Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 36: The expected, but unexpected lustful interstellar pirate - Chen Guo (Please give me a re

"Sorry, this is the case. For your safety, I have to take you away. But don't worry, I will send you to a safe planet and give you a fortune to live on..."

Chen Guo handed the necklace back to the little girl.

When they are placed on a safe planet, this debt of favor will finally be repaid, and the colonel should be very satisfied with this approach.

Back in his cabin, Chen Guo couldn't wait to study the fantasy materialization data in his mind that had changed.

Apart from the Da Huan Dan, Huang Long Dan and the newly added Wizard Magic Bag Blind Box that can be exchanged unlimited times, Chen Guo also added the T virus and No. 5 compound that have never been exchanged but occupy the slot.

In the twelve tables that can be exchanged, a total of seven new items were refreshed this time.

(Only one item was added this time (PS: the number I got by rolling the dice.), now there are twelve items. In addition, once the items Chen Guo put on the shelf are bought, that item will disappear.)

After quickly scanning the seven new items, Chen Guo's eyes showed a surprised expression.

But these newly refreshed items are not the most important. The most important thing is that with this refresh, the Fantasy Materialization Data Table finally appeared with a prompt of how many items are needed before the next refresh.

This means that Chen Guo no longer has to refresh before exchanging all the items he can exchange, wasting the opportunity to refresh or staring at the fantasy data table spinning in a daze.

With an accurate refresh target, Chen Guo can make better plans.

It's just...isn't the number of goods that need to be submitted for the next refresh a bit too much?

Six items approved by the Fantasy Materialization Data Table must be submitted in one go before the next refresh can be carried out. Doesn't this mean that Chen Guo has to kill at least six apostles of the evil god before he can meet the requirements for the next refresh?

"What's the matter? Are you going to force me to hunt down the evil god's apostles? Then just let me sign up at the Tribunal, so I can get paid!"

After silently complaining for a few words, Chen Guo began to carefully study the seven newly spawned items.

[Unit of Manifestation]: 27800

[Blood River Scripture Ultimate Simple Infusion Version]: Level A++, the monk Blood River Elder observed the ancient beast Taotie (his wife) eating and was inspired to create the Blood River Scripture. Cultivation is to be reborn by dripping blood at the highest level. As long as the origin is not destroyed, there will be no death.

But at the same time, this method cannot be learned by non-demon races, and before practicing this method, you need to have a strong spirit to maintain your original heart, otherwise after infusion, you will be infected and corrupted by the bloody demonic energy bred by the blood river elder in thousands of years of fighting, and become a glutton greedy for flesh and blood, and it cannot be reversed. Be cautious in exchanging and do what you can. (80000/27800)

[Andora's Magic Potion] Level B: No one knows where it comes from, and no one knows who made it. It seems to have the effect of changing fate, but maybe it can only make you have diarrhea.

The last person who used it obtained a spiritual root, but the person before that lost fifty years of his life and turned into a pile of bones immediately after using it. Is it an opportunity or a bad luck? It depends on whether you dare to take a gamble. (Gambling is harmful to all health. Stay away from gambling to prolong your life.) (3000/27800)

[Domestic Medusa Eye Package Successful Transplantation Version (One Pack)] Level A: When did Medusa become a domestic pet? (In order to protect the identity of the provider, the specific world is not provided for the time being.) But who doesn't want to have a petrified eye without any side effects, and after a certain weakening process, from passive to autonomous release? (PS: The petrification of this eyeball is not permanent. The duration of petrification will be determined by the mental or physical strength of the petrified person.) (40000/27800)

[Blackrock Spire Wizard Beginner's Guide Simple Indoctrination Edition] Level C+: Are you still troubled by not being able to understand the text of the wizard world? Are you still having a headache because you can't understand some professional terms? If so, please don't hesitate. Blackrock Spire Wizard Beginner's Guide will be your best choice. (1000/27800)

[Unknown Book] Level SSS: Tsk tsk tsk tsk, no one knows what is written in it, but everyone who has read it says it is good - from a madman who has to take a bath in a star after reading it. (50000000/28700)]

[Godzilla's Egg] Level A: If you want to raise a flat-headed brother, then this will be your best chance. Of course, if you don't have enough space, I suggest you don't raise it. In addition, this guy is too greedy... He ate more than a dozen of my tactical nuclear bombs before he was born. (30000/27800)

[Full set of human alchemy simplified infusion version] Level A+: From a certain alchemist world, through equal exchange, you can have all kinds of magical abilities, human alchemy is one of them. (76000/27800)

"Except for the first, fourth and seventh, what the hell are the others?" Chen Guo frowned. He looked at these things and always felt that something was wrong.

