Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 44 The starry sky is about to be ignited (seeking recommendation, collection, reward, everyt

The purple wine was poured gently into the goblet, and the air was suddenly filled with a wonderful fruity aroma.

Chen Guo looked at the drink in front of her and felt on pins and needles, not knowing what to say.

No way, when you are stared at by a bunch of women, you will also be at a loss.

Seeing Chen Guo's helpless look, Alice and Leopold looked at each other and smiled. They both saw in each other's eyes the joy of succeeding in their conspiracy.

Solan and Soni were not as colorful as their mother. They kept whispering to each other in a low voice and glanced at Chen Guo from time to time.

"Quiet!" Leopold knocked on the cup and glared at the two little girls, "Alita!"

"Yes, ma'am."

The maids served exquisite dishes one after another.

Born in a noble family, little Jack certainly knows and is proficient in the etiquette of nobles during meals.

But it's a pity that little Jack took away all that part of the memory, so Chen Guo could only follow the action of Alice sitting opposite and Sonny beside him.

Fortunately, Chen Guo's learning ability is not weak for the time being. Although she can't imitate some details perfectly, she doesn't make a fool of herself at least.

But to say that the reason why he didn't make a fool of himself was Chen Guo's terrifying bite force also accounted for a large part. He could easily chew and swallow even the hardest bones.

Next to her, Soni kept introducing each dish to Chen Guo in a low voice. Her tone was calm and humorous, but without losing the sensibility and cuteness that only girls can have.

This greatly relieved Chen Guo's embarrassment and allowed him, who had always been restrained, to finally relax a little.

But this made Solan unhappy, but because of her mother sitting opposite, she could only cut the bone chops in her hands hard, as if she was cutting into the body of her sister Soni. superior.

After finishing the simple main meal, while waiting for the soup to be served, Alice, who had not spoken to Chen Guo, finally wiped her mouth and picked up the goblet in front of her.


Alice clinked glasses with Chen Guo slightly, and Alice drank all the wine in her hand without looking. Chen Guo had no choice but to accompany her.

The high-concentration psychic medium is an intoxicating strong wine from the First Rebellion Star. According to the local ancient laws, it is forbidden to drink and make this kind of wine in this world. Because it is said that it can bring depth and clarity of thinking to drinkers, but it is obvious that this sight comes from the words of a drunk Mengzi.

But it is undeniable that the speed of addiction and intoxication of this kind of wine is no less than that of some contraband products that cannot be described in words, and the taste is extremely sweet. Drinking it in your mouth does not feel like drinking, but like drinking something. Juice, and it was obvious that Alice chose it as a table wine because of its subtle specialness.

After drinking a glass of wine, Alice's jade-white, smooth and translucent skin was immediately covered with crimson, and her breathing became heavier unconsciously. In contrast, Chen Guo's face was also slightly red, but she was cheating on the use. After doing this, the red color on Chen Guo's face quickly faded, and her slightly confused consciousness also regained consciousness.

But what Chen Guo didn't expect was that after Alice finished drinking, Leopold continued to follow, followed by Solan and Soni. One after another, as if they were rehearsed, these four women actually started In the wheel battle, the expensive medium turned into beer at this moment.

Even if Chen Guo used his true energy to circulate in his body to cheat, he couldn't withstand the four people's wheel-and-wheel battle. Soon, he even forgot about using his true energy to dissolve alcohol in his body. He didn't know how he managed to do it with twin sisters. In the middle, the three of them hugged each other, hooking the shoulders of Soni and Solan next to them.

Thinking about it afterwards, Chen Guo found that she still had some qualities of a gentleman.

Because Alice and Leopold opposite had completely forgotten everything and rolled completely from the table to under the table. Their gorgeous long skirts, clothes and even shoes were flying everywhere. They were about to stage a scene. Good show.

The maids nearby rushed over and pulled them apart, and poured a colorless potion into their mouths.

As the potion slowly went down, the two women, who had almost taken off their clothes, quickly woke up. They looked at the people opposite who were hugging each other and kissing passionately, and smiled at each other again.

