Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 29 Star God Shirley (Please give me a reward, please give me everything, please collect it,

"Ant, do you think that you can just have two personalities..."

Madeline Cullivan suddenly froze in place, and the world around her was also frozen. It took a long time for her to regain her freedom.


Frozen again, this time it took her longer to regain her freedom.

"Enough!" Madeline Cullivan threw Chen Guo to the ground with force, and pounced on him with her teeth bared: "I want to eat..."

But before she finished her words, Madeline Cullivan was once again frozen in the air. When she successfully recovered this time, the look she gave Chen Guo was no longer disgust and contempt, but a complex expression and spirit.

At the same time, five completely different expressions appeared on Chen Guo's face, which divided his face into five parts, including joy, cruelty, indifference, arrogance, and Chen Guo's original expression.

"Did it work?"

The expression on Chen Guo's face suddenly changed, and the four newly added subordinate personalities immediately fell into a deep sleep, leaving only his own consciousness as clear as before.

Madeline Cullivan, with a complicated expression, waved her hand, and the dim tunnel began to crack, and the whole world began to slowly dissipate.

Chen Guo's perspective also rotated, and finally appeared in a black stone room full of corpses.

In the distance, a dozen or so surviving retainers of the Cullivan family stood trembling in place, protecting Came Cullivan, Madeline Cullivan's aunt, who was lying on the stone platform behind them.

It must be said that the Cullivan family is still unique in commanding subordinates.

When facing such a terrifying and powerful enemy like Chen Guo, these retainers were able to protect their master all the time.

This kind of loyalty is really inspiring!

Tsk tsk tsk, if a guy who will always sit on the golden toilet in the future can also have such a strong command ability and make his subordinates so loyal, then I am afraid that many things will not happen.

Behind Chen Guo, Madeline Cullivan and Mink also looked at the wounds on their bodies and the corpses beside them with a blank look.

Except for them, everyone else in the team was dead. Their bodies, which were either riddled with holes or separated from their bodies, were lying on the ground not far away, mixed with the surrounding corpses.

Looking around, and taking another look at the blood and sticky internal organ fragments all over his body, Chen Guo thoughtfully removed the demonization.

But at the moment he removed the demonization, a brutal face suddenly pushed his consciousness away, making him re-enter the demonization again, and raised his legs to rush towards the crowd in front, "Kill, kill, kill...ah!"

But before he ran a few steps, Chen Guo, who was under the control of this personality, suddenly screamed, and then knelt on the ground with his head in his arms.

Chen Guo's main consciousness regained control again, and he could clearly feel that the brutal personality had been completely wiped out.

At this moment, there were only three other obedient and deep-sleeping personalities left in his body.

As for the bloodthirsty and brutal personality, it had been completely wiped out by the mental suggestion set by "Dr. Andrew".

In other words, except for Chen Guo's main consciousness that could control the body independently, any subsidiary personality that competed with him for the control of the body would be ruthlessly wiped out, while the obedient subsidiary personality would be retained.

This means that Chen Guo never has to worry about any subsidiary personality being able to compete with him for the control of the body.

And what provides him with this security guarantee, in addition to the mental erasure suggestion set by the legendary psychiatric master Dr. Andrew, there is also the direct endorsement of this fantasy embodiment data sheet.

However, nothing is perfect. In order to ensure safety, Chen Guo still silently decided that once he was free, he would find an opportunity to completely wipe out these subsidiary personalities, and he must not leave any hidden dangers for himself.

However, it is definitely not a good time now.

"Sir...what happened? We are not?" Madeline Cullivan and Mink came over and helped Chen Guo who was kneeling on the ground.

Chen Guo did not answer his question, but shouted to Carme Cullivan who was surrounded by retainers: "How long are you going to pretend?"

"Aunt!" Madeline Cullivan finally saw her aunt lying on the stone platform at this time. She wanted to go over, but her aunt's retainer pointed a gun at her head.

"Asshole, get out of here!"

