Warhammer III

Chapter 18 Space Marines

After hearing Taiyue's secret, Mansha was not only shocked. The fact that Taiyue told him such heretical behavior meant that her identity as an illegal psyker and her contact with aliens were not considered heresy in Taiyue's eyes!

"Are you complicit?" Mansha chuckled with tears in her eyes. She even hesitated for a moment whether to tell Taiyue about the alien cells in her body.

But this involves too much. The Alien Tribunal and the Mechanicum are both institutions that stand at the pinnacle of the empire.

She finally chose silence. This was something that the hive worker in front of her could not solve, even if he risked his psychic talent and all his wealth and supplies.

"I thought it was because I had psychic contact with the skull and annoyed it that it was attacked. The first time it attacked us, you asked it to come over to save you, so it broke the glass of the spacecraft and found no danger. left."

"The subsequent attacks were probably because you put on the anti-psionic collar and subconsciously broke the psychic connection with it, so it started to attack me. Maybe it thought it was me."

Mansha blinked and said in a joking tone: "Although it is true that I personally put the anti-psionic collar on you and blocked your psychic abilities."

After thinking about the whole incident, the two began to deal with the skull:

Taiyue asked the servitor to put a horn helmet on the skull, and sprayed it with rust-colored dye to disguise it as a special servitor.

There are two sharp horns extending forward on the helmet, which are the clustering equipment of the skull's psychic lightning, improving its attack power. At the same time, the helmet has an electric shock control system. After all, it is still a beast.

The controller was given to Mansha. He couldn't take it away, and he didn't want to kill it, so he could only put it in Mansha's castle.

After finishing all this, Tai Yue returned to his room and lay down. When he was about to continue training his psychic abilities, the door suddenly opened.

It turned out that Mansha changed out of her anti-electricity suit, put on her pajamas after taking a bath and came to Taiyue's bedroom.

She was tired from the day, and there was a trace of fatigue under her beautiful face.

"My room at the top of the tower was destroyed by the servitors and your pets, so I had to come here." Mansha explained.

Tai Yue knew that there were other rooms in the tower, but this room was provided by Mansha after all, and Tai Yue couldn't get rid of her, so the two lay together.

Tai Yue began to fall asleep and train his psychic powers, hoping to turn on the theta switch as soon as possible.

He slept like this until the next morning. When he woke up, he found that the theta switch was still not turned on, and he didn't even dream about it yesterday.

Next to her, Mansha was still sleeping. Her dark purple pajamas added a seductive charm, and there was a smile on her lips. Her sleep yesterday made her feel at ease.

"The problem now is that the position of the theta switch has been found, but the time to enter the subconscious state is only a moment, which has no effect at all."

Tai Yue muttered in his mind, suddenly thinking of the psychic power-related books he had read before, which mentioned that psychics can control the subconscious state through meditation.

He started trying to meditate, but for a long time he couldn't get the point and his thoughts were confused.

At this time, Mansha woke up from her sleep. After listening to Taiyue's introduction, Mansha analyzed and said:

"Many powerful psykers are not born with complete psychic powers, but awaken their psionic powers through acquired stimulation. The manifestation of such psykers before awakening is that they release psychic powers in a subconscious state."

"If they are not trained before awakening, their powerful spiritual energy will instantly go out of control after awakening. The out-of-control spiritual energy can even destroy the entire planet and eventually turn into a subspace channel!"

At this point, she stared at Tai Yue: "There is no doubt that your spiritual power has not been fully awakened. The upper limit is far more than level 12. I brought you to the Earl's Castle in the hope that you can train here and control your spiritual power skillfully."

After introducing the situation, Mansha began to assist Taiyue in meditation. Induced by words and lightly touched by nails, Taiyue quickly entered a meditative state.

The meditative state lasted until the evening, and Mansha stayed with me throughout the entire process.

Finally, white spots appeared on the back of the psychic collar, and the theta switch of the psychic collar has been turned on!

After Taiyue opened his eyes, he was greeted by Mansha's concerned face. He suddenly tried to see if he could establish a psychic connection with her, because Mansha could also feel the skull like himself, and maybe the two of them could Able to establish psychic connections.

He began to concentrate on trying to establish a psychic connection with Mansha, and every scene with her flashed through his mind, including the first vigilance in the business district, the second impulse in the black market bedroom, and the subsequent cooperation to capture the skull. of thrills.

Mansha also noticed Taiyue's intention and let go of her mental shield to actively cooperate with him.

In an instant, the barrier between the two hearts disappeared, and their minds were connected. However, at this time, an illusion that did not belong to Mansha emerged in her mind:

In the magnificent state church hall, a tall man with the same face as Taiyue appeared in the trial cage. His neck and limbs were tightly locked with black torture instruments. The man's expression was resolute and unyielding, and his strong body was full of power.

There were two people sitting in front of him on the judgment seat. On the left was a cardinal with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a red robe. Her face was expressionless and silent.

On the right is an older man with wrinkles on his face. The man is wearing black power armor. The symbol on his chest indicates that he is an Inquisitor. The wrinkles on his face are distorted by fanaticism.

Behind the bishop stood two silver-haired women wearing power armor. The fleur-de-lis on their right faces indicated their identities as battle nuns.

Next to the Inquisitor was a figure wearing a skull-shaped helmet. His black synthetic skin and the glass instruments filled with medicine behind him reminded him of his danger. But he did not move, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

"You know your crime!" The Inquisitor scolded the man with a disgusted expression.

The Cardinal took out a top-secret file and asked the nun behind him to pass it to the Inquisitor. The man's information was recorded on it:

Chapter number: 6-- (sensitive information is deleted)

Chapter position: Technical Sergeant

Survival status: dead

Neck gene seed: not recovered

After reading it, the Inquisitor became even more furious:

"This person should have died for the Emperor as a Space Marine, but now some of his gene seeds have disappeared, and it is very likely that he has been corrupted by Chaos!"

So he turned around and sentenced: "Assisting the alien, a heretic corrupted by Chaos! Only fire can purify your soul!" After speaking, he was ready to press the judgment resolution.

The cardinal stood up and stopped the judge's verdict. After looking at the man, he announced: "This matter is still controversial and will be discussed later."

The mysterious man with a skull helmet suddenly looked at Mansha who was watching the trial, and the illusion disappeared immediately.

"Space Marine! Prophecy Psychic!" Mansha shouted after the illusion disappeared.

(The plot is speeding up, the heroine will appear in the next chapter! Let me see everyone's recommendation votes!)

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