Warhammer: From Planetary Governor

Chapter 266 Magnus: Everything is going as planned!

The desolate surface of the moon.

Scattered light spear rays fell, leaving large holes in the ground.


The huge battleship was burning with flames, tilted and smashed into the ground, exploding into huge flames.

in space.

More explosions occurred, like brilliant fireworks.

The fleets of the Pilgrim Expeditionary Force and the Thousand Sons Chaos Warband poured firepower on each other frantically.

Light spears, torpedoes, and macrocannons almost filled all the space.

However, it can be seen that the Pilgrimage Expeditionary Force is at a disadvantage and is retreating steadily. More and more Thousand Sons battleships are jumping out of the void.

Macragge's Glory.


Guilliman frowned as he looked at the fierce battlefield.

There is no doubt that this is the Thousand Sons army that his fallen brother Magnus has carefully prepared and ambushed for a long time.

All the clues and events so far converged into an interlocking chain in the mind of the original body——

Magnus set a trap to draw the Fellowship into the Maelstrom, not to destroy them, but to weaken them.

The Crimson King chose a route that had been planned for the returning Thirteenth Son of the Emperor, and knew what would happen next.

The Pilgrim Crusade would be attacked by Chaos, and Guilliman would be taken prisoner, even knowing that he would be rescued and transported through the Webway to Holy Terra.

The Crimson King has been waiting for this moment.

He was able to use the Webway to invade Holy Terra and severely damage the core center of the Empire.

It was an irresistible conspiracy. Even if Guilliman knew all this, he had to continue moving along the established route.

Otherwise, he will be overwhelmed by more and more Chaos pursuers.

Fortunately, things have changed subtly.

With the help of the Shadow Veil Walker and through another more secretive network channel, the expeditionary force moved the battlefield to the moon.

There is room for recovery.

Now, the expedition fleet only needs to hold the line and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Guilliman stared at the holographic projection map, his hands constantly operating on the tactical sphere, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

As he operated, schematic diagrams and divination data continued to fly past the holographic projection at high speed.

Guilliman absorbed massive amounts of data, extracted the information he needed, and restored the true situation on the battlefield.

This is a complex calculation that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Fortunately, the original body can withstand these complex data calculations and arrangements, and his brain is comparable to the Thinker Array.

Suddenly, Guilliman stopped.

He pointed to a point in the projection, which represented a battleship.

over there.

A void shield flickered, its energy system out of whack.

That's a weakness.

Guilliman immediately issued an order through the command system: "Fifth battle group, starboard 90 degrees, fill the gap in the defense line!"

Shortly after the order was issued.

On the space battlefield, a cruiser's void shield failed and was attacked by the enemy.

The cruiser's hull was torn apart by fierce cannon fodder and fell downwards under the pull of the moon's gravity.

The fall of the cruiser caused a series of reactions, and the remaining battleships gradually became unable to withstand the increasingly fierce artillery fire.

The defense here is showing signs of collapse!

Fortunately, the Fifth Battle Group arrived in time to fill the gap and once again defended the defense line.

Guilliman was relieved to hear the news.

Defended for the time being.

But the enemy is outnumbered, and without reinforcements, the defense line cannot hold for long.

"Where are the reinforcements from Holy Terra? When will they arrive?"

The communications officer immediately reported: "Sir, they are still gathering. The specific arrival time is unknown..."

"How stupid can those stupid and incompetent guys be?"

Guilliman was quite annoyed.

He had expected the decay and sluggishness of the Holy Terra institution, but such a slow reaction speed.

Still far exceeded expectations.

If this had been during the Great Crusade, Imperial support would have arrived long ago to engage the enemy.

The primarch's anger caused the command hall to fall into silence.

Suddenly, the communications officer said in surprise:

"Sir, reinforcements have arrived.

According to the communication sent by the other party, they are the fleet of the Govindi family, an imperial blood merchant.

After they discovered signs of war, they immediately came to support! "

Upon hearing this, Guilliman immediately mobilized the tactical sphere, and sure enough he found a fleet just entering the edge of the battlefield.

It was a small fleet, consisting of a cruiser and two frigates.

This kind of configuration is considered very good in the team of Rogue Traders.

It looks like they are really reinforcements.

After all, Rogue Traders often roam the battlefields, selling ammunition and other supplies to the Imperial army.

