Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 131 Planet Development Plan

After the celebration, Ron returned to the Governor's Office in the Spire Mansion and meditated quietly.

He was thinking about the future of Erth.

Now that the internal enemies of Erth Star have been wiped out, there are no signs of external enemies for the time being.

This is a good opportunity to seize the opportunity for development.

For the galaxy where aliens and heretics are rampant, the planet Urth is still too weak.

The slightest disturbance could lead to destruction.

He may even face enemies from within the empire.

Imperial civil war is also an old tradition.

"Mr. Governor, do you have any instructions?"

Bayev, the loyal chief steward, walked in gently and respectfully.

After being blessed, his physical and mental abilities have changed greatly, and he can handle government affairs more easily.

Today, he looks energetic and not aged at all.

When dealing with urgent government affairs, he can even stay awake.

I guess a few more planets can handle it.

"Little Macado...cough, Bayev..."

Ron almost said what was in his heart, but he quickly stopped talking and started talking about business.

He took out a document called "Eth Planet Development Plan" and handed it to Bayev:

"This is the future development plan of the planet, you should implement it.

Of course this is just a preliminary draft and you will need to refine it.

If there is anything vague or unclear, you can figure it out yourself..."

As the ruler, Ron only needs to grasp the general direction.

As for the most complicated execution part, leave it to your subordinates, and he can just wait and see the results.

The development plan for the planet Erth includes three major areas: military, people's livelihood, and technological development.

Military plans include establishing a space fleet, creating space warriors, developing the Astra Militarum, etc.

The plan for people's livelihood is to establish a citizen hierarchy system, build large-scale farms, various people's livelihood measures, purify the environment of Erth, etc.

As for technology, various research institutes are established within the Mechanicum to provide corresponding support for the above-mentioned plans.

These plans require planning and coordination by Bayev and relevant departments.

Of course, the most critical part still needs to be done by Ron.

Such as building a space fleet.

The planet Erth does not yet have the resources and capabilities to build large battleships.

What they can do is to establish relevant space military academies as early as possible and select a group of people as crew members to drive warships in the future.

There is also a need to develop battleship-related maintenance technologies.

This is a huge personnel system that requires all aspects of technology and personnel support.

Of course, with Kaul and Moss on the technical side, it's not a big problem.

As for the most important part of the battleship, Ron can only go to the subspace to bring a few ships back.

These are long-term plans and the related matters are complicated.

Without Bayev's help, he might have died of exhaustion in the office.

That's one of Ron's strengths, he has a lot of high-level talent under his belt.

It can also continuously cultivate corresponding talents through blessings.

As long as it is an excellent talent seed, he can accelerate its growth and greatly strengthen it by granting blessings.

Ron has another advantage, that is, he has unlimited power on the planet Erth.

His word is absolute authority.

With the help of the psychic network, various organizations are closely connected and cooperate with each other tacitly.

Many matters can be carried out smoothly and there are basically no disputes.

Unlike other parts of the empire, the interests are complicated.

The various institutions of the empire were almost independent of each other and fought fiercely with each other.

Even within the organization, dogs can be brained out.

If you want to do something, you may want to consider the reaction of institutions such as the State Church, the Ministry of Justice, the Inquisition, and the Mechanicus.

But you can't come here blindly.

If any of them violate a taboo, I'm afraid they will be judged.

But Ron was not afraid of this.

He is the absolute earth emperor, and he has the final say.

Ability to quickly arrange corresponding matters and allow various agencies to execute them.

They are all on the dark side of the empire anyway.

Even if the Empire wanted to judge Ron, the fleet would have to fly for ten to twenty years, or even longer.

And based on his guess about the timeline.

It may take at least a hundred years for the Indomitable Expedition Fleet assembled by the empire in the future to reach this star field.

Whether we can find the Erth star is another matter.

That's nothing to be afraid of.

Instead of worrying about the punishment of the empire, it is better to worry about when green skin will grow on the ground.

Just don't go against the rules too much.

In fact, the principle is not inviolable.

Those Primarch bosses are more heretical than the last.

If he hadn't betrayed humanity or directly become a demon.

The God-Emperor, if he should forgive, just forgive him, or at most give him a severe punishment.

However, approximately half of the Primarch and his legions later defected.

It can be seen that the God-Emperor is usually quite loose in his control.

This is probably the reason why the empire became more conservative ten thousand years later.

This conservative approach led to many disasters, such as the "Atonement Crusade" incident.

During the M37-M38 period of the empire, a "saint" named Saint Basilius seized power in the empire with the help of cruel political struggles.

He falsely accused 30 Chapters of being corrupted and demanded that they enter the Eye of Terror directly for the Atonement Crusade.

This resulted in almost all of the 30 war groups that entered the Eye of Terror being corrupted by the Four Gods of Chaos.

Later, the "saint" was pulled from power and executed, but the mistake was irreversible.

Moreover, he was not put on public trial and all his deeds were covered up.

On the bright side of the empire, he was still a saint.

This is true heresy.

Now it seems that the Empire is just a combination of various chaotic forces united in the name of the Emperor.

It is humanity's only option, not the best option.

Even within the current empire, various institutions, including the Mechanicum, are secretly conducting unknown and taboo research.

If you are powerful, you can find a legitimate name to secretly conduct some taboo research.

As long as you don't shout loudly all over the world, it won't be a big problem.

Therefore, Ron decided to put aside all the constraints of the empire and concentrate on development.

As long as you don't do anything that harms the core interests of mankind.

Moreover, Luo's subspace nature does not allow him to harm the interests of mankind.

Because the interests of mankind are his interests.

He may become the ultimate saint who loves mankind the most besides the God-Emperor.

When the time comes, wherever his army goes, those human beings will not be able to eat pots of pulp and will welcome the king's master happily.

Soon, Ron handed over matters related to the planet's development plan to Bayev, asking him to quickly unite various departments to implement it.

After collecting the documents, Bayev reported another thing:

"Lord Governor, the war is over, what should we do with those chicken thieves and aliens?

If they stay in the hive city, they will consume a lot of food, and the impact will not be very good..."

Ron rubbed his chin, thinking about it.

In fact, Bayev is right.

With the army of chicken thieves cleaning up day and night, not even a single mutant creature, let alone the enemy, could be seen inside the Erth Star Nest.

It's really troublesome to keep them.

After all, Ron controls nearly two million heavy-armed chicken thieves, three million first-generation chicken thieves, and tens of millions of chicken thieves of all types.

These fifteen million chicken thieves and aliens need to consume a lot of food.

It is a big consumption for Wangting District.

Using precious food to feed an alien is slightly heretical.

But it seems too extravagant and wasteful to clean up such a powerful force like this?

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