Warhammer III

Chapter 48 Grey Knight

On the spire of the hive, only the chitinous shell remained, and the gray matter and flesh inside the brain had been burned by the energy of the subspace.

Next to the empty shell of the lighthouse were countless thieves' limbs and scattered Space Marine corpses.

In front of the pharmacist Adrian was a Space Marine whose heart was pierced by the single-molecule sharp blade of the thief nest master. The latter killed the nest master before his death, leaving the sharp blade in his body forever.

"May your soul return to the Emperor!"

Adrian leaned over and lifted the upper body of the dead brother, took off the helmet of the dead man and said softly.

The mechanical arm on the backpack of the power armor scanned and located the gene seed in the chest of the corpse, and then moved to the corresponding position. One of the mechanical arms activated a small chain saw blade and cut the power armor and electronic muscle bundle.

The laser knife of the other mechanical arm cut the chest along the position of the gene storage gland, and released inert gas while injecting blood anticoagulants to prevent the Laraman cells from generating skin-like tissue after contact with air.

Adrian took the gene seed with the combat experience of the Space Marines and put it in a sealed can specially used to recover gene seeds. The gray gene seed soon sank into the red nutrient solution.

After he recovered the body, he followed the large army to continue to the interior of the nest.

"The auspicious instrument of the spacecraft that scanned the subspace energy just now found strange psychic fluctuations."

Technical Sergeant Culliver urgently contacted the castle lord Gary.

"Isn't it produced by the psychic lighthouse?" The latter didn't care and continued to command the tactical team to annihilate the remaining aliens.

Culliver sent the relevant information to the castle lord Gary and continued:

"It was produced after the psychic lighthouse was destroyed. According to the waveform of the subspace energy, this may be a psychic or a demon, and his psychic fluctuations are at least above level 3 (γ gamma)!"

"This star zone has never heard of a legal psychic of this level. Can the illegal psychic who has just awakened be located?" Gary frowned.

"The energy fluctuations in the subspace he caused suddenly disappeared, as if they were extracted in an instant, and now they can't be located at all!"

"Should Lord Edwin use astropathic communication to contact the black ship?" Colliver suggested.

"If the heretic is still in the hive, he will be executed on the spot if he is encountered!"

Gary gave the order! For the Space Marines of the Black Temple, except for the astropaths and navigators, other psykers are unclean people and hateful psykers!

They respect the astropaths very much, because the astropaths are special psykers who have established a soul bond with the Emperor. From another perspective, the astropaths are the messengers of the Emperor. The navigator's third eye can see the light of the subspace storm and the torch, and is an indispensable psyker for subspace navigation. The torch itself is extremely sacred.

Soon, the Space Marines of the Black Temple and the Purification Corps led by Tai Yue met in the middle of the hive.

With the support of powerful Space Marines, the chicken thieves of the Doomsday Lighthouse Sect, which no longer had a patriarch, were quickly eliminated within a few days.

Marsdan was finally saved!

Ten days later, at the port of Dan Harbor, the Black Templars' assault cruiser quietly docked here, and the residents of Marsdan gathered outside the port. They all wanted to see the true appearance of the Emperor's Angel of Death, the heroes who saved Dan Harbor!

In addition to the Space Marines, the residents of Marsdan also sang the legends of the church militia, maintenance worker Tai Yue, gang leader Porter, Governor's son Alexander, the only remaining members of the Ministry of Justice, Colin and Chris, Countess Mansha, the sacrificed Purification Wing Captain Kenneth, and the Weather Tower Guard Captain Chris.

Inside the assault cruiser, the command of the company was communicating about the issue of recruiting new soldiers:

"We lost nearly half of our brothers in this battle. Grand Marshal Heberlecht requires that brothers who have not undergone Primaris Space Marine transformation must undergo transformation as soon as possible. Three new organs must be implanted during the transformation process. It is said that the mortality rate of secondary transformation exceeds 50%."