But after laughing, a trace of worry appeared on Leopold's face: "Sister, is it too hasty to just hand over Solan and Soni to him like this?"

"There is no time. It doesn't matter that we can't avoid some things, but we can't let the children suffer anymore..." Alice stroked the purple tattoos tattooed on her breasts, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

If Chen Guo was still awake, he would definitely recognize while feasting his eyes that the tattoos on Alice and Leopold were exactly the same as the tattoos on the two human skins that Des dug out with his own hands, and even more so. Complete and more three-dimensional!

They are actually members of the Church of Joy.

"Sister, I can't bear it anymore. Let's give this place to these young people!"

Although the Church of Joy has given them the power to use psychic energy and a body that does not age, all this comes at a price, and the price has begun to affect Soni and Solan.

When they chose to join the Joy Church, although they were full of helplessness, they did not regret their choice, but they would never allow their children to continue to bear such a terrible price.

"Let's go, let them have this place!"

After opening his eyes, Chen Guo looked at the unfamiliar ceiling with confusion, as if his head was about to split. The uneven feeling under his body made him know that he was not sleeping on a soft bed.

"Where am I?" Chen Guo wanted to sit up, but it was not until then that he found that there were two naked purple-haired girls lying in his arms. They were the twins Soni and Solan.

They were flushed and covered with various bruises and scratches. It was obvious that all these marks came from Chen Guo.

They were not awake at this moment. Their slightly immature faces were full of satisfaction and fatigue, and there were faint traces of tears. They were probably exhausted. Their exquisite bodies were pressed against Chen Guo's hard arms, which made Chen Guo feel a lot, but also made him unable to move. He could only continue to be the big pillow silently.

"Da Da Da~"

The footsteps behind her, accompanied by a familiar and rich body fragrance, Alice also walked to Chen Guo with a flushed face.

Leopold did not follow, only Alice was alone.

She looked at Chen Guo and her daughters, and a flash of heartache and reluctance flashed across her face, and her tone became cold with her emotions: "Awake?"

Chen Guo subconsciously wanted to cover it, but his arms were still held by the twins, so he made up his mind and simply didn't hide it. He stood up and looked at Alice expressionlessly: "When did you trick me? Was it the food, the fragrance of flowers, or the wine?"

"All of them, but it doesn't matter anymore. They are now your women, and my goal has been achieved."

"... You took great pains to give your daughters to me, what on earth was the purpose?" Chen Guo didn't quite understand the meaning of Alice's doing this.

Before coming, Chen Guo didn't think this was a Hongmen Banquet. After all, if Alice wanted to take action, she would have done it long ago. He just thought that Alice had something to ask him for, but he didn't expect Alice to be willing to give him all her daughters.

And she gave him two at once.

What, are they going to use two women to tie him up and make him a dog of the Misk family?

Just like Aksu who has already ascended to the demon?

If this is true, Chen Guo will definitely take the responsibility.

But if Alice wants to rely on the chastity of Soni and Solan, or even the chastity of herself and Leopold, to tie Chen Guo to their chariot.

Then Chen Guo can only tell them that they are overthinking.

"What are you thinking? No matter how shameless I am, I will never use my daughter as a bargaining chip. I admit that you are indeed very strong, but if I want to kill you, I have countless ways." As if she saw through Chen Guo's thoughts, Alice stepped on Chen Guo's body, stepped hard to vent her anger, and pulled down her clothes, revealing the complicated tattoo on her chest again: "I want you to take them away from here, take them away from this place of right and wrong!" "Church of Joy?" How could Chen Guo not recognize this tattoo? His face became solemn. No wonder he was inexplicably caught. It turned out that he met a professional apostle of Slaanesh: "Two days ago, did you give the order to kill me?" "Yes, your bounty has long been spread within the church, but then I changed my mind. Your clone is ready. I will inform you that you have been killed by me. dead, and the only thing you have to do is to marry them, take them away, and always protect their safety. And don't wander around with your broken mask in the future. If possible, it's better to change your face. "Alice pulled up her clothes, "Don't worry that they won't go with you. After the coming-of-age ceremony, the women of the Misk family must follow their husbands, even if they have to wander between the stars. Besides, they chose you themselves, although Leopold and I are optimistic about you. "

Chen Guo could feel that Alice had no ill intentions at this moment. He shook his body slowly, slowly pulled his arms out of the arms of the twins, then picked up the magic bag thrown aside and took out a blanket from it to cover the twins. Then, without even having time to put on his clothes, he turned into a flash of lightning, accurately grabbed Alice's neck and pressed her heavily against the wall behind him.

