Warhammer 40k Chaos Tyrant

Chapter 44 Linda's Big Net! (1/2)

Alien interstellar pirate?

Corey Bellamy snorted coldly. Although he was a subspecies, he was not a lowly alien pirate. He was an upright admiral of the Imperial Navy.

Although his name and the number of his fleet were not on the list of the Imperial Command and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was just a trick.

Corey Bellamy was a secret pawn directly under the orders of the Imperial Prime Minister Malcador. He was secretly deployed in the Ultramar fifty years ago.

The purpose of his initial deployment here was just to take the initiative to attack and assassinate Guilliman after he showed rebellious thoughts, so that the possible rebellion would end in advance.

Who knew that just when the wind of the establishment of the Second Empire was getting tighter and tighter, and he began to design a plan to sneak attack and assassinate Guilliman, he finally received the attack news from Lord Malcador through the Ultramar Assassin Court.

However, his target was not Guilliman, the king of the 500 worlds of Ultramar, but a star system called Lecmons located on the northern border of the Ultramar.

Corey Bellamy received a mission from Lord Malcador, which was to completely capture this small galaxy that had rebelled against the Empire as quickly as possible and in the shortest possible time.

Even if it could not be captured, with the help of the Imperial spies lurking on it, several unknown Imperial wanted criminals should be captured alive and escorted to the Assassin's Court!

When Corey Bellamy first received this order, he felt very puzzled.

Because the fleet under his command was not an ordinary Imperial Navy, but the elite of the elite, with all kinds of advanced weapons, and it was a special fleet specially configured for assassinating and attacking the Primarch.

Now it was mobilized to attack a rebellious galaxy that could not be any smaller. Isn't this a waste of talent?

However, orders are orders, even if the heart is full of dissatisfaction, the order must be carried out.

After receiving the order, Corey Bellamy began to gather his fleet, and then rushed to the outside of the Lecmons galaxy at the fastest speed.

After careful investigation and pre-war arrangements, especially after contacting the imperial spies hidden in the galaxy and obtaining a detailed galaxy defense map, a one-sided attack began.

At the beginning, everything went very smoothly. The rebels of Licomons were caught off guard, and Corey Bellamy almost saw the dawn of victory.

Unexpectedly, the commander of the other fleet was also a master. Although he was caught off guard by the sneak attack, he reacted in a very short time.

Not only did he successfully destroy Corey Bellamy's flagship with a counter-sneak attack, but he also took advantage of the chaos in the command to drive all other ships out of the Licomons galaxy.

Touching the wound on his neck that was still aching, Corey Bellamy grinned for a while.

At this point, he finally knew why the Prime Minister asked him to come.

These were not ordinary imperial rebels. The strength of these rebels was probably not much different from that of some elite expeditionary fleets of the Astartes Legion.

Especially with the existence of this battleship.

If there was no battleship, he might have won before.

However, although the first sneak attack failed, the military order was as strong as a mountain. Corey Bellamy could not disobey the military order, nor was he willing to give up in such a shame.

However, after alerting the enemy, he changed his tactics and strategy from strong attack to guerrilla warfare, with the purpose of consuming the rebel ships one by one and exhausting the rebel fleet. After consuming these rebel ships, he launched a general attack.

It must be said that his calculations were quite good. It really made Des and other fleet commanders nervous, and the number of crashed ships was increasing.

If he could consume one or two Terra months like this, maybe his battle plan would succeed!

"General, the enemy's fleet has surrounded us. Should we retreat immediately?"

"Retreat!" Without any hesitation, Corey Bellamy directly issued the order to retreat.

He looked at the fleet coming from afar, especially the cruiser that rushed in the front and almost pulled the fleet behind it several steps ahead. A cruel smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He could already feel that the other party was very impatient, which made him suddenly have an idea: "After leaving the galaxy, the flagship slows down and leads them into the ambush circle!"

"Yes, General!"

"My Lord, the other party wants to use their flagship to fish!" Seeing the other party suddenly slow down, Des said to Chen Guo without even thinking.

"Haha, fishing!" Chen Guo's eyes were full of disdain, "Go ahead, I want to see where these bastards came from."

"Yes! Master!"

"My Lord, they are not ordinary interstellar pirates. Their tactical style is very similar to that of the Imperial Navy. Now that the other party dares to show this attitude so blatantly, it means that they have already made full preparations... My Lord, you still have to be careful!"

Standing on the other side, Lu Duoyiner glanced at Des. This mortal born from an interstellar pirate is very sober. In this situation, turning around and leaving is indeed the best choice.

"Boss, I agree with Mr. Des. It is better to be cautious." Lu Duoyiner also said.

“…Start the segmented space jump device and crash directly into the other party’s flagship!” Chen Guo was silent for a while. He was not someone who would not listen to advice, but he was not so easy to give up his decision.

Corey Bellamy, who had been observing the movement behind him, immediately found that the cruiser behind him began to slow down, and he was a little disappointed.

Unexpectedly, when the pursuers were about to be encircled, the other party suddenly stopped chasing.

“What a pity!” Corey Bellamy was suddenly stunned, because in his sight, the cruiser suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared in this world.

“Did it enter the subspace?”

“It shouldn’t be!”

“No subspace fluctuations were detected!”

Corey Bellamy immediately had an ominous premonition, and he quickly ordered to make the ship under him start to accelerate again.

But just as he gave the order, a huge ship ram suddenly appeared in his sight, and then the huge ship hull like a mountain appeared from the torn space.

The cold sweat on his forehead suddenly appeared.

Corey Bellamy knew it immediately.

He had hit a wall!

