Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 42 Investment from a loving father (seeking rewards, collections, recommendations, and month

"Come on, this is what Aisha is best at!" The loving father smiled and drank the green soup in his hand, while inviting Chen Guo to drink with him.

Chen Guo looked at the bowl of soup in front of her. Although the aroma was fragrant, the color looked weird, and the corners of her eyes kept twitching.

Aisha, who was still sitting next to him, smiled and said, "Child, try it, it tastes good!"

Chen Guo gritted her teeth and took a gentle sip.


Not to mention, although this thick soup does not look good, it tastes really good, but it has a bit of a bland smell.

I don’t know if it’s because of the addition of onions or something like that.

"There is also this mushroom cake, which tastes very good too!"

"and this……"

Aisha is so hospitable. Of course, it may be because Chen Guo is so delicious.

It wasn't until he finished all the dishes and soup on the table that Aisha was satisfied to pack up the plates and leave the small restaurant, leaving her loving father and Chen Guo alone.

As soon as Aisha left, the loving father, who was originally smiling, immediately showed a helpless expression: "Thankfully you are here today, otherwise I would have to eat these things by myself at night.

Oh, my God, I finally make up my mind to lose weight, but it always happens like this! "

Before he could finish his words, the loving father's face showed a smile again, and at the same time he turned his head to the place where Aisha left.

The next second, Aisha's head popped out: "Oh, Darling, I also left you a cake. Do you want to add cream?"

"Of course...double cream!"

"Okay, I'll bring it to you in a moment! My child, do you want one?"

"If it's not too much trouble, I can have one, thank you!"

"No trouble, just wait a moment!"

This time Aisha really left, and the helpless and happy expression that only a married man would have appeared on his loving father's face once again.

"I'm sorry, my child. Aisha seems a little excited because she hasn't seen the guests for too long. I hope you can understand."

"It's okay, Your Excellency, I don't mind at all."

"Hahaha, I knew it, kid, you are very good! This time... it opened our eyes!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Chen Guo was very cautious. After all, the man in front of him was no ordinary old man, but a Chaos God who represented ultimate despair.

"Hahaha, kid, don't be so nervous and reserved. The purpose of inviting you here this time is not only to simply give you a reward, but also to extend an olive branch to you. What do you think?"

"Idea? Join your command?"

"No, join us!" A serious expression gradually appeared on the loving father's face: "Son, I am very optimistic about you. You are a seed with great potential. I can foresee your future achievements... I think I want to invest in you!”

"Invest in me?" Chen Guo was a little confused. According to her loving father, could she get the relative benefits without joining Chaos?

“Yeah kid, this is like what you humans call angel investing, I want to invest in you.

Of course, my investment is not free. One day in the future, if possible, you need to pay me back the corresponding price! "


"Oh, here comes the cake!"

Aisha twisted her slender waist and reached out to bring two small cakes. One was handed to Chen Guo, and the other with obviously too much cream was placed in front of Nurgle, and Nurgle sat down. In his arms, he hugged his loving father's body with his hands and rested his head on his chest.

Looking at the graceful young woman in his arms with love, the loving father began to eat the cake and said: "My child, eat the cake first. You can think about it when eating the cake. It doesn't matter if you don't agree."

"Darling, what do you promise?"

Chen Guo was about to say to think about it again, but Aisha suddenly said.

"I think this kid is good, and I want to give him some support."

"Well, it's indeed good!" Aisha nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time slowly turned her head to glance at Chen Guo, and then said coquettishly: "Darling, can you give me this opportunity?"


The loving father's creamy lips suddenly stopped. He took a deep look at the beautiful wife in his arms, and hesitated for a long time without agreeing.

It wasn't until Aisha lay next to his ear and said something to him that he reluctantly nodded, as if he was a child who had his toy taken away.

"Okay, kid, this is your reward for participating in the preliminary round this time. As for some of the unfair things you encountered during the competition, we all see it, and there will be punishments and words for you. of.

Aisha has something to talk to you about. I'll avoid it for a moment. The cake is delicious. Remember to finish it all! "

Carrying the cake, the loving father left the room, leaving only Chen Guo and Aisha sitting face to face.

"Eat it, I just made it, and it won't taste good after a while."

"Well, thank you!"

"You don't have to be so polite!" Aisha suddenly started to cry as she spoke, and the crystal clear and full tears began to flow downward until they dripped on the table to form thumb-sized blue gems.

Chen Guo panicked inexplicably. This was her loving father's treasure. If his loving father saw her crying, he would cook himself alive.

"Aisha... Your Excellency, what's wrong with you?" Chen Guo hurriedly took out a tissue from the magic bag and handed it to her. This goddess was so terrible that she cried whenever she could. She was not mentally prepared at all.

"Thank you, pfft!" Aisha took the tissue with tears in her eyes, but suddenly laughed, and pointed to the gemstone condensed from tears on the table: "I'm fine.

Now, these are the soul stones prepared for you. Release them later and I will help you purify them. "

After Chen Guo figured out the relationship, she breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this was to prepare Alice and Leopold for purification.

Give him a fright!

He thought that this goddess of life from the Eldar tribe wanted to kill him with Nurgle's hand!

But... why should she help herself?

"Chen Guo, I can help you solve all the Slaanesh-related problems you are encountering now, but you have to agree to one condition?"

"Conditions, what conditions?"

"Give up your idea, at least give up the first option. Summoning her does not necessarily mean killing all the Eldar. Collecting five old woman's swords can also revive him!"

"Who should be awakened...the God of Death? Dear Lord Elsa, don't you know that there is an old woman's sword in the palace of Slaanesh?"

"I... know, but I still hope you can agree to my conditions... let the spirit tribe go, okay?"

"No!" Chen Guo flatly rejected this condition.