Sometimes, they will also accept employment and join the battlefield directly.

Guilliman retrieved more information, and the fleet's detection image appeared on the holographic projection.

He looked at the eye-catching family emblem on the ship - a golden pirate skull adorned with an Imperial Sky Eagle.

"Emperor's blood merchant, the Govindi family?"

Guilliman searched his memory and found out that most merchants of Emperor's blood originated thousands of years ago.

If the other party was a genuine merchant of Emperor's blood, he should have an impression.

In an instant, he found the information he wanted. There was indeed such a merchant family of imperial blood named "Goventi" in his memory.

After the Govindi family obtained a trading license from their father, they went to the frontiers of the empire to cultivate land.

"Get Govindi's communication in!"

Guilliman ordered.

Although it is only a small fleet, the situation is urgent now, and any small force must be fought for.

"Ah~ the great and merciful emperor..."

The moment the holographic projection communication came in, the whole command hall was filled with hymns about the emperor, so sacred and inspiring.

The commanders couldn't help but listen.

This is an old problem of the savior faction. Before the battle, they have to use the hymn projector to play some background music.

No matter whether they can win or not, at least they can't lose in momentum and loyalty.

A few seconds later, the hymn faded into background sound.

Shashim's half-body projection appeared in the hall. He was very excited to see the legendary figure.

He read the lines according to the plan:

"My Lord, I am Shasim, the heir of the Govendi family. On behalf of the Govendi family, I pay you the highest respect!

We come with loyalty to the Emperor, ready to fight for Holy Terra and sacrifice everything.

Please tell us how we can contribute to this just war!"

Looking at the high-spirited Shasim, Guilliman was quite moved. It has been a long time since he saw such a passionate and loyal Rogue Trader.

In his impression, Rogue Traders are greedy and full of calculations, wandering in the gray area and lawless.

When the war is stalemate, they will even raise the price and sell ammunition at several times the price.

As for sacrificing everything for the Emperor?

It's impossible!

In Guilliman's subconscious, he thinks that this young man named Shasim is a worthy target.

After all, there are still many places where the Emperor Blood Merchants can play a role.

Now there are not many Emperor Blood Merchants families handed down in the entire empire.

Guilliman smiled slightly: "Sir Shahim, your loyalty and courage are admirable. The Empire needs you to trade like this.

We welcome you to join and look forward to you showing your ability in battle!"

After a simple compliment, the Primarch incorporated the fleet of the Govendi family into the command system of this war.

Afterwards, he deployed the fleet to a safer place where the enemy's offensive was not so fierce.

After all, it was just a small fleet, and it was enough to withstand some minor pressure.

If it was deployed to the core of the battlefield, these merchant ships would probably be torn apart soon, affecting the situation of the defense line.

What's more, he didn't want a loyal and brave heir of the Imperial Blood Family to be so easily lost on the battlefield.

Soon, Guilliman put this matter behind him and concentrated on command.

Moon battlefield.

Govendi, bridge.

Shahim just contacted the Lord Savior, and the response he got was:

Xiaosha, you are now the commander of the merchant fleet, and it's time to grow freely. You can do it yourself!

Shashim finally understood why his colleagues said that the Savior liked to delegate power and let others do things.

He probably really didn't want to manage.

Shashim rubbed his hands excitedly: "After studying in the Naval Academy for so many years, I finally have the opportunity to step onto the battlefield and become a real commander!"

Although it was the first time that he stepped into such a fierce and vast battlefield as a commander.

But he was familiar with all of this.

After all, in the Naval Academy, they used Xiaoling's psychic network to conduct war simulation training for many years.

And they were all classic battles that could be found.

Shashim looked at the holographic projection sand table, which marked information such as enemy ships and firepower.

At the same time, the information that needed to be focused on was specially marked.

Specifically, the percentage of void shield energy, the speed of missile attacks, the position that might be hit, etc.

All of this was executed by semi-intelligent programs without excessive human intervention.

The commander only needed to make the final judgment.

The combat mission of Shashim's fleet was very simple, which was to resist the attack of the cruiser in front.

After all, the original body did not have too many expectations for them.

Boom boom boom——

The ship hull vibrated slightly, and the Thousand Sons Chaos warship's artillery fire hit the warship's void shield.