It's as if the original fantasy manifestation data sheet was compiled by an old man. His sentence explanations are very precise. Although there are one or two humorous jokes mixed in, it seems to make people feel at ease.

But the current fantasy manifestation data sheet looks like it was compiled by an unobtrusive young man, with self-righteous humor and unreliability written throughout the text.

"Replacement? Why not replace me? I'm also very humorous!" Chen Guo complained a few more times.

However, although the introduction on the fantasy materialization information sheet this time seems unreliable, the things are indeed good things.

Especially those Medusa eyes!

Chen Guo subconsciously touched her empty right eye socket. Although one of her eyes was missing, the impact was not as big as expected.

But after all, one eye is missing, and his vision is more or less incomplete.

However, 40,000 points of actual power are a little too expensive, and it’s only a one-pack.

You know, the most powerful weapon in Chen Guo's hands at the moment, a brick hammer blessed by some dream demon god, only sold for 30,000 points!

How could a weakened Eye of Medusa, which couldn't even be permanently petrified, be sold for 40,000?

Chen Guo deeply doubted whether this fantasy materialization data table had the function of checking the "warehouse".

Knowing that he was missing an eye, he gave him a random eye. Knowing that he had the ability to demonize, he randomly gave him the Blood River Scripture that only people with monster blood can practice. Knowing that he couldn't understand those wizards Ziyuan, randomly gave him a wizard's guide. Knowing that his place was large and there was a lot of radiation, he gave him a Godzilla egg that rotted in his hand...

"Damn it, this is called inducing consumption, this is called big data attacking consumers, do you know that you will be fined?" He cursed several times angrily.

But Chen Guo could only curse.

Although these things are very expensive, they are indeed useful.

Besides, even if the price is relatively expensive, at least Chen Guo has the desire to buy it, which is better than the T-Virus and No. 5 Compound that are taking over the toilet!

Chen Guo felt annoyed when he saw these two ghosts occupying two positions. Although he had never redeemed them, he had a hunch that these two things could be redeemed unlimited times. In other words...he had to hurry up. Don't go!

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, just work hard to accumulate real-time points! Redeem the Wizard's Guide first, and later when you have money, you can redeem the Medusa Eyes and the Blood River Meridian... Godzilla will be good, if it is easy to control If it is, keep it as a pet. If it is difficult to control, assimilate it.

Radiation is the most worthless thing in this universe. With an adult flat-headed brother as a support, wouldn't it mean that I could arm-wrestle with an Emperor-level Titan? I just don’t know how many generations of Godzilla it is, but it would be even better if it was over a hundred meters tall like the one in the movie version! "

Regarding the other three exchange items, Chen Guo just read their introductions and threw them aside.

Don't think about it. Andora's magic potion and unknown book are two other ghosts. Especially the unknown book, which costs 50 million cash points. Even if Chen Guo wants to redeem it, she doesn't have that much. Redeem points.

Based on the fact that an adult man can provide 20 cash points, he would have to kill 2.5 million people to be able to redeem this ghost thing.

Even if Chen Guo could kill 2.5 million people, he would not exchange these 50 million realization points for this inexplicable unknown book... If he did, he would really be 250.

As for the art of human body refining... Although Chen Guo is also very interested, he is not ready to get into it for the time being. He does not have so many practical points for multi-faceted development now, so he should wait until later!

After determining the order of redemption, Chen Guo directly redeemed the wizard's guide.

Feeling a large amount of knowledge appearing out of thin air in his mind, he slowly closed his eyes and began to carefully understand the knowledge that suddenly appeared in his mind...




"whats the matter?"

Chen Guo, who was meditating, silently opened her eyes. Now another week has passed since he caused a big trouble in Viyani.

