Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 108 Secret Biological Laboratory

There is a secret place on the grounds of Spire Mansion.

This area is deeply hidden, and anyone except Ron can enter only by invitation.

It can only be accessed via a single lift.

Anyone who is not allowed to enter will be killed by countless weapons.

Ron passed the verification and walked into the elevator, which dropped all the way to the hundredth floor.

When the elevator reached the end, he officially entered this secret place.

There are red lights all over here, and various mesh-like mechanical structures are densely covered, linking various psychic circuits.

Then Ron passed through three iron gates and finally reached the real destination.

What caught the eye was a huge mechanical screen, emitting dark green light.

Various complex codes continue to flow across the screen.

You can see a shadow with multiple limbs, lying on the console in front of the screen and doing something.

Under the red and green light, the existence looked a bit scary.

Ron didn't stop and continued walking forward with a frown.

When he got closer, he saw a tech-priest with several robotic arms.

That's Moss, the biological sage.

There are now two mechanical sages in the Wangting District, namely the biological sage Moss and the black weapon sage Caul.

The two of them are core members of the Cult of Mechanicus on the planet Erth.

Although they have not received any formal certification from the Adeptus Mechanicus headquarters, they have taken the title of Sage themselves.

Moss was very comfortable, and he was operating several robotic arms in an orderly manner.

While making and drinking the mechanical fuel drink, he kept inputting various data codes.

Suddenly, Moss paused suddenly as he looked at the code on the screen, as if he had encountered some unexpected incident. .

He immediately put down the mechanical fuel drink and devoted himself wholeheartedly:

"How dare you curse Call.

He knows nothing, my improved mechanical fuel drink is the most delicious! "

He waved the afterimage with his robotic arm and entered a code:


If there are mechanical priests here who are familiar with binary language, they can understand it.

This is a very dirty and dirty word.

Soon, he encountered Kaul's counterattack.

Moss was even more annoyed:

“Asshole Kaur actually banned me, are the forum administrators amazing?

Fortunately, I still have a trumpet..."

He quickly switched to the trumpet and continued the scolding battle with Kaul:


This time he cursed even more.

Ron was so angry when he saw this scene.

"Moss, are you surfing the spiritual web again?"

This guy is a bad learner. I really don’t know where he learned so many bad words.

You can’t just learn it from yourself, right?

Ever since that bastard Kaul got inspiration from him and established a mechanical forum on Lingwang, he ruined the atmosphere.

Led by the three giants headed by Caul and assisted by Moss and Xiaoling, members of the Mechanicus were surfing intensively on the mechanical forum.

At the beginning, they published technical posts:

for example:

How to properly oil and polish machinery.

A complete transformation guide, how to install a more practical robotic arm for yourself.

Kaul carefully compiled eighteen ways to please the machine spirit.

Moss's encyclopedia of crop cultivation.


But gradually, the style of painting changed.

They are increasingly fond of posting all kinds of idle posts on mechanical forums.

for example:

Explosive, Kaul’s family’s secret recipe for delicious mechanical fuel drink!

Hot, Moss’ secret recipe for a more delicious mechanical fuel drink!

What would you do if you were hungry for nine meals in three days and had nothing but canned Ant Bull?

How to compress a ton of subspace energy?

What would happen if you ate a spoonful of compressed warp energy?

Upstairs, I suddenly had an inspiration. Do you think it would be more delicious if the mechanical fuel drink was fermented in subspace?

Kaul replied: You can try it!

These posts often trigger shouting matches.

Those members of the Mechanicus all turned into keyboard warriors and sprayed randomly, seriously affecting work efficiency.

Not only that, but the topics they discussed became increasingly heretical.

Originally, Ron wanted to close the mechanical forum directly.

Even if Kaul came over and begged in a low voice, it was of no use!

But in the end, at Xiao Ling's request, he withdrew the order to close the mechanical forum.

The little cotton-padded jacket has spoken, what can we do?

After all, as a machine soul, it still needs someone to accompany it.

What if the machine soul is displeased?

But Ron still restricted the mechanical forum.

Even if the spiritual network is protected by the energy of the little sun, discussing too heretical issues can easily attract the prying eyes of terrifying beings.

Who knows if Tzeentch or some Chaos Mechanical Demon will open a small account and lurk in the forum to cause trouble.

So he asked Xiaoling to establish a review mechanism and delete posts that were too heretical.

Moreover, the Mechanical Forum can only be used within the Mechanicum and is not allowed to spread to other institutions.

Ron didn't want to see any day when members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs read those weird pictures or videos while working.

Kaur and others accepted this.

Anyway, those stupid guys who don't understand technology can't understand their art.

As long as the forum can be saved, that's fine.

Caul also thinks about developing the forum to the headquarters of the Mechanicum in the future.

In fact, it's not bad to have a forum. Ron has also secretly opened a small account these days, and occasionally chats.

As for the language issue, it was translated by Xiaoling.

Faced with Ron's questioning, Moss lowered his head and admitted.

Although Moss now looks more and more like a motor oil guy, as an intelligent robot, he is still not very good at lying.

"Stop fooling around with that bastard Call!"

Ron felt a little resentful that iron could not become steel, and he asked:

"By the way, have the third batch of clones I asked you to study been developed?"

These days, Moss has been doing research on biological cloning in this secret laboratory.

He absorbed the biological knowledge accumulated by the Grant family for thousands of years and the forbidden knowledge left by Yusef.

Coupled with the existing biotechnology related to the golden age of mankind.

Being a biological sage is more than enough.

"The experiment was successful, your customized clone has been made!"

Moss would never dare to neglect or disobey Ron's orders.

After hearing these words, Ron's anger subsided a little.

He returned to his smile and nodded in praise:

"The work efficiency is good, and he is worthy of being the number one biological sage in Wangting District. It is not impossible to relax after work in the future..."

Ron never hesitates to praise his subordinates who can successfully complete their work.

"Thank you for the compliment"

Moss's electronic sound seems a little pleasant.

Although this was the third time Ron had praised him with the exact same words.

Ron followed Moss into the deepest breeding room of the laboratory.

Under the crimson light, there are rows and rows of petri dishes.

Each of the petri dishes in the first row contains a clone.

Those clones looked exactly like Ron!

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