Fortunately, the Govendi had double void shields, and these attacks did not cause much damage.

Soon, Shashim ordered the fleet to counterattack.

More than a dozen dazzling light spear rays shot out, hitting the enemy cruiser's void shield violently.

In just one round of attack, a quarter of the enemy cruiser's void shield was destroyed.

It even blew up two enemy frigates.

"That damn merchant ship is equipped with relic-level weapons!"

The commander of the Thousand Sons Chaos warship was furious.

However, before the commander could react, he found that the merchant ship had started to accumulate energy again.

The speed was too fast!

In the bridge of the Govendi.

"The ship on the opposite side is not good..."

Shashim curled his lips. The Chaos warship was much weaker than he thought, even weaker than the enemies he encountered during training at the Naval Academy.

After all, the training system of the Naval Academy will simulate battlefields in various extreme situations and madly enhance the enemy's strength.

Of course, in most cases, the trainees can't last too long, but they can also gain more command experience.

Now, his Govindi has a stronger void shield and energy system, which can better exert the power of the relic-level ship-borne weapon-Starlight Spear.

It is more than enough to deal with those warships in the Chaos Fleet that lack maintenance.

"Focus fire and destroy it!"

Shahim had no chance to use any tactics at all, and directly crushed with strength!

The Glory of Macragge.

The bridge command hall.


Guilliman, who was concentrating on commanding, found something strange in the edge of the battlefield.

The fleet of the Govendi family destroyed the opponent so quickly?

He retrieved the information and found the answer.

The merchant ship was equipped with many relic-level weapons, and even used some alien technology!

Guilliman had no objection to this.

After all, the merchant ronin liked to use many ancient equipment and alien technology to modify the ship.

The fact that the Govendi family could have so many relics and alien technology was enough to prove their strength.

Such a good ship was exactly what he needed now.

Guilliman immediately transferred the fleet of the Govendi family to the central area of ​​the battlefield to let it deal with more enemies.

To relieve the pressure on the defense line.

Sure enough, after the arrival of the fleet, the pressure on the left wing of the battlefield was much less.

He could sense that the boy named Shahim had rich command skills.

Like a battle-hardened commander.

I'm afraid that only the long-standing Imperial Blood Merchants can cultivate such an excellent successor.

The pressure on the defense line was reduced a little, but Guilliman was still worried:

"I hope the reinforcements from Holy Terra can arrive soon to avoid the situation from completely deteriorating..."

He estimated that the defense line could only support half an hour at most.

Fortunately, this is the moon, not far from Holy Terra, even if the commander of the reinforcements is a complete idiot.

They should be able to arrive.

Guilliman is eager to end this war as soon as possible. The longer it drags on, the greater the risk!

He is worried that Magnus is brewing a more terrible conspiracy.


The violent space vibration attracted everyone's attention.

In the void, a huge Tizca pyramid appeared, slightly larger than a battleship.

It was a product of ancient witchcraft, Magnus's vehicle.


The Tizca pyramid landed on the surface of the moon, raising sand and rocks that covered the sky.

The waves surged, and the wind was like a wave!


A pure and surging evil energy pulse shot to the ground.

The dark energy gathered at an astonishing speed and condensed into a terrifying evil flame vortex.

Suddenly, even the Space Marines of the expeditionary force felt unspeakable fear——

——Carrying a supernatural sense of oppression, a giant beast stepped onto the surface of the moon.

With ferocious horns and wings on his back, the red Magnus exuded a terrifying aura to everyone!

He raised his head slightly, cast his eyes into the void, and revealed a ferocious smile.

In the command hall of the Glory of Macragge, the aura of terror began to spread, and the projection of the Fallen Thousand Sons Primarch appeared.

Even if it was just a virtual image, everyone's heart felt like it was being grasped by something and almost stopped beating.

The moment he saw Magnus, Guilliman realized that the situation had taken a sharp turn for the worse.

The moment of the decisive battle had arrived.

He must stop Magnus completely before he did something more terrible!


The Glory of Macragge poured all its firepower on the Tizca Pyramid, but it was blocked by the sorcery shield around it.

It was impossible to break it in a short time.

Soon, the Glory of Macragge stopped attacking and continued to defend the line.

It was just an attempt.

Their Primarch has gone to fight the Red King!