Chen Guo knew about the legend of the Old Woman's Sword, but from his perspective, it looked like a trap carefully designed by the clown and the Laughing God.

Furthermore, Chen Guo knew for sure that an old woman's sword was in Slaanesh's palace!

If you ask him to go to Slaanesh's palace to steal the Crone's Sword now, isn't that asking him to jump into a pit of fire?

Wait a minute... Why does Aisha ask herself to let the Eldar go? Does she know something?

"Sorry, I can't help you then."

Aisha grabbed the soul stone on the table that could be used to store souls and turned around to leave. After walking a few steps, she didn't forget to turn around and take away the untouched cake on the table.

"Hey, hey, kid, I'm very pleased with your choice!"

Seeing Aisha disappear completely in front of her eyes, her loving father's voice reappeared behind Chen Guo.

"Have you always been there?"

"This is my garden, I'm everywhere!"

The loving father hadn't finished eating the cake in his hands. He didn't know whether it was too sweet or too greasy. He put the cake on the table and sat next to Chen Guo.

"You also hope that I won't agree to it, Sir Aisha?"

"No, theoretically I will unconditionally agree and agree with all the conditions she proposes. Besides, the old woman's sword is neither a trap nor a legend, but a real existence.

However, if you think that the Death God awakened by five swords alone can kill a Slaanesh who possesses most of the souls of the Eldar, then I'm afraid I won't chat with you here anymore, because it would be a waste. My saliva. "

Although the loving father still had a smile on his face, anyone could see the disdain in this smile.

"Aisha loves the Eldar so much that she would give up everything in order to protect the Eldar.

My child, Slaanesh is not as easy to kill as you think. If it were really easy to kill, I would have done it when I took Elsa away.

Therefore, instead of thinking about these inexplicable methods, it is better to work hard to improve your strength. When you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want..."

Nurgle seemed to have really become Chen Guo's teacher, and he earnestly advised Chen Guo to give up the idea of ​​killing Slaanesh for the time being.

"I understand, thank you!"

Nurgle shook his head. How could he not know that Chen Guo was perfunctory?

However, wasn't this what he was optimistic about about Chen Guo?

"Son, are you willing to accept my investment?"

"...Is it just an investment?"

"My child, it's no problem if you are willing to be my divine choice. I will personally bless you. At the same time, I can also hand over the garden to you, as well as all my territories. With you here, I can officially retire. !”

Nurgle was obviously joking, but Chen Guo knew it was true.

As long as he agrees, his loving father will definitely take him to ascend to the devil immediately and make him a great unclean person.

If he had just come to this world, Chen Guo might have agreed, but now, he would never choose this option.

But if it is just a pure investment, then you can consider it.

After all, the Emperor also accepted investment from the Four Gods to some extent.

"Your Excellency, I am willing to accept your investment." Chen Guo hesitated for a long time but did not say the next sentence of "the ugly words come first".


The loving father only said one good word, then smiled and took out a black wooden box that had been prepared long ago, and took out a lot of things from it.

"This is your preliminary championship prize, provided by Khorne. Take it back and study it slowly. You need to choose the rest carefully yourself.

The first is my garden projection. With it, you are equivalent to owning a small garden of mine. This is a good choice. Owning this garden means that you have - the infinite production of cute little destroyer plague, The bone-splitting plague that causes bones to grow wildly until they tear the enemy from the middle, the fydae strain that severely damages immunity and causes a pandemic, the erasure virus that turns creatures into living guns, hehehe, this is the most interesting..."

Seeing Nurgle's appearance as if she were selling melons for herself, Chen Guo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief in her heart!

It turns out that you can choose a gear, and it is not mandatory to accept investment.

While listening to his explanation, Chen Guo focused on the ring-shaped "garden projection".

What kind of garden projection is this? This is simply the transformation device of the Great Unclean One. Once you put it on, you will directly have a laboratory for cultivating various viruses and fungi... If this was given to Linda to choose, she would definitely not hesitate. of choice this.

Unfortunately, Chen Guo is not too interested in this!

The loving father seemed to notice that Chen Guo was not too interested in his garden, so he reached out and took out another ring, "Pollution poison claw, it brings with it an entire plague army. It has its own soul. It is A gadget I accidentally created. Enemies rubbed by it can be melted into a puddle of pus in an instant."

"Fly Cloak - This cloak is made up of squirming flies that are constantly chirping. They are constantly expanding and contracting to intercept incoming attacks. You should have seen one or more of these spells. I have embedded a permanent one on it. With so many spells, it can be said that it would be difficult to die if you put it on.”

"Swollen Shell Armor - This armor is made from the carapace of a giant titan insect. In addition, I added a complete set of fine gold and mithril, and then engraved it with complex psychic spells. It is extremely hard."

"Corrupted Kraken Skin - This putrid kraken skin with a terrifying smell is suitable for wearing under armor. Its rubber-like texture makes it highly elastic, and it also has a powerful magic immunity effect and can be immune to most psychic powers. Spell."

Chen Guo raised an eyebrow. Isn't this the famous Plague Sacred Artifact Set?

Claws, battle armor, cloak, and lining are all combined into a complete set of equipment.

"My child, your guess is correct. This is indeed a set, but you can also receive it separately. But if you want a complete set, I suggest you add my garden projection as well..."

Seeing that Nurgle was about to sell his garden projection again, Chen Guo shook her head and declined his kindness: "Thank you, I'm not too interested in these."

Facing Chen Guo's rejection, the loving father did not show any anger. Instead, he looked at him with some interest, took out the last ring in the box, and said, "The Ten Thousand Germs Armor, you can wear it as you please. It will grow automatically as your body shape changes, and the armor will automatically heal after being damaged. At the same time, it can also continuously produce magic bacteria to repair the wounds on your own body. "

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