Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 133 Citizen Level System

This identity information entry project called "Es Star's First Census" is very important.

That was the basis for a series of plans.

The census can provide detailed population data on Erth, including population size, age structure, gender ratio, skills mastered, etc.

This basic data is important for understanding the planet's population and formulating policies and planning.

Moreover, everyone’s information is on the spirit network, which can be better managed and monitored.

After the census was completed, almost all human data on the planet Erth was entered into the spiritual network.

This time, Ron was finally able to truly understand the remaining population on the planet.

The current population of Urth is approximately 1.5 billion.

This is a very cruel figure, less than 6% of the heyday.

Too many people died in this cruel disaster.

Fortunately, with this basic population, coupled with a safe environment and sufficient food, the population can quickly recover.

What’s important now is promoting people’s vitality.

After the Spiritual Network integrated the population data, Ron issued a new decree.

Wangting District will build a citizen level system within the spirit network.

This system covers all citizens, and different levels of citizens have different resource allocations and rights.

It is a symbol of ability and status.

This level of citizenship is similar to the division of tithes.

Citizens on the planet Erth will be divided into levels 1-5, and each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Including ordinary citizens, there are sixteen levels in total.

Criminals, aliens, traitors, slaves, etc. are not included in the citizen system.

They enjoy almost no human rights.

As for Ron and his descendants, they are beyond the ranks of citizens.

They are rulers and enjoy an unlimited supply of power and resources.

The citizen level system has a promotion mechanism that gives different credit points through dimensions such as ability, contribution, and loyalty.

Once you accumulate enough credit points, you can be promoted to the next level.

for example:

The lowest level is ordinary citizens, who have no rank or special treatment and only enjoy basic human rights treatment.

They need to work hard so they don't starve to death.

Ordinary citizens can earn 10 credits every day by working hard every day.

Without special contributions, if they work until they are eighty years old, they will probably be able to obtain the fifth-lower level of citizenship.

This level means they can eat richer food and get better educational resources.

And after they die, they can also leave one-tenth of their credit points to their designated heirs.

The higher the level, the greater the proportion of inheritance.

This is a promotion path left to ordinary citizens by Ron.

Even if you don’t have any special skills, as long as you are willing to work hard and contribute to Wangting District.

He and his descendants will have the opportunity to become classed citizens.

When the citizenship level system was implemented, many people received initial citizenship levels.

Currently, classed citizens account for about 0.1% of the total population, and most of them are fifth-class lower-class citizens.

Fifth-class citizens, most of them are technical talents in various fields, grassroots administrative staff, defense force soldiers with military exploits, descendants of sacrificed heroes, etc.

The fourth-class citizens are mostly officials of various agencies, bailiffs, and officers of the Defense Force.

The third-class citizens and upwards include important members of various institutions, worker representatives, important contributors, etc.

As for first- and second-class citizens, only core members of the Wangting District can obtain them.

For example, new powerful figures such as Popov will become second-class citizens.

Bayev, Carter, Kaul, Moss, Deville and others are first-class citizens, with levels ranging from upper, middle and lower respectively.

Different citizen levels correspond to different rights and obligations, and enjoy corresponding resource supplies.

Moreover, citizens from the third level and above have the right to participate in important affairs and meetings.

Under special circumstances, you may also have the opportunity to meet the Governor.

Citizenship at each level is not solid and may change at any time.

For example, if you achieve outstanding military exploits or make major technological breakthroughs, you may be able to directly transcend classes.

This is a complex system.

Lingwang will enter and calculate relevant level information throughout the entire process, and finally obtain the corresponding citizen level.

Of course, Ron himself had the right to intervene at any time.

It's just that he won't do it.

The citizen level system is a relatively fair, calculated and predictable promotion path.

There is a progress bar for all this.

For workers, every day they work, they can see 10 credit points credited to their account.

For technicians, every time they invent a new machine or make a technical success, they can see their credit points increase.

Everyone's efforts and contributions are quantified and the results can be seen.