Madeline Cullivan stretched out her hand to push away the muzzle of the gun on her head, but she didn't expect that the trembling retainer boldly began to pull the trigger, ready to kill her on the spot.

Chen Guo narrowed his eyes and was about to step forward to pull Madeline Cullivan, but he didn't expect that a slender white palm was one step ahead of him and slapped the retainer down directly.

"Get out!"

"Master, you're awake, they..."

"Shut up!" Carme Kaliwen covered her head and sat on the edge of the stone platform, "You all, get out."

"But, Master, he..."

"I say it again, all get out!"


After Carme Kaliwen's repeated scolding, the retainers and subordinates who had been surrounding her finally put away their guns and slowly walked out of the room in front of them that was no different from a tomb.


"...Madeline, I'm fine. You go out first. I want to say a few words to...Chen Guo."

Came Cullivan looked at her niece in front of her with complicated expressions. A strong murderous intention kept flashing through her eyes, but often when the overwhelming murderous intention appeared, it would be covered by another gentle emotion.

"I understand, Auntie."

Madeleine Cullivan glanced at each of them a few times, then led Mink out of the stone room with a strange expression.

Although he didn't understand what the relationship between the two was, her woman's intuition told him that their relationship must be abnormal.

He waved his hand at the door of the stone chamber, and the thick stone door closed automatically.

"Chen Guo, male, comes from the Earth in 2022, which is Terra tens of thousands of years ago. Oh, it's a parallel universe... Don't look, you have not successfully assimilated me. I am not you, and I never will. Become you, but..."

Came Cullivan jumped down from the stone platform, walked to Chen Guo, and circled around him: "However, I still want to thank you. Your spirit and memory successfully ignited my rationality. Fire makes me the only "god" with human reason!"

"Is it a god or a star god?"

Hearing the words "Star God", Kame Kallivan suddenly paused. Brutal murderous intent quickly filled the stone chamber, and the temperature of the entire stone chamber suddenly dropped several points.

After a long time, the cold and murderous aura slowly disappeared. Came Kallivan looked at Chen Guo condescendingly, and she said coldly: "Don't ever think about testing me again to see if I will do anything to you. Although I have Human reason and thinking, but I am still me, just like your main consciousness. No matter how many subsidiary personalities you have, your main personality will always be the irreplaceable "king"!

Therefore, if you call me that word again, I will kill you without hesitation. Believe me, even if your Thunder Horizontal Refining reaches the top level, it will be easy for me to kill you. "

"Then what should I call you? Came Cullivan?"

"Okay, but you can also call me Shirley."

"Shirley? Haha, My Little Pony?"

"Chen Guo, put away your ignorant sense of humor. In return for lighting my fire of reason, I can answer three of your questions, three questions that I know the answers to."

"Why are you here?

Is this stone chamber made of black stone?

What do you want to do? "

Facing Chen Guo's barrage of questions, Shirley rolled her eyes, sat back on the stone platform, and said, "Two idiots attacked me while I was devouring a star. They tore it apart." Most of my body, only a small part of me escaped, and then I was caught by the Eldar and imprisoned here for ten thousand years... I love you for ten thousand years... You humans deserve it You are the strangest creature in the universe, and you can actually write such shameless lyrics, as if you can actually live to be 10,000 years old.”

"Haha, this is called expressing love in an exaggerated way... Even if you say it, you won't understand!"

"Love, can that fill your stomach?" Xue Li curled her lips disdainfully and continued to answer the second question, "Speaking of this, I almost laughed to death. You guessed it right, this stone chamber is indeed made of Made of black stone. Those ignorant idiots thought that I came from subspace, so they used the stone chamber made of black stone to seal me for another layer, just to cut off the connection between me and subspace. They used black stone to seal me. Do you think it’s funny to isolate a god from the real physical universe?”

Chen Guo also felt a little speechless, but he was also shocked by the spirit tribe's generosity.

As expected, a race that could give birth to such a master of pleasure as a brilliant sinner was so extravagant as to use such a huge amount of black stone to build a cage to imprison a star god.

