Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 31: The Speculation of Killing Slaanesh (Please give me a reward, please give me everything,

"Dongdong, Dongdongdong..."

Quickly tapping the signal, Serilun directly stopped the pursuing black ship. She looked at the cruiser that quickly disappeared into the cracks in the subspace in the distance, and a trace of cold and ruthless murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

They are indeed ruthless killing machines, but they are not fools. According to the scale of the subspace storm seen by the pilot, whoever enters will die at this time, and there is no possibility of survival.

Even if there is a 1/1000000 chance of surviving, he will be trapped in that storm for who knows how many years. Maybe when he comes out next time, the entire empire will no longer exist.

"Chase, why don't you chase!"

The tall Imperial Guard gritted his teeth and questioned Sister Silence. Although the Centurion was saved by luck, his spine was broken into several pieces and his brain was severely damaged. Even if he could successfully wake up in the future, he would have to move into the Dreadnought Machine. The battle is going on in A.

Looking coldly at the Imperial Guard beside him, Serilun directly ordered the black ship to return to the forging world.

At this moment, their focus was on saving Terra, not on hunting down an evil apostle.

The imperial guard who was glared at suddenly stopped talking. Although he was still extremely angry, he also remembered his most important purpose at this moment.

Indeed, they had already wasted too much time on saving Terra.


"Control the ship to turn left, control the ship to turn left, right, right, right, shoot intensively from the front with macro cannon No. 3 and No. 4..." Lou Doyiner calmly commanded the demon face to attack the terrifying subspace monsters around him.

Different from the battle mode of the pirate fleet commanded by Des, Lou Doyle's command mode is more clear and precise, and at the same time quite organized.

Just three words.

Be cautious, be cautious!

If Des's command mode is like a vanguard who takes advantage of every opportunity and relies on on-the-spot decisions, then Lou Doyle's command mode is more like a strategizing general. Even though he only commands this cruiser, he is still alive. He controlled the entire cruiser to create the momentum of an entire fleet.

His precise command even controlled an extremely small laser gun on the ship, forming a dense and complete firepower network that prevented those weird subspace creatures outside that looked similar to some mutant octopus from getting closer. , ensuring the absolute safety of the ship.

"The Crying-faced Ghost Rotten Fish is a gregarious subspace monster. It is a subspace creature of pure energy. They are very weak, but they often go out in groups, with hundreds of thousands of them. , millions of them gather together, following the trajectory of the subspace storm to move and hunt..."

Chen Guo listened to the information found by the Demon Faces with seriousness on her face. These purebred subspace energy bodies have a natural pursuit of the soul.

It's really unlucky. Who would have thought of jumping into the subspace casually, but jumped directly into this weird group of subspace energy creatures.

Fortunately, the Crying-faced Ghost Rotten Fish can only be regarded as the lowest prey in the subspace. Its attack method is just biting, and it has no other special abilities.

Therefore, even though their number is frightening, the ship's void shield can still withstand it. Coupled with Lu Doyin's timely cleanup at targeted locations, the ship will not be in any fatal danger for a while.

However, there are simply too many Crying Faced Devil Fish, and these guys are all pure subspace energy creatures. After being attacked by weapons from the real world and universe, they will not die immediately, but It will turn into a ball of pure energy and be reborn quickly.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to kill them all.

Unless Chen Guo is willing to put her body in the subspace and swallow all these damn crying-faced rot fish into her stomach, or they retreat in spite of the difficulties, she wants them to leave the vicinity of the cruiser. It's almost an impossible hope.

"Can I jump back to the real universe now?" Chen Guo asked Lu Doyin'er.

"No, the surrounding subspace energy fluctuations are too complicated, even with the blessing of Geiger's stance, and the crying-faced rotten fish outside are too close.

If the cruiser rashly jumps back to the real universe at this moment, then the void shield and Geiger force field will bring many Crying Face Demon Rotfish back to the real universe.

At that time, once the Crying Ghost Rot Fish leaves the subspace, it will self-destruct due to the loss of energy, which will cause the void shield to be overloaded and lead to the irreversible disintegration of the hull..."

Lu Duo Yin'er explained a lot, but Chen Guo only understood one meaning, and that was that he couldn't jump back to the real universe at this moment, otherwise some terrible consequences would probably occur.

However, if you are constantly pestered by these crying-faced ghost rot fish, there will always be a moment when your energy is exhausted.

Once the cruiser's energy is exhausted, it will be a dead end!

After hearing Chen Guo's doubts, Lu Duoyin'er shook his head silently, and then said seriously, "I'm not worried about this. According to the current consumption, it can last at least seventy years. I'm worried about it." Where do these guys want to lead us?"


Chen Guo noticed the word used by Lu Duoyiner, and his eyes were quickly filled with confusion, "What guidance!"

Lu Duoyiner looked at Chen Guo in surprise, as if he was very surprised that he didn't understand what he said.

Chen Guo rolled his eyes, "I can't drive a boat!"

"..." Lu Duoyiner was silent for a moment, "Don't you feel that we are not affected by the subspace storm at all?

Don't you feel that the ship is very calm and abnormal?

Don't you realize at all? These crying ghost rotten fish have been guiding us to a certain place?"

"You mean, this is not a random event!

These crying ghost rotten fish were deliberately arranged here?

The purpose is to lead us to the depths of the subspace?

Who has such a big hand!"

Chen Guo's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He only reacted at this time. The cruiser was indeed flying too calmly, so calm that it didn't seem to be flying in the subspace at all, but in the real universe.

"I didn't notice anything unusual at first, but when I wanted to command the spacecraft to rush out of the entanglement of these crying ghost rot fish, these crying ghost rot fish would immediately press on, forcing the cruiser to continue moving in the direction they guided... But as long as it moves in the direction they guided, the crying ghost rot fish will generally not actively attack..."

