Warhammer III

Chapter 55: Anti-Tyranid Reconnaissance

The vanguard frigates of the Nautilus Hive Tentacles moved silently within the Vinor system like invisible ghosts. They quickly scouted the situation on the hive world of Kapre and the agricultural world of Lagos.

The bio-stealth technology of these Vanguard frigates can avoid detection by most auspices, and the bioenergy thrusters, although relatively slow, will not reveal the Pioneer frigate's position by producing a high-density energy source.

After confirming that these two worlds were very rich in biomass, a vanguard frigate left the Vinor system first. It wanted to tell this information to the Nautilus Hive Fleet as soon as possible.

Other Vanguard frigates began to penetrate deep into the low-Earth orbit of the two worlds, trying to detect whether there was already a large-scale Genestealer sect on the planet.

The psychic network on the agricultural world of Lagos was very weak, so the Vanguard frigate dropped sporangia on the dark side of the planet.

The air-dropped sporangia happened to land in a farmland, and several licata inside had woken up and tore open the sporangia.

"I haven't slept enough, the damn lord wants us to work again!"

The nearby serf woke up when he heard the sound of breaking rice straw and the sound of water. Cursing, he put on his thin clothes and reluctantly walked out of the wooden room.

The serf looked around, then rubbed his eyes and found that there were no other serfs doing farm work here.

"What's going on? Is someone stealing unripe grain?"

The serf said to himself, unaware that a licart insect was hiding next to him.

The discolored scales of Licatella blended in with the surrounding environment. A pair of long mantis-like claws pierced the serf's body, and the predatory tentacles in its mouth wrapped around the serf's body. The predatory tentacles were covered with sharp claws. The bone plate pierced the serf's eyeball and penetrated deep into his brain.

In this way, Licate quickly devoured the serf's brain and biochemically absorbed the serf's memory.

Soon after, there were rumors of brain-sucking monsters all over the planet, until Inquisitor Sisela came to investigate the specific reasons.

Unlike the agricultural world of Lagos, the psychic network on the hive world of Capre has begun to take shape. After the vanguard frigate accessed this psychic network, it directly obtained most of the information about the planet, including not only the population , also including the slave revolt that had occurred a few months earlier.

After collecting intelligence, the vanguard frigate started the biological engine and prepared to leave Capre and return to the Nautilus Hive Fleet.


The void lightning psionic turret of Blackstone Fortress suddenly activated, and the subspace energy was converted into thunderstorms that flashed in the void. The powerful psionic attack directly destroyed the vanguard frigate that was scouting the planet Kapre.

"The tentacles of the Nautilus Hive Fleet should be coming to this galaxy soon!"

Tai Yue frowned and said that he discovered the vanguard frigate through the modified leader of the chicken thieves, who caused an unknown light to appear in the projection of the psychic network.

"After our training, this planet is now full of soldiers with experience in combating Tyranid creatures. With the support of the Nahmund Fleet and Nahmund Guards led by the Ninth Brotherhood, we have great hope to defend it. this planet.”

Nelson said after analyzing our advantages, but the Ninth Brotherhood knows very little about the characteristics and advantages of the evolved Nautilus Hive Fleet.

When the two of them were further planning their battle plan, Bulwell, the state priest on the planet, sent an urgent message. The lower nest of the hive was attacked by the Dark Eldar!

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