Under the cover of the fleet, Guilliman led the Space Marines and heavy troops to the surface of the moon.

Breaking into the sorcery shield.

Magnus stood there alone, quietly waiting for the arrival of Guilliman and his army, without fear.

As Guilliman and the expeditionary force approached, he finally took action.

The demon primarch, the Red King, uttered only one note, and three Ultramarines' dreadnoughts disintegrated;

He raised his hand and pointed, and the Land Reaver heavy tank took off into the air, passing by like a cannonball, plowing a bloody path in the Skitarii camp;

With the swing of the Wandering Blade Staff, the curtain between reality and the Warp was easily torn apart, and a large group of demons poured out and pounced on the expeditionary force.

This is the terrifying thing about powerful wizards.

"Magnus, face me!"

Guilliman waved the Emperor's Sword to sweep the surrounding demons, roaring and running towards the Red King.

"As you wish, Robert"

Magnus smiled.

He glanced at Guilliman who was rushing towards him, and said jokingly: "I am here, for real. By the way, I don't remember you being so... short."

"Even after ten thousand years, you have never learned to restrain your arrogance..."

Guilliman threw down a demon head and stood in front of Magnus.

His heroic face was cold and stared at the primarch brother who had completely fallen and turned into a demon: "You are indeed a lot taller, but you have become uglier. Your life is not easy, right?"

Magnus sneered: "You are always short-sighted and overestimate your own abilities, and this is why you can never compare to me. Take a look--"

He raised the Wandering Blade Staff and showed Guilliman the chaotic energy wrapped around the blade staff.

"This is the real power!"

"I only see your cowardice and humility!"

Guilliman shook his head in grief: "Is this the reason why you have fallen into depravity and shamelessly knelt before the monster who proclaimed himself a god?

If my father saw all this..."

"The false emperor... he can't see it!"

Magnus seemed to be enraged, and he roared:

"Do you know why I let you come? Because you will face the most tragic fate here.

I want you to see with your own eyes that the empire of the false emperor and everything you cherish will be destroyed!"

Magnus laughed wildly.

Although he became a slave of Chaos, he gained more powerful psychic power.

Became the true king of sorcery!

He could even touch the mysterious power called "fate", predict the development of things, and react.

Not long ago, Magnus found a new destiny and changed his plan.

He prepared a bigger "gift" for Guilliman and Holy Terra.

Now, he has foreseen Guilliman's tragic fate, right here, right now!

Magnus clenched his Wandering Blade Staff and paused, and countless witchcraft runes surged from the ground.


The Tizca Pyramid behind him suddenly started up, and the vibration of the space became more and more violent.

Magnus seemed to be narrating a fact: "Holy Terra will be destroyed today, this is a predetermined fate!"

As the Tizca Pyramid started up, Guilliman's heart was beating wildly, and he felt a sense of crisis he had never felt before.

What exactly did Magnus want to do?

However, the screaming voice of the Shadow Walker in the communicator gave him the answer.

The Webway Barrier is under attack!

This fallen Primarch actually wanted to tear a new Webway crack on the moon through the witchcraft device on the Zika Pyramid.

Moreover, the Red King has experience in creating cracks, and the chance of success is very high.

If the Webway crack is formed, the Chaos Demons of the Warp will be able to pour in unscrupulously, and Holy Terra will usher in the end!


Guilliman's eyes reflected the violent rage, and he raised the Emperor's Sword and slashed at the demon Primarch.

Magnus' pupils shrank. He felt the terrible flames on the Emperor's Sword, which would cause him irreparable damage.

"Unfortunately, you have stepped into my trap!"

The corners of Magnus' mouth twitched slightly. Within the range of the Zika Pyramid, his sorcery energy was unstoppable!

The spell that suddenly appeared on the ground temporarily restrained the Primarch's steps.

Then, he raised his hand and clenched it violently, pulling hundreds of tons of scrap steel from the nearby shipwreck.


The huge scrap steel was like a fierce artillery shell, hitting Guilliman and smashing into the crater several kilometers away.

The light of the Tizka Pyramid became even brighter, and the webway shook more violently.

Witnessing the Primarch's experience, the warriors besieged by demons gradually fell into despair.

"What a wonderful fear..." Magnus enjoyed it all.

Now, no one can stop him.

Everything is going according to plan!

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