When the citizen level system was promulgated and implemented, Ron could truly feel that the entire planet of Erth was full of vitality.

Shangchao No.3 Manufacturing Plant, No.3 Workshop.

Alila was wearing a medal representing a third-class citizen on her chest and was running into the workshop in a hurry.

As one of the first workers' representatives, she earned the distinction of being a third-class lower-class citizen.

As soon as she arrived at the workshop, she signed in on the mechanical clock-in device without stopping.

She gasped and patted her chest, looking scared:

"It was so dangerous, I was almost late!"

Now, except for some special institutions and positions, many places have implemented a punch-in system to record working hours.

If you are late, you will be deducted credit points!

This is so scary, no worker wants to be late.

As the supervisor of the workshop, Alila manages more than a dozen assembly lines.

Although the factory director tried hard to invite her to be the deputy factory director, she still refused.

She was not used to that kind of environment and preferred to stay in the workshop.

Soon, Alila started working.

She had to demonstrate the production process of new products to the workers.

The workers are now working harder than before.

Because in addition to the basic 10 credit points.

For model workers who work faster and more actively, there are additional credit points rewards.

And the best workers can also have the opportunity to become worker representatives.

Because every five years, a group of worker representatives will be added.

Lingwang will calculate the number of worker representatives in each field based on the number of workers in each field.

Then judge and screen the relevant data and finally select the appropriate worker representatives.

At the same time, those worker representatives who are not enterprising and do not meet the requirements will be demoted.

Keep the number of worker representatives within a reasonable range.

There is no human intervention in this process.

In other words, every worker has the opportunity to become a representative and a third-class citizen.

The same is true for other fields.

This gives everyone hope.

Any profession and class can shine!

Time always passes quickly. When the mechanical device prompts to get off work, the workers punch in and go back to rest.

Alila is always the last one to leave.

As soon as she punched in, a handsome man came to her.

Invite her to go to church to pray together on the weekend.

The man is Paddy, the youngest son of the factory director, who is the head of the next department.

After the spiritual network entered the population information, it slightly adjusted some positions and eliminated a group of incompetent people who occupied positions by relying on power.

Ron can allow some power to be given, but you must have basic ability to sit in the position given to you by your parents.

Paddy can continue to stay in the position of department head, so he must have some ability.

He has been pursuing Alila for a while.

Of course, it is a very subtle one.

But Paddy is a fifth-class citizen, which is quite different from Alila.

People say that Alila should accept the other third-class citizen introduced to her by the New Life Promotion Association through the spiritual network.

But Alila rejected the recommendation of the New Life Promotion Association. She liked Paddy more.

Alila kept a distance from Paddy and nodded to accept the invitation.

Just as Alila and Paddy were walking out, they suddenly saw a terrible figure.

The two couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Paddy, what's going on? Is there a heretic in our factory?"

A cold-blooded inquisitor in power armor led several assistants and walked straight towards them.

The bolter in the inquisitor's hand was loaded!

When the two were worried, the inquisitor and his entourage passed them and walked deep into the factory.

They walked quickly into a huge scrap warehouse.


There was a fierce exchange of fire in the warehouse.

When the exchange of fire stopped, the inquisitor came out with a slight trace of blood on his body.

He smiled at the two of them:

"Don't worry, it's just the mutants hiding in the warehouse, we have dealt with them.

I wish you a good rest..."

Although Ers is protected by the little sun, it is not easy to have large-scale corruption.

But there are still small-scale individual corruption phenomena, which is inevitable.

If it is not stopped, corruption will easily spread.

So the Tribunal set up spiritual network mailboxes everywhere to accept people's reports and investigate them at any time.

When the assistant dealt with the mutant corpses, the judge led the team back to report.

Alila and Paddy breathed a sigh of relief and continued their implicit date.


Late at night.

Spire Mansion.

Ron stood on the balcony, looking up at the pale red moon and the glimmering airport next to him...

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