"The militia of the cult eliminated a lot of thieves. They are worthy of the Emperor's believers. Although the Dark Eldar intervened in the middle, the Planetary Defense Force came out to clean up the thieves at the end. Hoyle, the planetary governor, doesn't have to be the governor anymore!"

"Those two seedlings are good. One is just over 16 years old and the other is less than 15 years old. They led this alien purification operation and eliminated a large number of thieves in the name of the Emperor. This time they can be recruited as new soldiers and directly transformed into Primaris Space Marines."

Planetary Governor Hoyle dragged his fat and swollen body and waited anxiously for the reception of Gary, the Lord of the Black Temple. He was accompanied by Tai Yue and Porter, who were in the purification legion this time.

Tai Yue and Porter were extremely excited at this moment because they both knew what this meant.

They finally took the first step to become space warriors. Years of hard work have not been in vain. This time, they fought against the chicken thieves with their lives.

Soon after, the hatch of the assault cruiser opened, and a servo skull led the three people to the conference room where the command level was located.

This was the first time that Tai Yue entered the interior of the assault cruiser. Before that, he had only been to the black market spaceship operated by Mansha.

The assault cruiser is 6 kilometers long. Various instruments inside are flashing, illuminating the Emperor's holy statues everywhere. The floating servo skulls convey the orders of the space warriors, and the slaves coming and going handle various chores.

When they came to the conference room, there were four people sitting at the conference table. They were the castle lord Gary, the technical sergeant Colliver, the pharmacist Adrian and the astropath Edwin.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" Castle lord Gary asked after looking at the two people.

"We are now qualified to become Space Marines!" the two replied in unison.

"Correction, you can become a Black Temple newcomer only after passing brutal training and successful gene seed transplantation!" Gary smiled rarely, he was very satisfied with the two of them.

The Astropath looked at Tai Yue, his cloudy eyes showing no emotional changes, and then he whispered something into Colliver's ear.


Technical Sergeant Colliver glanced at Tai Yue, then scolded Planetary Governor Hoyle:

“Why wasn’t this situation notified in advance?”

Hoyle didn't know whether Tai Yue was a psyker or an illegal psyker, and he was trembling and speechless.

"There is no place for psykers in the Black Templars, there are no psionic Librarians in other Space Marine Chapters, and we will not fight with any psykers!" Adrian reiterated the Chapter's Code of Conduct.

"Leave now. If you hadn't led the church militia to fight against the chicken thieves because of your belief in the emperor, I would have killed you myself!"

Gary's face was full of anger at this moment. This assault cruiser had never allowed psykers other than astropaths and navigators to come. The arrival of Taiyue was undoubtedly an act of sacrilege.

Tai Yue would never forget the loneliness of leaving the assault cruiser on this day, but he was still happy from the bottom of his heart that Porter could join the Black Temple.

After returning to the nest capital, Taiyue said nothing, repairing the machinery in the factory as usual, and did not want to see anyone.

The adoptive father contacted Hoyle to learn about the situation. He looked at Taiyue, who had been silent, and forced him to his office. He took out an envelope and handed it to Taiyue.

"In the solar system, there is a Space Marine Chapter composed entirely of psykers on Titan, the sixth moon of Saturn. They have been fighting against the most vicious and terrifying enemy of mankind!"

"After what happened to the Doomsday Lighthouse Sect, I believe you will fight for the empire and fight for humanity. Now you have to go there alone with this envelope. There must be countless dangers on the way, which need to be overcome with your firm will. All kinds of difficulties and dangers!”

"After ten thousand years, I never thought that you would continue to fight for the Emperor on my behalf!" the adoptive father couldn't help but sigh.

Tai Yue's body was shaking violently, not because of the danger of crossing the void, but because of renewed hope!

In a strange realm in subspace, crystals that constantly change colors form a huge maze. The crystal maze itself is also constantly changing, constantly moving and reorganizing.

A whisper came from somewhere in the labyrinth and I don’t know when and by whom:

"The uncorrupted Gray Knight will rot from within this time!"

(I will update another chapter later, the last chapter of this volume, please recommend and vote for me!)

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