Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 172 The Emperor on the Moon? (1/2)

"General Camintos, integrate the team!"

Chen Guo did not leave Pale Mask here forever, not because he did not succeed, but because he did not do so.

He clearly remembered that a few years ago, if it were not for the appearance of Pale Mask, he would have died in the hands of Kaslo.

Of course, no one knows whether the appearance of Pale Mask is a plan between Carlos and Pale Tower, a plan to win his favor.

"My Lord!" Lu Duoyiner walked in from outside. He was attracted back by the explosion.

When passing by the wall that was pierced alive, Lu Duoyiner paused for a moment, looked silently for a while, and then walked behind Chen Guo again.

"You're back?"

"Yes, Lord, the biochemical army has been deployed in various key nodes and fortresses. I came back only after seeing the explosion!"

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"But there is no big problem here. Everything that needs to be done has been done. But since you are here, don't leave. Be responsible for the defense here! The rebel army's main target is still here!"

"Yes, Lord!" Lu Duoyiner immediately took the order without any hesitation, and took a small number of biochemical army soldiers he brought with him, and quickly began to jointly deploy defenses in this area.


"Meow... Linda, come here quickly, here!" Mintis began to roar with some excitement.

It's no wonder that she is so excited, because the situation in this place is too complicated.

It is self-evident that it is difficult to find a hidden secret door of less than one square meter on a huge white plain covering hundreds of thousands of square meters.

And you can't use any violent means to search, otherwise once the hidden self-destruct device is triggered, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Linda rushed over quickly. She looked at the square hidden door under the white sand, and a hint of excitement flashed in her eyes.

Finally found it successfully!

I don’t know which idiot of the Mechanicus left the secret vault, but actually hid such a small secret door on such a huge desert plain, and there was no mark left at all.


After snapping his fingers, violent pheromones gushed out, and the Thunder Warriors waiting around rushed up immediately, using their hands and feet to push the white sand covering the hidden secret door to the side.


After quickly entering the corresponding code, the hidden secret door opened as promised. Mintis was about to jump down first, but was stopped by Linda.

“Don’t be so anxious, let them go down and take a look!”

“Dong Dong Dong~”

The Thunder Warriors filed in and jumped down one after another.

While the Thunder Warriors were jumping down to explore, Linda and the others were not idle either. A small rectangular warehouse appeared on the plain, directly covering the hidden secret door.

"Meow... I'll go down!"

"Don't come on, stay here safely!" Linda didn't even look at it, and directly rejected Mintis's so-called proposal.

Her body was directly made of nanomachine insects, so even if it was lost, destroyed, or exploded, there would be no problem.

But Mintis was different. Although her body was also new, her backup body was still being made, so just in case, it was better to stay quietly on it for support!

After waiting for a while, Linda jumped down.

Of course, she jumped down with a large number of Thunder Warriors. With these Thunder Warriors as barriers and cannon fodder, I believe there should be no danger!


After the forced landing of the rope, Linda landed on the soft ground not long after...

Wait, soft ground?

Linda was a little confused. Shouldn't she have landed on a hard steel floor or a gravel floor? Why was it soft land?

Looking down at the ground, Linda was surprised again. She unexpectedly found that the ground was covered with yellow soil.

It was real yellow soil, just like the yellow soil under the roots of those expensive green plants seen on Terra.

In this era, due to various radiation and pollution, even 80% of the soil on Terra was polluted. All of them became polluted soil that could no longer be used to grow green plants. There were black, purple, and blue soils. They had to be screened and refined before they could be grown.

More importantly, even after screening and purification, the color of the soil returned to yellow, but it was several degrees darker than the color of normal soil. It was obvious that it was polluted soil that had been purified and screened.

But at this moment, the soil under Linda's feet was actually pale yellow. Without careful observation, just smelling the faint fragrance of the soil, you can know that it is soil that has not been polluted at all.

It is incredible to see such soil on the moon.


After turning on the recording device, a large number of nanomechanical bugs flew down from Linda's body. These little guys floated quickly in the air and slowly floated into the depths of the muddy passage in front of them.

There were messy footprints all over the ground. If I guessed correctly, they should be the traces left by the Thunder Warriors who had explored before.

Following these footprints, and under the layers of protection of nanomechanical bugs and Thunder Warriors, Linda walked forward carefully.

The information she obtained showed that this secret vault was sealed hundreds of years ago, when the Mechanicus and the genetic armed forces occupying the moon had a little conflict and were directly driven away from the moon.

Before leaving the moon, all the genetic research of the Mechanicus was sealed up tightly, all sealed in a secret vault like this one.

Later, due to the establishment of the empire and various miscellaneous things, most of the secret vaults did not wait until the day of opening.

Even their locations and passwords were lost in the long river of time, becoming secrets that no one cared about.

If Linda hadn't broken through the main control system of the Mechanicus by chance, the Thinker System, and obtained this information from it, these secret vaults would probably have to wait for thousands or even tens of thousands of years before they could be discovered.

