Warhammer III

Chapter 39: Magnetic Levitation System and Alien Ugur

Taiyue and others walked along the spiral staircase of the tower toward the bottom. There were more than a dozen cabins on each floor. There were traces of the alien race living inside the cabins.

Purple-black traces still remain on the plates and bottles that contained unknown liquids. The smooth stone bed is no more than half a meter wide but nearly three meters long. There are also some sparkling gem-like decorations that still look like It's like new.

"The former users of Blackstone Fortress were the Ancient Spirit Tribe. What do the Spirit Tribe aliens usually eat? Are these tableware used by them?"

Tai Yue asked Drake next to him. The Rogue Traders often dealt with the Eldar aliens. He might know this common sense.

"Thai people, the Eldar aliens have domesticated animals as a source of meat, but the Eldar people from the Ark rarely eat meat, and usually eat more fruit snacks and vine juice drinks. I once tasted those colorful drinks, and they tasted very bland. "This may be related to their more sensitive taste buds. The tableware and decorations here are very similar to the items used by the Eldar people today."

Derek pouted and said, he immediately felt that it was inappropriate to say this, and continued to add:

"I heard that the Dark Eldar will eat our Imperial people, but fortunately I have never encountered them."

"The Dark Eldar absorb the warp energy from the painful emotions of intelligent beings, including us humans, and do not really eat human flesh."

Della corrected Drake's mistake on the side. She had studied the physical and psychic characteristics of the Eldar aliens.

While everyone was chatting, they arrived at the bottom of the tower. There were corridors extending in all directions. These corridors were winding like dense branches extending from trees, and black metal containers were suspended above the corridors. The curved appearance looked like Transportation.

"The super-large Blackstone Fortress's magnetic levitation track system allows you to move quickly inside the Blackstone Fortress!"

Phoenix prompted suddenly.

After hearing this, Tai Yue walked forward and reached out to touch the metal container, but there was no response.

"How to use this magnetic levitation device?"

"It requires spiritual activation. You can try to inject subspace energy."

"Well you can't use psychic powers here!"

Taiyue responded awkwardly.

"Although there is no connection to the subspace here, you can use the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual bones in your body, which is independent of the subspace."

After Phoenix finished speaking, Taiyue suddenly understood and concentrated on mobilizing the power of the spiritual bones.

His spirit spread from the brain to the spiritual bones of the whole body, and his consciousness was gradually amplified. He could detect the condition of the whole body, and clearly felt that the organs developed from the gene seeds were moving. The two metal organs were like black boxes, and there was no way to know what was going on inside. state.

After a moment, the top of the metal container glowed red, and the hatches on both sides opened.

Taiyue and others immediately boarded the magnetic levitation equipment, but Drake and his entourage did not board.

"Lord Tai Da, we will just wander around the tower and won't explore this fortress with you. The God Emperor bless you!"

Drake said that he guessed that the Astartes in front of him was going to perform a dangerous mission. For safety reasons, he decided to look for technological relics that could be sold in the cabin of the tower before leaving here.

Tai Yue nodded in agreement and said goodbye to the Rogue Trader. At this time, the magnetic levitation equipment hatch slowly closed.

A soft white light gradually lit up inside, and then the transportation route of the Blackstone Fortress was projected. The maze-like complex route was mind-numbing and would take more than ten years to explore on foot.

"Where should we go? There are no important areas of Blackstone Fortress marked on the route."

Sisela tried to touch a point on the route, and the projection magnified the selected point, showing the symbol of a tower.

"Wait a minute, several points are moving slowly!"

Captain Nelson said suddenly. He pointed at one of the moving locations, and after zooming in, it showed the symbol of the Eldar runes. He then looked at other moving locations, which showed different Eldar runes.

"The tower is where the aliens live. This Eldar rune may represent an important place in the Blackstone Fortress. These locations are still moving slowly. They may be independent aircraft. It is recommended to explore them first!"

Everyone agreed with Nelson's opinion. After Taiyue used his psychic power again to select one of the psychic runes, the magnetic levitation device began to move faster and faster, but there was no noise inside, and no one was affected by the acceleration.

The maglev equipment began to slow down after running for two days, and finally docked at its destination. Everyone immediately left the vehicle and went to the top of the tower to find the aircraft represented by the psychic runes.


When walking to the middle level of the tower, Jerome suddenly asked everyone to stop.

"We were followed by aliens when we got here!"

Jerome said as he looked at the shadow behind him. A bolt was fired, and the explosion's fire illuminated the alien creature hiding on the ceiling.

Although the alien creatures are generally human-shaped, with human limbs and heads, under their flat faces is a wide and thin mouth filled with needle-like teeth. There are five fleshy pits above the mouth instead of a single nose or a pair of eyes. Their strong limbs clung to the raised stones of the ceiling and observed the crowd.


Tai Yue frowned and reminded everyone to be careful.

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