led by a slender female captain.

Although she was not ugly, the medal of the Imperial Political Commissar on her chest still made all the prisoners who saw her lower their heads silently.

It can be seen that she is also a ruthless person, otherwise it would be impossible for a woman to have the identity of the Imperial Political Commissar.

"Hey, Chen Guo?"

Just as Chen Guo was carefully looking at the surroundings, a heavy hand suddenly patted his shoulder.


Chen Guo raised his eyelids and looked back expressionlessly.

Because he had survived for a long time, Chen Guo was still well-known in his big cell. Unfortunately, after the confusion period in the first few days, Chen Guo didn't pay much attention to these "companions".

In addition, there was a metal railing as thick as a baby's arm blocking him. Even if he wanted to make more friends, he didn't have the opportunity. He couldn't make friends with so many people!

However, he had some impression of the scarred prisoner sitting behind him at the moment. The other party was an interstellar pirate and a veteran in the same prison area. He had experienced all kinds of torture and experiments, just like Chen Guo. He could be regarded as a tough guy.

The distance between the two cages was not far, and they had exchanged a few words before, so they were not strangers.

"Little Jack, are you interested in joining us?"

Scarface called Curze the same name as the Primarch of the Night Lords.

He said this in a low voice that only the two of them could hear, while looking around expressionlessly:

"If you don't join us, I'll be the first to kill you!"

Chen Guo was shocked by these straightforward words, and he looked back at Scarface.

Curze's eyes were full of murderous intent.

He wasn't kidding.

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