The fleet has successfully left the Badab Sector and is preparing to head to the Anker Pioneer Galaxy, which is also located near the Great Whirlpool, but has a much better security environment than the Badab Sector.

In fact, Chen Guo wanted to send the mother and daughter to a farther galaxy. After all, if they stayed near the Great Whirlpool, even in a galaxy with good security, there would still be a risk of encountering interstellar pirates and subspace cults.

But the mother and daughter couldn't help it, they just refused to go far away and start over again, insisting on seeking refuge with relatives, so Chen Guo could only follow their wishes and send them to the Anker Pioneer Galaxy.

It happens to save some fuel.

Chen Guo had already made plans. After settling the colonel's ex-wife and daughter, he was going to participate in the pirate party.

While gaining knowledge, he can also take a look to see if he can meet the apostles of the evil god or even the lost subspace demons, and then send them to meet their gods cordially and enthusiastically... Of course, the prerequisite is that he can defeat the opponent. , if she couldn't beat him, Chen Guo would pretend he didn't see it.

After opening the hatch, the demon face respectfully handed Chen Guo the projection board in his hand.

"Master, we are wanted!"

"Hmm?" Chen Guo was stunned, took the projection board, pressed a few times, and suddenly a projection screen appeared in the air in front of him.

"The Badab Star Region issued a new wanted order, at the cost of 9 million cubic meters of steel ore, to wanted the Imperial rebel Jack Smoak and the ship of the Kaliwen Merchant Ronin Fleet that he robbed. The ship model and number are... Jack Smoak is an Imperial rebel, male, and his main crime is to cause a fire and riot on the important trading planet of Vianni in the Badab Star Region, causing 3.25 million people in Vianni, 11.5 million people died and displaced, indirectly destroying five prosperous and gorgeous nest cities, and kidnapping a pair of Imperial colonels' families, which is really crazy..."


"Slander, slander, naked slander!" Chen Guo didn't wait for the handsome governor of the Badab Star Region on the screen to finish his words, and directly broke the projection tablet in his hand in half.

He didn't expect that this could also be framed on him!

Although Chen Guo was indeed responsible for this incident, it was only a very small part. In the final analysis, no matter how you look at it, Chen Guo was eliminating harm for the people. How could it be considered that he deliberately caused it?

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame the useless guards on Viyani and those crazy evil apostles. How can you pull him out to take the blame?

Even if you have to find someone to take the blame, you can't distort the facts. What is a crazy interstellar pirate?

And coveting the beauty of other people's wives, what does this have to do with that?

As for the real situation, don't they want to report it at all?

"No, there's a ghost... This manuscript is wrong. It didn't say a word that should be said, and it said everything that shouldn't be said. This bastard is not also an apostle of joy!" Chen Guo suddenly reacted. The guy just now was really too handsome. He had never seen such a handsome star district governor... He was almost certain that this guy must be a believer of the Lord of Joy. No wonder the cult was pretending not to see it even when their eyes were lowered. It turned out that there was a big backer on top!

"Damn it, I did feel a little guilty, but now I don't feel any guilt at all... Governor of the Badab Star Region, right? Don't let me find a chance, I'll skin you alive if I find a chance!"

"Master, don't be angry first, I captured this projection signal from the Anker Pioneer Star System. The Governor's Office of the Anker Star System may have known the organization and ship numbers of our fleet, so we may not be able to go there for the time being."

"Hehe... Not only the Anker Pioneer Star Region, the entire Badab Star Region has a war-like joint defense system. I'm afraid we have been listed in dozens of surrounding star systems... Let's do this, let the fleet find a piece Hide in the asteroid belt first, and send a small frigate to take them away..."

"Master, this method is not feasible. The wanted order says that they were kidnapped by us. Now they appear in another galaxy inexplicably, which will inevitably bring them unnecessary trouble. We suggest that you take them with you first, and wait until the storm is completely over, or leave this star area, and then hire reliable interstellar bodyguards to send them back. It's not too late. "

Chen Guo was silent for a long time, nodded, "Let's do this, take the pirate leader out of the cell, and go to the pirate conference first. "

"Yes, master. "

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