Warhammer III

Chapter 13 Metal Box

The sudden change made the Countess change her charming attitude and regain her sanity.

The two looked solemn, as if they were facing a great enemy.

Taiyue found that the attack just now had penetrated the two-layer glass window of the spacecraft. This is the light-limiting glass commonly used on merchant ships. Its special structure only allows low-intensity light to pass through, and its hardness is not weaker than titanium steel.

Something was lying outside the window, like a beast ready to hunt.

"Skull!" Taiyue exclaimed after seeing the creature outside clearly. The creature in the dream actually appeared here!

At the same time, he didn't know that the creature in the Countess's blood had grown into shape. In each drop of blood, more than a dozen different creatures were produced. The smallest creature was only 1 mm, and the largest creature was about 1 cm long.

These creatures were full of new vitality, twisting constantly, and they were all strange beetle-like creatures in form:

Some of the alien insects were covered with carapaces, and their heads had single-molecule sharp blades of different shapes, which began to vibrate under the activity of the alien insect nerves;

Some of the alien insects unfolded their membrane wings on their backs, flapping them to try to escape the control of the airflow, while the compound eyes on their heads quickly rotated to observe the surrounding environment;

Some of the alien insects quickly synthesized various toxins, small molecule chemical toxins, neurotoxins, and the needles in their tails were ready to stab their enemies at any time;

Some of the alien insects had two abdomens, synthesizing different compounds respectively, which could be detonated by tiny electric currents when mixed together

The alien insect swarm floated towards the skull at this moment, and the latter was alert to the danger, and the electric current on its body became denser.

Looking at the familiar electric light around the skull, Tai Yue knew that it was going to attack again, and immediately picked up the countess with both hands and jumped onto the bed.

Lightning shot towards the alien insects outside the window, most of the alien insects were directly evaporated, and a small number of alien insects had their entire carapaces burned, but they were still twisting.

At this time, Taiyue realized that the skull had not attacked him just now. The current on it was erratic. It was wondering what it was.

The Countess also discovered the monster outside, but she seemed to be familiar with monsters. Although she felt strange about Taiyue's exclamation, she did not take it to heart. She admired Taiyue's quick response in her heart.

At this time, the emergency system of the spacecraft was activated, and a metal partition quickly rose between the two layers of glass windows. The moment the gap was sealed, the air pressure in the room gradually returned to normal.

At this moment, Taiyue's thoughts were all on the skull, and he didn't realize that he was hugging the Countess tightly.

"What stick on you is biting me," the Countess pointed at Taiyue's chest.

Taiyue then discovered the ambiguous actions of the two. It was the first time for him to have such close contact with the opposite sex. After realizing all this, he subconsciously held his breath.

It took a long time before he realized that it was a laser soldering iron. The Countess was only wearing a tulle, and the protruding laser soldering iron left an indentation on her body.

After releasing the Countess, Taiyue took out the laser soldering iron and explained awkwardly that it was for self-defense.

The countess was worried that the skull would launch a second attack. After taking the metal box that fell to the ground, she hurriedly pulled Taiyue's hand and wanted to leave here quickly. Taiyue also took the medicine.

The robot servant Apsher outside the door was about to force his way into the room. At this time, the room opened and Taiyue was almost hit by her.

"Master, please follow me to the control room." Apsher suggested. She was the first to activate the emergency system.

The countess asked Apsher to lead the way in front and took Taiyue to the core of the spacecraft quickly.

After a series of password doors, the two people and the robot servant came to the control room of the spacecraft. The three-dimensional images of the trading rooms on the lower and middle floors of the black market rotated in the control center, and the columnar commercial robot servants with red lights analyzed the trading data.

Apsher turned off the image of the trading room and called up the external image of the spacecraft.

The proportionally reduced external structure was displayed in front of the two people. When the corresponding place of the countess's bedroom was enlarged, there was no skull. Only the maintenance robot servant was replacing the broken glass.

"The detector outside the spacecraft did not capture the figure of the alien creature. It may have left the spacecraft." Apsher's voice came from all around the spacecraft.

The servitor Apsher did not move, and his left eye began to count. It was not her voice.

Taiyue immediately understood that she was the AI ​​of the spacecraft. His adoptive father once laughed and said that the Mechanicus called AI a machine soul, and the servitor Apsher was just her intelligent clone.

After listening to Apsher's report, the Countess finally felt relieved.

At this moment, her clothes were ragged, and there were many holes in the gauze on her body. Seeing this, Taiyue took off his clothes and covered the Countess. Although his clothes were cheap factory synthetic fibers, they could still cover her spring scenery.

The countess' heart warmed up, and she couldn't help thinking:

"The man in front of me just saved my life. Perhaps because of his special spiritual power, I feel safe around him. After so many years, I should also get over those experiences. It might be a good idea to let the Earl's Castle have a male owner!"

"I guess you have guessed that I am the boss behind the black market," the countess explained: "The black market has always been one of the businesses of the Count Laurent family. Because there is no heir, the black market is finally in my hands."

After she took the initiative to explain, Tai Yue was less wary of her.

"The cell degeneration inhibitor in your hand is a gift to you. I hope that your uncle's disease can be controlled. Just tell me when you need medicine in the future."

Tai Yue has just made a preliminary estimate that the amount of medicine is enough for his adoptive father to use for 20 years, and it is worth 0.004 merchant ship coins.

"Last time, my sister Phyllis already accepted the medical bracelet given by you, madam. I can't get this medicine for free this time!"

After saying that Taiyue was ready to pay the fee, the countess pretended to be angry, so Taiyue had no choice but to give up. Now he owed the countess two favors.

"You will call me Mansha from now on. Now follow me to the study. I want to tell you something important!"

The countess said to Taiyue in a tone that could not be refuted. Her expression was solemn. Taiyue nodded and began to choose to believe her.

This time, Mansha didn't ask Upshel to follow her, and the two of them went straight to the study.

This is the second time that Taiyue has come here. There must be a reason for Mansha to let herself come here the first time. There may be an answer this time.

"Have you read the books here?" Mansha stared at Taiyue with sharp eyes as if interrogating a criminal.

"I read part of the book about psykers." Tai Yue answered truthfully.

"Are you a psyker?"

Taiyue thought of the skull at this moment. He thought it was a dream before and ruled out the possibility of being a psyker.

But now that it appears in front of him again, there is no doubt that the previous connection with it was real. Being attacked by it this time is probably its resistance to itself.

My own psychic powers cannot be classified into the five major systems. I can play with aliens in my dreams. What kind of heretical ability is this!

"I should be a psychic, right?!" Taiyue's answer was full of uncertainty.

Mansha told Taiyue seriously:

"The empire will arrest psykers. Those who can pass the test and control their own psionic powers will be granted the qualification of legal psykers. Those who cannot pass or are too dangerous will only die."

"In Marsdan, the people responsible for arresting psykers are the Edmund family of the five nobles. They have close ties with the Ministry of Justice. The family owner's personal guard is composed of genetically enhanced people, and there are many weapons targeting psykers."

"If you are captured by them, you will most likely be escorted to a black ship, which is a fleet dedicated to transporting psykers. The Edmund family also secretly trades psyker slaves, and the black market has records of this."

Taiyue understood Mansha's worries and also understood his dangerous situation.

Mansha opened the metal box she had been carrying, and inside was a black collar. The material of the collar did not look like metal, but was similar to a gemstone, but the color was pure black and did not reflect any light.

"You won't give this to me, right?" Tai Yue thought that the miners' gossip about the nobles was not groundless.

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