Or they would never be discovered, but would die after a long time like most planets and turn into cosmic dust.

Walking forward step by step, Linda slowly smelled another rich fragrance besides the fragrance of the soil.

It was the fragrance of flowers!

As this hint of flower fragrance appeared, bright yellow light slowly extended from the end of the tunnel in front of her, and the burly Thunder Warriors, who were like iron towers, stood quietly in front.

The pheromone command they received was to explore and resolve the threats in the tunnel below, but they did not encounter any danger along the way, so after arriving at the tunnel entrance, they directly entered the standby state and stood quietly at the tunnel entrance in a daze.

Shaking her head speechlessly, Linda continued to use pheromones to command them to move forward, while speeding up her pace and quickly following.

The Thunder Warriors who were exploring the way ahead took the lead and stepped into the yellow light, walking out of this dim but fragrant tunnel.

Linda could also keep up, but when she was immersed in the yellow light, a scene that shocked her appeared in front of her.

She saw a sphere shining with golden light quietly floating in the sky, followed by a vibrant, endless green forest.

"How is this possible!" Linda's eyes were full of disbelief.

This is the underground of the moon. According to the records left by the mechanical sage who designed and built this secret vault, this should be a steel laboratory filled with various culture chambers and culture equipment.

Even if it has become dilapidated due to years of disrepair, this phenomenon should never appear.

This doesn't look like a laboratory at all. This is a world full of spring!


A stronger fragrance of flowers came to her face. At the edge of the forest in the distance, clusters of blue trumpet-shaped flowers came into her sight.

The strange and strong fragrance of flowers came from this blue trumpet-shaped flower.

Linda had never seen this kind of flower. She was born on the Broadsword Nest City in the Mars Forge World. Although she had visited many planets after becoming a mechanical sage.

But as a blood and tears slave, all the planets she visited were ruined planets after war and conquest.

All of those planets were covered with various nests, and there were black smoke that filled the sky...

Walking slowly, she bent down and gently picked a blue morning glory. Linda put it in front of her and sniffed it hard.

The rich fragrance was refreshing!

Linda suddenly had an idea, that is, to grow clusters of blue morning glory in her laboratory.

"Is it fragrant?"

Under the eyes of the crowd, a man's voice suddenly appeared in Linda's ears, and at the moment when the man's voice appeared, the burly Thunder Warrior had already fiercely slashed at the man with the power sword in his hand.

"No manners!"

The crackling sound rang out, and the Thunder Warriors who flew over flew back as they flew over. The sound of bones breaking accompanied their slightly twisted bodies, indicating that they temporarily lost the ability to fight.

But the number of Thunder Warriors Linda brought this time was particularly large. After knocking down a few, more Thunder Warriors rushed towards the man's figure.

But no matter how many people went up, the final result was the same. The Thunder Warriors who could easily kill Astartes were like powerless elementary school students in front of this man, and they fell down in the blink of an eye.

Linda stopped this meaningless act of suicide. Although this man did not kill him, it was already obvious that this man was definitely not something these Thunder Warriors could deal with.

It seems that we still have to rely on nano-mechanical bugs.

"Your little bugs are ineffective against me! Although, they can easily chew me into bones. But the prerequisite is that they can successfully touch my skin!" The man slowly walked in front of Linda, and it was only then that Linda finally saw his face clearly.

Although this man did not carry any mask on his face, nor did he wear a hood covering his face.

But no matter how Linda looked at it, she just couldn't see his face clearly, as if there was an invisible film covering his face, blocking all the sights that wanted to see his face clearly.

But at this moment, when the man's face completely appeared in front of her, Linda still couldn't help but be stunned.

"Who are you...?" She shouted in disbelief.

It's no wonder that she lost her composure, because the recognition of the man's face in front of her is too high.

Or it is no exaggeration to say that this man's face is not only recognized by her, but also recognized by all the planets and people on the planets in the Milky Way that are included in the empire.

It is the ruler of the empire - His Excellency the Emperor!

"You already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

The man slowly sat cross-legged on the ground, waved his hand, and a rectangular checkered napkin carrying a large amount of rich food appeared in front of them.

"Is this the spiritual world?"

"Yes, this is the spiritual world I created. Ten thousand years ago, I lived in such a valley.

Every day, besides herding cattle and sheep, I sit under the biggest tree, watching the slowly rising fiery red sun in the sky, feeling the beauty and tranquility of life, or carefully looking at each sheep and cattle, observing whether they have any signs of illness, so as to sharpen the knife to help them cure the disease... Sorry, I'm off topic! Do you want something to drink?"

Linda frowned, and finally sat down on the napkin slowly, "A cup of strong tea, thank you!"


The man reached out and handed Linda a teacup. When he handed it over, there was no drop of tea in it, but when the teacup fell on Linda's palm, it was already full of red hot strong tea.

"Sir...what do you want to see me about?"

"Oh, nothing, I'm sitting in that position, I'm a little tired, I want to come out and take a walk, and give you some genes by the way!"

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