Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 22: Searching for a machine tool (seeking rewards, everything.)

"You mean, the ancestors of the Misk family are actually Eldar?"

"I don't know who gave me that prophecy.

So, I can't give you any definite answer.

Guo, the only thing I can tell you is that my mother and her friends didn't reach the point of no return, but they still resolutely joined the Church of Joy...

My sister and I asked them why they did this, but they just wouldn't tell us until last night when the ancestor's prophecy told us that we are actually descendants of the Eldar, and our souls will be marked with the mark of Slaanesh from the moment we are born..."

Listening to Soni's story, Chen Guo suddenly felt confused.

He suddenly remembered the conversation he had with the great fate weaver, Kaslo, not long ago.

In that conversation, Kaslo directly pointed out that the twin sisters both had the mark of Slaanesh.

Originally, Chen Guo didn't take his words seriously. She just naively thought that the so-called mark was only because the mothers of the twins were all followers of Slaanesh. She never thought that the words Kaslo pointed out actually referred to their bloodline!

The twins are actually descendants of the Eldar.

No wonder!

No wonder, whether it is Asuk or Alice, they all want Chen Guo to take the twins to the outside of the Milky Way!

But why don't they say it directly?

"Is it because this curse will only take effect when pregnant and deliberately mentioned, and only when mentioned and pregnant, will Slaanesh notice the existence of these two Eldar descendants?"

'Fuck, damn pervert, sooner or later I will put my head in your **! '

"Soni, what are you doing?" Solan's angry voice came from behind, "Didn't I tell you not to say anything!"

As she spoke, she wanted to slap Soni angrily.

But at this moment, a strong hand grabbed her arm and slapped her in the face.

This palm directly knocked her out, accompanied by a strong ringing in her ears, and Solan was stunned on the spot.

"What are you doing?"

Soni rushed up directly, she supported her sister with all her strength, and asked Chen Guo loudly: "Don't you know that she is pregnant?"

Chen Guo said nothing, but silently stretched out his palm and hugged both women into his arms, "You, no one is allowed to leave, I will solve the problem of Slaanesh, and no one can take you away from me..."

"What's wrong? Why are you like an eggplant hit by frost?"

Looking at Chen Guo sitting alone in the room in a daze, Linda walked in from outside the room.

"I'm thinking about how I can kill Slaanesh in the shortest possible time!"

Linda didn't hear what Chen Guo said clearly, so she asked, "Who are you going to kill?"

"I'm thinking about how to kill that bisexual pervert in the shortest possible time, the biggest pervert in the subspace."

"Hehe, you'll have to think about it for a while!" Linda sat next to Chen Guo, "Solan, she has told me everything that happened..."

"Linda, if you want to say something I don't like, then I advise you not to say it, otherwise, I will be angry, and the consequences will be very serious."

Linda looked at Chen Guo in silence, and after a while slowly hugged his waist, "I'm not going to advise you, I am supporting you, Solan is my sister, and you and his children are my children. For To protect your child, I will give everything I have, including my life and soul!”


"We don't want to say these two words between us. It's just that I have something I want to trouble you with!"

"whats the matter?"

"Actually, I also want a child!"

"You can also have children?"

"Of course! This is a body made with my genes and your genes. It is a healthy body, why can't it give birth to children?

Do you have any more questions? "

"That's no problem..."


Chen Guo went on the road alone again, this time without the twins.

It was the same cruiser, but its destination was no longer outward, but inward, heading towards the southern edge of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar.

The purpose of this trip to the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar.

The first one is of course to obtain sufficient realization points.

The other is to get some rare mineral resources.

Oh, by the way, he also needs to get something that is particularly precious, and it is also what Linda asked for - the machine tool in the world of steel ball casting.

The Steel Ball Forge World is a forge world located near the Charadon Orc Empire. It is also the forge world where the Metallica Titan Legion was born, so it has the title of the home of the Iron Skull Titan Legion.

At the same time, its other title is the Flashing Giant of the Extreme Fairyland.

The reason why it is so famous is that the Steel Ball Forge World is a model of the Tech-Priests transforming planets into "pure" forge worlds, which is equivalent to an example, an example that other forge worlds envy and learn from.

But it's worth noting that this is a Forge World that is theoretically completely loyal to the Empire, but not completely loyal to the Empire.