"For the sake of Soni and Solan, I..." Chen Guo lowered his head and looked down... Then slowly raised his head.

Alice raised her eyebrows and signaled him to let go first. Chen Guo narrowed her eyes and loosened her hand, but Alice did not let go as promised. Instead, she became even more unsportsmanlike...


"This is First Mate Des. Des, this is Lan and Ni. They will join the fleet from today."

"Hello, ma'am." Des stared at Chen Guo with a sly smile in his eyes. He had long guessed that Chen Guo would have good luck this time, but he didn't expect to bring back the twins of the Misk family.

"Joseph, take them to the cabin to have a look." Chen Guo casually commanded Momian to lead the twins away. He stopped pretending and immediately covered his waist, "Go, go, we can't stay here any longer. If I stay any longer, I will definitely die here."

After forcing himself to sit on the captain's throne, Chen Guo felt better. He finally understood why so many people would try their best to join the Church of Joy.

It's just not very friendly to the kidneys.

"Boss, where is our target!"

"The Kaliwen system, I still have a cruiser there... Des, if nothing unexpected happens, this should be the calmest period in the entire galaxy. After a while, the galaxy may be ignited by war."

Chen Guo looked at Des with deep eyes.

While communicating with Alice, the mother-in-law, in a friendly way, Chen Guo finally learned some things about the Church of Joy and Khorne.

Under the control of the Church of Joy, the Blood Slaughter Fleet and the Misk family controlled by Alice, the target of this carnival included not only the Badab system, but also Ankh Vanguard, Zeru IV, Krivel, etc., more than 30 galaxies near the Great Whirlpool.

In addition to obtaining sufficient supplies, the main goal is to plunder a large number of people and send them into the vortex to sacrifice to the evil god, so as to upgrade many Slaanesh believers.

According to Alice, all members and believers of the Church of Joy will grow similar but different tattoos out of thin air. These tattoos will grow slowly and autonomously according to the time of joining the church and the contribution made to the church. When the tattoos grow all over the body, they must be upgraded to become true Slaanesh apostles.

Just like Jack's older brother and sister, Andana Smok and Moto Smok, they not only have the ability to release various psychic spells, but also grow crab claws...

The upgrade process is voluntary, but also forced.

Those who meet the requirements and deliberately do not upgrade will be regarded as betraying the church, and will die inexplicably even if they run to the edge of the galaxy.

Alice and Leopold have already met the requirements for upgrading, but they found various reasons and reasons for not upgrading in the previous few times.

But this time it was different, because a keeper of secrets arrived at the Great Vortex in person, and Alice and the others could not escape no matter what. Once they were successfully upgraded, they would no longer be able to escape the clutches of Slaanesh.

In order to prevent their daughters from following their footsteps, they were originally planning to drive their two daughters away after this pirate conference, and give them enough ships to let them go out and wander on their own.

But unexpectedly, Chen Guo suddenly appeared, and even defeated the powerful Khorne demon Aksu with a mortal body, which made them suddenly change their minds from the perspective of mothers-rather than letting the two daughters fend for themselves in this chaotic universe, it is better to find a backer who can protect their safety.

Of course, Chen Guo is definitely not a stable backer, but at least she is the most suitable candidate at the moment.

Chen Guo did not give any definite and affirmative answer to Alice, the prospective mother-in-law, because he still owed Des a head, unless Des told Chen Guo in person that he did not want revenge, but it was obvious that Des, who only had hatred in his mind, would not say so.

Therefore, Chen Guo's reply or promise to Alice was to try to ensure their safety, but not to protect their lives.

In response, although Alice said that she had chosen the wrong person, her physical actions became different.

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