Even if you don’t know Shirley’s identity, and you don’t need a glass bottle but have to use black stone, wouldn’t it be enough to build an urn and put it in it?

Is it useful? Is it built that big?

He was also carving portraits around him, so he had nothing to do.

Also, if you seal such a perfect battery on a wild planet, you deserve to be killed and almost exterminated!

"As for the last question... do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear lies?"

Shirley suddenly approached Chen Guo playfully, and the scent of a mature woman from Came Kallivan flowed into Chen Guo's nostrils involuntarily.

Chen Guo suddenly felt that the blood in his body was boiling involuntarily.

However, he soon realized something was wrong with the fragrance, and quickly held his breath, allowing the heat in his body to subside.

"The truth..."

"Tch!" Shirley rolled her eyes again, "For more than 10,000 years, I have been waiting for someone to release me, but unfortunately, I have waited for 10,000 years and nothing happened. Until, until this woman arrived a few days ago, she not only successfully broke through the blockade of those idiots outside, but after knowing my existence from the mouths of those idiots, she still went her own way, touched my body and released me, Let me get rid of the seal and regain the freedom I have longed for.

Originally, after reading her memory, I planned to go out and completely annihilate the damn bastards outside, then crush the planet and suck in the stars nearby. Don't you know that I'm already greedy for it? How long.

But I didn’t expect that this woman was actually a believer of the evil god of subspace. When I wasn’t paying attention, when the door of the stone chamber was opened, she directly sacrificed her soul to the subspace, thereby replacing it in a certain subspace. Chaos consciousness.

That subspace idiot wanted to enslave me, but found that I was completely insulated from the subspace, so he became angry and used the method the Eldar used to seal me, and sealed me in this woman's body again, and then ran away.

However, fortunately it is not professional. It only seals my freedom, but it does not seal my spirit, allowing my spirit to move within a small area.

After discovering your arrival, I originally planned to use your body to kill this woman so that I could be liberated again.

Unexpectedly, you unexpectedly ignited the fire of my rationality, allowing me to unexpectedly achieve the goal set by those Eldar idiots back then - to become a rational creature and gain freedom.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I have to say, this fate is really capricious, and I will actually gain sanity... Oops, I'm talking about fate..."

While singing, Shirley tore off the clothes on her chest, and a strange tattoo of an eye with a tongue appeared in front of Chen Guo between two lumps of flesh.

Looking at it, Chen Guo seemed to see a big blood-red eye flying in the red mist of subspace.

Shaking her head, Chen Guo dispelled the hallucinations in her mind.

The existence of this tattoo directly proves that Carme Calivan is really a believer of the evil god of subspace... I did not expect that the head of a Rogue Trader family would actually be a believer of the evil god of subspace.

No wonder there is no history of the Cullivan family in the chronicles. This kind of family that is related to the evil god of subspace, no matter how great their achievements are, will definitely be mercilessly killed by the Inquisition, the Gray Knights, or some special departments. Erase.

"Then what are you going to do next? Continue to crush this planet, and then go to the star next to you to have breakfast?"

"You must eat breakfast. There are a lot of delicious things in your memory, but forget about crushing this planet. Besides, I plan to live as this woman... just to relax.

By the way, do you have any idea about how to be the head of a Rogue Trader family? "

Shirley put on her clothes again. She picked up the energy bar from a corpse on the ground and stuffed it into her mouth one after another without even tearing the outer packaging bag.

Just like that, she actually showed a satisfied expression.

This poor baby didn't know what he ate before.

"Well... I personally think that when the negotiation fails, you just need to stop transforming and crush and eat the transaction partner, as well as the spaceship or planet he is on."

"Oh...then can I eat the planet next door or the nearest star?"

"...I suggest you don't eat it either."

"Then when can I eat him, his ship or planet?"

"If you insist on eating, I suggest you eat it after the transaction is completed. Of course, the premise is that you have confirmed that you have received the goods or paid for the goods."


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