"Is there any way to force it to break away from them?"

"No, I've tried it many times just now!" Lu Duoyiner kept shaking his head, "The survival and death of subspace creatures such as crying ghost rot fish, which are pure energy bodies, depends entirely on the surrounding The concentration of subspace energy.

In the subspace storm, they are almost immortal, and it is precisely because of this that they often hide here to avoid their natural enemies!

At this moment, outside them is a huge and strange subspace storm. Those huge subspace distortion energies outside that can kill you instantly... are indeed a unique tonic for them.

Their bodies that originally took several minutes to revive can be fully revived here in just a few seconds at most! "

Chen Guo completely understood the situation in front of him. It turned out that... they had been held hostage.

Of course, it can't be considered completely held hostage.

The cruiser can still use the subspace engine to jump back to the real universe at this moment, but it is very likely that the moment it jumps into the real universe, the entire spacecraft will be directly disintegrated by the huge physical rules of the real universe, and all the people on the ship will be thrown into the universe.

Become real space junk!

"...Chen Guo!"

"Call me, boss!" Chen Guo glanced at him and immediately knew what he wanted to ask, "I know what you want to ask.

At the same time, I already know who is behind this!

Just be responsible for driving the boat.

Follow them. They didn't kill us right away. It can only mean that they have other purposes."

Chen Guo said as he walked out of the captain's room and returned to his cabin.

After closing the door, Chen Guo's already ugly face turned completely black.

Besides that Jianqi who likes to be idle and make plans everywhere, Chen Guo really can't think of anyone else who would be so bored to know in advance that so many crying ghosts and rotten fish were waiting for him.

What a good trick!

In order to invite him over, such a big show was made!

Chen Guo suddenly felt that he had a great face!

But...what's the point of getting himself over now!

Are you going to stop him from getting involved in this big game in the galaxy?

That's not right!

This doesn't make sense. As the Lord of Change, shouldn't Tzeentch be most happy to see Chen Guo being a happy troublemaker?

In addition, hasn't the great Lord of Change already met Chen Guo?

He also sent his right-hand man, the fate weaver, Carlos, so what is the meaning of his action at this moment?


Or could it be that... what happened at this moment is actually not related to the Lord of Change, but to the others?

Chen Guo thought for a moment, shook his head, and denied this idea.

Although Father Nurgle doesn't like the appearance of troublemakers, he is the most generous. He doesn't like troublemakers, nor will he kill them. In his eyes, everything is destined.

As for Khorne... It's not that Chen Guo looks down on him. Although this great god is also an evil god who is very good at planning, he spends most of his time sitting on his throne and quietly staring at the killing, being a dead fat otaku.

As for Slaanesh... Chen Guo's eyes flashed with a cold light. If he had the chance in the future, he would definitely kill this pervert who was in heat 24 hours a day with his own hands and make him completely extinct in this universe.

To be honest, Chen Guo has already thought of a perfect method, a method to completely kill Slaanesh.

As an evil god born by the Eldar, Slaanesh is closely related to the Eldar in a sense.

According to some clues in the chronicles, this damn pervert wants to obtain the souls of all the Eldar, but for some reason, he obviously does not want the Eldar to be completely extinct in the real universe.

Combined with the chronicles, Angron was assassinated by the Eldar just after he landed in the training warehouse, and later he turned into a demon prince and continued to massacre the Eldar.

Regarding this, Chen Guo had a bold guess.

That is, Khorne, Slaanesh's mortal enemy, has actually found a way to completely kill Slaanesh. That is, killing all the Eldar hiding in the real universe will directly lead to the death of Slaanesh!

Although Chen Guo didn't know whether her guess was right, compared to facing a powerful evil god that was almost impossible to kill, Chen Guo was still willing to give it a try and kill all the spirit races. Anyway, these There aren't many people left in the Spirit Race, so if you kill them slowly, you'll be able to kill them all one day!

As for the fact that Solan, Soni, and their mothers were all descendants of the Spirit Tribe, Chen Guo had already thought of a way to deal with it.

He had already made a deal with Karsus. Chen Guo was willing to pay one billion cash points per person in exchange for Karsus personally protecting his personal documents.

This price is not bad at all. In addition to asking Karsus, Chen Guo also asked Xue and the old man specifically. But what she didn't expect was that the price given by this old bastard was actually 1.5 billion cash points per person. He also said that as long as Chen Guo paid him 15 billion tool points, he could personally help Chen Guo seriously injure Slaanesh and put him into a centuries-long sleep.

In this regard, Chen Guo didn't say much besides smiling. He was really embarrassed to ask for 15 billion realization points.

Although in this universe where tens of trillions of people are killed or injured in every interstellar war, 15 billion manifestation points are really not a big problem, but Chen Guo has to get close enough to harvest the corresponding limit points. , with the time to harvest 15 billion manifestation points, he is fully confident that he can grow enough to kill Slaanesh, instead of spending 15 billion in vain and letting him just sleep. a hundred years.

"The Spirit Race..."

Chen Guo suddenly felt a tremor in her heart. Apart from a pervert like Slaanesh, the Spirit Clan also had many other gods, such as the mother goddess Aisha who had been captured by her loving father and taken back to be a treasure in the golden house. , and that old clown, the Laughing God, who turned around and ran away when something bad happened...

When she thought of this clown god, Chen Guo suddenly had a bad premonition, that is, whether the layout that was like a joke at this moment was done by this clown god.

After all, this guy is also a famous prophet. At the same time, he is also very boring. He especially likes to do things that are meaningless but want to change history... For example, throwing many clowns into the Terra Palace full of forbidden troops!

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