During the Horus Heresy, a large portion of the Iron Skull Titan Legion on the Steel Sphere Forge world defected to Chaos.

But they did not all surrender, and the steel ball casting world has always remembered this shame and never wanted to wash away this shame. For this reason, they carried out heroic resistance and sacrifice in the future.

However, compared with this shame, another most important point is its most representative feature - special tax exemption.

Although most casting planets have the privilege of special tax exemption, this is not the case.

In this universe where there is only death and taxes, having special tax exemption means one thing, that is, the world-shaping world is rich enough and powerful enough.

At the same time, he also had the machine tools Chen Guo needed.

In order to improve the combat capabilities of the Dream Demon Legion, there is also the biological weapon legion.

Linda designed a complete weapon assembly line based on the photon spear.

And because she is not a mechanical sage like Master Hongzhu.

Linda could only design simple drawings and assembly lines, but was unable to manufacture even the most basic precision machine tools. (Don’t think that all Mechanicus are all-round generalists. In fact, there are specializations in the arts. Among the Mechanicus, partial subjects are also very common.)

Therefore, this robbery and theft trip took place.

Although Chen Guo couldn't read it at all, nor did he recognize the complicated machine tool names and parts that Linda listed for him.

But this didn't stop Chen Guo from robbing.

In order to support this attack, he exchanged more than forty magic bags and dumped everything inside, just to be able to hold enough machine tools and parts.

If you don’t know them, just take them all away.

And take them away selectively?

I want them all.

In addition, according to Linda, if possible, it would be best to tie back some low- to mid-level mechanical priests, and it would be even better if a sage from the casting system could be tied back!

Moreover, Chen Guo didn't have to worry about these mechanical priests committing suicide halfway.

In order to carry out a perfect kidnapping, Linda prepared perfect biological inhibitors for Chen Guo. Once injected into the bodies of those mechanical monks, as long as their brains have not been completely replaced with mechanical brains, they can be directly turned into temporary Vegetative state.

In this way, Chen Guo would be able to carry out better kidnappings.

"Buzz buzz~"

Feeling that the spacecraft under my feet suddenly began to slow down slowly, I ended the exercise of using one thumb to support the handstand by opening my eyes.

"Master, towel!"

Chen Guo casually took the heated towel and wiped the sweat off her body. Chen Guo asked the dream demon next to her, "What happened? Why do you need to slow down?"

"Master, according to projection radar detection, there are a large number of ships fighting ahead."

"Are there any obvious signs?"

"Yes, one side seems to be the ship of the Night Lords Chapter, and the other side looks like the ship of a certain Rogue Trader family."

"What? You are so brave, let alone the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar now.

Even though the entire Extreme Star Territory is in chaos, how come they still dare to go out and do business? They really don’t even risk their lives for money! "

Chen Guo rolled her eyes disdainfully, "Let's see if we can go around it?"

"...It's impossible to go around. The asteroid meteorite belts on both sides are too dense. If you want to go around, you can only go from above and below. But there is nothing there, so you will definitely be discovered by the two warring parties. !”

Listening to the negative answers given by the dream demons, Chen Guo calculated the time and sighed: "Forget it then, let's hide in the meteorite belts on both sides first, and wait until the two groups in front finish fighting!"

The cruiser quickly rushed into the meteorite belts on both sides and hid its figure in it.

But just when the cruiser came to a stop, Chen Guo suddenly heard the voices of the dream demons beside her exclaiming: "Master, look quickly, what is that?"


Looking in the direction pointed by the dream demon, Chen Guo not only took a breath of air.

Because just behind a huge meteorite in the distance, a giant blue battleship was quietly lurking there.

There was a symbol engraved on the side of the battleship that Chen Guo had no idea about but felt very familiar.

Although the whole body was blue, Chen Guo was sure that it was definitely not the Ultramarines' ship.

However, this is really a coincidence. In such a huge meteorite belt, the two sides unexpectedly hid together!

How much fate does it take to get together?

"Master, the other party seems to be afraid of being discovered, so he didn't turn on the detection radar. Therefore, he didn't find us lurking here!"

"Bullshit, get ready for battle. Once the other party fires first, we will rush forward and start a gang fight!"


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