But why hadn't he seen this cruiser before?


A heavy collision sounded, and the hundreds-meter-long hammer was deeply embedded in the cruiser that Corey Bellamy was riding - Moonlight Warrior.

Boom boom boom...

A violent explosion sounded, and the explosion of the engine made Moonlight Warrior completely lose power and was completely "captured" by Chen Guo's cruiser.

The "pirate fleet" walking in front of Moonlight Warrior immediately wanted to come back to remedy the situation, but when they turned around, the fleet behind Chen Guo had already caught up. Fighting with fewer people against more people was obviously seeking death. They could only turn around again, directly abandoning their commander, and fled into the starry sky.

"Haha, running fast!" Chen Guo sneered and gave the order to board.

The boarding ship that had been prepared long ago started working immediately.

Soon, the Moonlight Warrior cruiser was completely occupied!

With the help of the potion, Des quickly caught Corey Bellamy, who wanted to hide among the crew, and conducted a surprise interrogation.

Soon, Des successfully learned a lot of key information from him.

"You mean, it was the first chancellor of the human empire, His Excellency Malcador, who ordered these interstellar pirates to attack Licomons?"

"Yes, my lord! However, they are not interstellar pirates, but Malcador's secret fleet for the purpose of implementing some dark assassination plans.

The original target of this fleet is the rebellious Guilliman. As long as Guilliman shows signs of rebellion against the empire, even if they have not received orders from above, they need to start preparing for the assassination mission immediately!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that Uncle Ma's suspicion is getting worse... What, is there anything else to say?" Chen Guo looked at Des, who was hesitating and seemed to have something to say, and asked directly and curiously!

"My Lord... there is a traitor among us!" Des's face was gradually filled with helplessness and embarrassment.

"Traitor?" Chen Guo glanced at Des and said inexplicably: "What traitor?"

Chen Guo had never thought about the possibility of infiltration among his subordinates.

After all, most of his subordinates were demons, they were controlled by gene locks, and it was impossible for them to rebel.

And the remaining small number of people were his confidants and women.

As for the wandering Astartes brought back this time... Chen Guo actually never believed them, but after all, they had just arrived and had not had time to identify and clean up, so they could not be classified as traitors.

Where did the traitor come from?

"Des, just say whatever you want to say, don't be so shy, we have a life-long friendship, there is no need for this!"

"It's Solan and Mrs. Soni..."

"What did you say?" Chen Guo frowned and his tone changed all of a sudden.

"My Lord, I know you don't want to believe it, but after the interrogation, I learned that they knew the location of the turret in advance.

The location of the galaxy turret I designed can change at any time. Apart from me, only Solan, Mrs. Sonia and Mrs. Linda know it!" Des was a little trembling when Chen Guo looked at him, but he still said with a stiff upper lip: "My Lord, I didn't mean to say that Solan and Mrs. Sonia were spies. I just suspected that the information was leaked from them..."

"Don't stop, keep talking!"

"This is what happened. Not long ago, a group of merchant fleets chased by interstellar pirates broke into Licomons. After we drove away the interstellar pirates, we were going to get rid of the merchant fleet together, but we didn't expect that Solan and Mrs. Sonia knew the head of this merchant family, and they were good friends..."

After listening to the explanation, Chen Guo curled his lips.

No wonder Des was so embarrassed. It turned out that he was related to Solan and Sonia.

Bestie? In this broken universe, can anyone who is saved be a bestie?

How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

Is this what is called "one pregnancy makes people stupid for three years"?

No, even if Solan and Soni are sisters, their hearts are stupid.

But didn't Linda notice anything unusual?

Chen Guo felt a sour smell of conspiracy...

"Is that Rogue Trader fleet still in the galaxy?"

"Here, Zach has been monitoring them, and they were placed on the starport by Madam."

"Turn around...go back and kill them!"

"Yes, my lord!"

At the same time, above the star port, Solan and Soni looked at the enemies in front of them who were easily defeated by Alice and Leopold with frosty expressions.

Especially the woman whose neck was strangled by Alice's crab claws and kept struggling in the air.

It was this woman who not only deceived her, but also wanted to hold her hostage.

Fortunately, Alice and Leopold lived next door, otherwise they would have been successful.

"My silly daughter, oh, what do you want me to say about you?" Alice angrily choked the woman's hand to faint, then threw it to Leopold, and then said to Zach beside her: "Blockade Starport, arrest all members of the Isaiah Rogue Trader family, and kill them on the spot if they resist!"

"No need, Your Excellency, Mrs. Linda has already ordered this." Zach smiled and disappeared into a black mist.

Seeing him disappear directly in front of them without emitting any spiritual energy fluctuations, Alice and Leopold immediately had a flash of surprise in their eyes. This was the first time they had seen such strange energy fluctuations.

"Mom, let me explain to him myself..." Solan was very responsible and wanted to shoulder it by himself, but Linda came out of nowhere. She directly reached out and hugged Solan, "Explain what? You Didn't make any mistakes?

I knew she had a problem a long time ago. I just wanted to play a long game to catch the big fish, so I kept pretending that I didn't see it. In addition, I also wanted to make you happy, so I didn't tell you. You said so, Sony! "

Sonny also smiled and nodded, her gloomy expression immediately disappeared. She pointed at the woman in Leopold's hand, "Sister, don't worry, she is the best trophy!"

"Ni...you already knew this?" Solan looked at Soni in astonishment.

"I'm not the one who's pregnant!" Soni chirped, causing Solan to roll his eyes and reach out to pull her ears.

"It's almost time. Chen Guo should be back. Mrs. Leopold, can you hand her over to me?"


"Thank you!"

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