Warhammer III

Chapter 12 Gravity Blade

Phoenix located Taiyue's position the moment he crushed the anti-psychic collar.

The projection centipede of the High Dimension Ark has been absorbing subspace energy for two years, and the overflowing liquid metal has made its body length exceed 10 meters.

In order not to attract attention, the projection of the High Dimension Ark changed into the shape of a servo head and came to Taiyue's room.

Except for his face shape and appearance, Taiyue's whole body has changed a lot. He has 21 superhuman organs in his body and wears a shield power armor that can be protected from chaos corrosion.

"This is the Space Marine of the Human Empire!"

Facing the highest product of the human empire's genetic technology, Phoenix's curiosity was aroused, and the "servo head" began to scan Taiyue's whole body.

Taiyue looked at this suddenly appeared servo head and was still confused at first, until he heard Phoenix's voice and reacted.

"Living metal!" Phoenix suddenly screamed through the servo head. This scan found a foreign body in Taiyue's body.

"I have two newly developed metal organs implanted in my body by the Mechanicus. Is there any problem?"

Tai Yue hadn't asked Phoenix to evaluate the two organs yet, but she had already discovered the situation.

"Living metal is the nanomaterial that makes up the body and structure of the Necrons. This material can automatically repair its own damage. The original source is the knowledge provided by the Star God, and then it was produced by the Necrons' tomb technician Xerath. This is also the beginning of the transformation of the Necron into the Necrons."

"The properties of living metal are similar to the liquid metal I used before, but liquid metal cannot repair itself and its structural strength is lower than that of living metal."

After Tai Yue told Phoenix the functions of the two organs, Phoenix was even more shocked.

"The spirit bone generation organ can actually convert subspace energy into spirit bone material. You know, the living metal of the Necrons and the spirit bone of the Eldar will affect each other."

"It's also strange that the mechanical heart is driven by psychic energy! Can the human Mechanicus sage develop this technology?!"

Phoenix kept talking like a chatterbox. Although she was confused about the two organs, she was more curious.

"If these two living metals can use psychic energy, they can theoretically contain demons. I will study whether I can develop a container to bind demons based on this!" Phoenix's eyes lit up. She found a good research direction. But for now, the gravity weapon agreed upon before must be manufactured. Phoenix controlled the "servo head" to project the image of the automatic factory. Taiyue was in the factory at this moment. "The first factory to operate mainly produces liquid metal, and this new factory can produce any material that conforms to the laws of physics!" Taiyue visited the automatic factory through projection. There were production workshops in the shape of cubes and cylinders. They were arranged closely like electronic components on a circuit board. The production workshops were marked with hieroglyphs composed of circles and straight lines. "Which race are the hieroglyphs above from?" "Necromancer, I can teach you to recognize these words. After all, I have also learned human words through you." Phoenix said and took Taiyue to the center of the factory, where there was a huge spherical metal. "This is the source of raw materials for the automatic factory - the mass organ! It can directly convert subspace energy into matter."

The "servo head" came to Taiyue and began to scan the data in his brain.

"This automatic factory has started running. You need to recall the drawings of the gravity weapon Stc template as data input before the subsequent factory can produce it."

Taiyue began to recall the specific details of the gravity weapon according to Phoenix's requirements:

The core of the gravity weapon is the Higgs field generator. The Higgs field can make matter gain critical mass and undergo gravitational collapse. The generator is made of superconducting materials, which are also the shell of the gravity weapon. The Higgs field is released outside the superconducting material through a special structure.

The release of the spherical Higgs field corresponds to the gravity hammer weapon. If the Higgs field is formed into a blade-shaped attack range, it is a gravity blade weapon.

The "servo head" disassembled the drawings recalled in his mind into different parts, saved them and passed them to the automated factory of the high-dimensional ark. Next, it will take some time to manufacture the gravity weapon.

Taiyue later told Phoenix what happened in the past two years, and the latter secretly felt lucky that his memory was finally restored.

The next morning, Taiyue came to the First Brotherhood. The data cable of the "servo head" had been connected to the data interface of the power armor, which was in line with the image of a technical sergeant and would not arouse suspicion from others.

There were more than twenty technical sergeants in the First Brotherhood, most of whom were not in Titan. Grand Master Vardan Kai asked Brother Edgar to take Taiyue to learn about mechanical maintenance and train the control methods of various vehicles.

Edgar first installed the servo mechanical arms and mechanical tentacles commonly used by technical sergeants on Taiyue's power armor.

There was one servo mechanical arm on each shoulder. The left mechanical arm was connected to a welding gun, and the right mechanical arm was a hydraulic clamp.

Three mechanical tentacles extended from the back. The first tentacle was an electronic data interface, the second tentacle was for precision instrument processing, and the third tentacle was a plasma cutter.

With this equipment, Taiyue officially began the training of technical sergeants.

After two months of study, Taiyue has mastered the common problems and maintenance techniques of Nemesis psychic weapons, Aegis power armor, Terminator armor, Land Raider, and Storm Raven gunships, and can also drive these vehicles skillfully.

"I suggest you go to Mars for further study when you have time. I can only teach you limited knowledge." Edgar didn't know whether he was modest or reserved.

When Taiyue left the First Brotherhood and returned to the Ninth Brotherhood, Phoenix had already made the first gravity blade:

The gravity blade is 1 meter long, the blade is made of black superconducting material, and the energy system is at the hilt.

The maximum output power of the gravity blade can make the Higgs field spread into a blade shape of more than 100 meters, and any matter within the attack range will collapse instantly, as if it was wiped out.

"I don't know how long it will take for the mechanical sage Christopher who obtained the Stc template fragment of the gravity hammer to make a gravity weapon, and whether the quality is guaranteed."

Taiyue couldn't help thinking that he was shocked by the manufacturing capabilities of the automatic factory.

"Can gravity weapons be mass-produced? As the acting Grand Master of the Ninth Brotherhood, I am going to equip each member of the Ninth Brotherhood with one!"

"The production of materials and parts is very time-consuming. With the production experience of the first weapon, if the factory has sufficient energy, two gravity weapons can be produced every month!" Phoenix's face was full of black lines.

(If you have no idea about gravity weapons, you can go and read the comic "blame!" by Nihei Tsutomu. There are gravity weapons in the shape of machetes and pistols. After reading the comic, I want to describe the principle and structure of gravity weapons in the novel. Demon: I think there is no concept of gravity in the subspace, so this weapon should not be effective against me. Please give me a monthly ticket and recommendation ticket!)

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