Warhammer III

Chapter 41 Black Temple

There was a strange flash of light at Mandeville Point in the Segni system of the Obscurus, and then a light assault cruiser leapt out of the warp.

As an important node in the Empire's subspace route, the Mandeville Point is a special space area in the galaxy that enters or leaves the subspace. This is where the barrier between the subspace and the real universe is weak, and where the stability of the subspace is also the best.

The spacecraft at Mandeville Point can enter the subspace in the shortest distance. At the same time, the subspace engine consumes the least energy, and the subspace channel generated can be closed quickly without causing adverse effects on the surrounding space.

"The jump-out position has deviated by 01 astronomical units, and the spacecraft is now close to the orbit of the sixth planet in the Sydney system." The navigator on the assault cruiser reported the navigation situation without any expression, and his helmet covered the navigator's third bird spying on the subspace. Eyes, extended data lines connected to the instruments on the spacecraft.

The assault cruiser soon appeared in the synchronous orbit of Senikaya, the third planet in the Sydney system. The cruiser's laser weapon array was immediately activated and entered a standby state. The weapon array was aimed at a prison on the surface of the planet.

Senikaya is also an industrial world of the empire, but it mainly produces medicines. As many buildings as pharmaceutical factories are prisons, which contain slaves used for drug experiments. Most of them are lobotomized clones, and a small number are still Descendants of heretics who retained consciousness.

"Whether to start orbital bombardment, please give instructions!" The gunner began to make the final confirmation. At this moment, there were three space warriors wearing black power armor standing on the bridge. On the chest of their power armor was the symbol of the Empire's double-headed eagle, which was white. The cross symbol on the shoulder armor is particularly eye-catching, and the armor of one of the Space Marines is decorated with a white ribbon filled with scriptures.

He was about to click the OK button to authorize the bombing, when suddenly the signal light of the communication system in the galaxy in the middle of the bridge began to flash. Someone read the map and contacted the bridge. He hesitated, but finally connected the communication.

"Lord Lord Gary, you are well!" A tall man wearing black force feedback power armor appeared on the communication platform in the form of a projection. His face was covered with scars. This was his long-term process of capturing aliens. The man was currently in the research room on the middle floor of the prison, and there was a Mechanicus priest next to him who was analyzing the data of human experiments.

"Judge Todd, if you don't want to die, leave the prison within 10 minutes!" Gary's tone was not polite. Any alien creature and subspace filth they encountered must be destroyed.

"The Black Temple does not support the Ultramarines in the east of the galaxy in their fight against the demons. Instead, it wants to orbitally bomb the slave prison in Senikaia. You should be the ones to leave!"

Gary ignored Todd's provocation and sent an encrypted file to the latter. The Mechanicus priest next to him immediately cracked the encrypted file. The left eye of the machine projected a cylindrical container. The temperature monitoring data showed that the temperature of the container was -196C. , X-ray scans revealed more than a hundred injections inside.

"The injection contains abnormal cells from the ovipositor of the gene stealer. Although I don't know what you want to do, the merchant ship you were transporting the goods was intercepted by your colleagues. It is said that your related research went out of control more than ten years ago, causing many problems in the empire. The residents have turned into hybrid aliens!" Gary said and became angry, which made him know that the words of the Alien Tribunal were correct.

"How many alien cells do you still have in the laboratory in this prison? How many more infections do you have to infect before you are willing to give up this blasphemous research! I don't care about the factional disputes within your Inquisition, but destroy any heretics and illegal spirits. It is our duty to be capable and alien, and we will show no mercy to the enemies of the Emperor!"

At this time, the bridge's door to other warehouses opened, and a male astropath walked in. His eyes were cloudy white, but he could see everyone on the bridge with his inner eye.

Behind him was a clerk. After seeing the command team on the bridge, the clerk hurried forward to report: "Your Lordship, we have just received a very urgent astrological message!"

Gary cut off the communication with the inquisitor and signaled the clerk to continue reporting.

"The industrial world of Marsdan is under attack by the Genestealer sect and is requesting support."

"Marsdan, the industrial world in the nearby Rem galaxy?" the technical sergeant next to Gary asked.

"Master Colliver, we checked the planet coordinate information and it is indeed the place you mentioned!"

"Cancel this orbital bombing and head to Marsdam immediately!" Gary said to the navigator. After all, the gene stealer is more evil than its alien cells.

"Todd, next time I will unplug all your research institutes. As for you, be prepared to accept the internal judgment of the Inquisition!"

"I don't know how long this astrological signal has been delayed in the subspace. Hope is still urgent. It is a good choice to leave the orbital bombing ammunition to Marsdan. Otherwise, more brothers will die. If the entire planet falls, there will be no hope. We need to contact the Crusader Marshal to discuss the extermination order." Adrian, the pharmacist who commanded the team, began to worry.

After the cruiser's engines were ignited, it left geostationary orbit and began to head towards Marsden.

"What made them leave in such a hurry?" Todd looked at the leaving assault cruiser and couldn't help but wonder.

"The process of alien cell infection is accompanied by the fluctuation of the subspace. In addition to the genetic level, the psychic factor that drives the alien infection cannot be ignored. Even the psychic power of the infected can affect the infection process." The mechanical priest continued to report the research results as if nothing had happened.

In the closed room in front of them, the slaves whose brains had entered the alien cells had their brains cut off and placed in a glass container


As the mixed-blood chicken thieves in the lower and middle levels of the third nest were successively eliminated, the leader of the Doomsday Lighthouse Gene Stealer deep underground, the huge pure-blooded Gene Stealer, was shaken for the first time. Secret infection is their characteristic, but now they are accurately eliminated, which aroused its vigilance!

Bishop Patricia, holding the scepter, began to send war assembly orders to the chicken thief leader at the top of the tower through the psychic network, and arranged a beheading chicken thief team at the same time.

She originally wanted to bring Taiyue to the underground lair, let the leader give him the kiss of death, and let his psychic power be used by the sect. Now that she knows that the commander-in-chief of the Purification Corps is Taiyue through the psychic network, she can only choose to kill this dangerous man as soon as possible, otherwise the agreed date will be affected.

After another day of action, the Purification Corps has reached the middle level of the hive city, and the "Rust" gang has built fortifications in the factory gathering area to block the advance of the corps.

If you cooperate with the gang, it will be even more powerful for the next action, but the people sent by Taiyue to negotiate were chopped into pieces, and Alexander escaped back under the cover of the psychic.

"The factory is full of skulls and blood of the defeated. These lunatics advocate that only the strong can survive! The state religion that only prays for the salvation of the emperor is not worthy of belief!" Alexander reported the situation immediately after returning.

The belief in the evil god has spread among the gang! Can't the prophecy of the bloody illusion be stopped? Is there any other way?

Taiyue touched the anti-psychic collar on his neck. Does the demon Phoenix know something?

(The next chapter will start a melee. Please give me monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Your support is my motivation to update!)

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