Warhammer III

Chapter 17 Anakshan

"The Astartes monks who participated in the Paladin Trial are basically veterans who have served for hundreds of years. Although you are the Grand Master of the Ninth Brotherhood and have good talents, you came to Titan for training time. Just close to 5 years.”

Koyal's eyes were like swords as he looked at the young mentor in front of him. He was a little worried about whether Tai Yue could pass the examination.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, please rest assured, Sir Koyal and the Supreme Master, that I will definitely pass the eight trials and lead the Ninth Brotherhood on the journey to eliminate the Chaos Demon!"

"Very good. If you pass the test, the Holy Knight Order will give you a set of Holy Shield Terminator armor. We will also support the Ninth Brotherhood at any time in the battle to drive out demons in the future!"

Koyal appreciated that he saw his original shadow in this young man, who was full of energy, never gave up, wise and restrained.

Terminator Armor is the abbreviation of Tactical Dreadnought Armor. As a personal ultimate protective armor, although it is not as flexible as conventional power armor, it is more durable and has stronger firepower.

The difference between the Aegis Terminator armor and other Terminator armor is that the armor is engraved with a complex set of protective runes that can be activated through psychic energy to better protect the Gray Knights Astartes from attacks by Daemons and other servants of Chaos. .

Gary next to Taiyue was ecstatic. The Ninth Brotherhood currently has six sets of Terminator armors. After passing the trial, one more set will be added. It is not far from the 10 sets of armors for a Terminator team.

A few days later, Taiyue crossed the Mitris Mountains alone and came to Anak Mountain.

The entire Anak Mountain is only more than 100 meters high. Compared with the Mitris Mountains, it is like a small bulging earth bag.

The entrance to the supernatural cave is located on the south side of Anak Mountain. The entrance is only a few meters high. Taiyue walked in without hesitation.

It was dark inside the cave, and the photoelectric imaging system on the power armor captured the faint light and displayed it to Taiyue.

The gray rock walls are as smooth and delicate as marble. They were formed when there were methane lakes before Titan.

The cave is winding and winding, with artificial holes and platforms along the way. There are broken bones mixed together in the holes like fossils. The bones are covered with protruding spikes and pure black scars. It is difficult to tell whether they are from humans. Still alien.

"These bones should be thousands of years old, and there are obvious traces of subspace mutagenesis."

Phoenix introduced while scanning.

“That could have been something from the Dark Ages of Technology.”

Tai Yue guessed based on the time provided by Phoenix that he also discovered that the cave slowly downwards, leading to the depths of Titan.

Suddenly, the phantoms of dozens of people ran over in a panic. Tai Yue instinctively wanted to avoid them, but the phantoms penetrated his body and disappeared deep into the cave.

These phantoms made Taiyue feel a chill, and the temperature regulation system of his powered armor could not resist it. There was no doubt that this was a low temperature at the soul level.

Continuing down, another phantom of aliens slaughtering people appeared. After the massacre, some corpses began to deform and twist, and their flesh and blood mutated into strange creatures. The people who escaped became crazy, and unconscious whispers or loud screams came from their mouths.

Taiyue heard some words sporadically, such as demon, mutation, god, and redemption.

The screams contained emotions of panic, wailing, and despair, piercing Taiyue's soul, making him feel the biting cold, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Phoenix noticed something strange about Taiyue and asked with concern. He had a will as strong as steel, but he could actually tremble.

"Strange psychic visions appear in my head!"

"Except for your psychic projection, why didn't I scan the subspace energy fluctuations?"

After hearing this, Tai Yue immediately used his psychic perception ability to understand the source of the psychic illusion. His consciousness swept around, covering Mount Anak and the underground space, but what surprised him was that there was no subspace in the supernatural cave. projection!

"Maybe the phantom comes from inside you!"

"I have scanned your gene seeds. They are not only the product of genetic technology, but also contain the power of subspace, which are stable mutagens of subspace energy!"

Phoenix pondered for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"Gene seed defect!"

Taiyue also guessed a possible reason.

The gene seeds of the Astartes monks originally came from the Primarch. On the one hand, the gene seeds will be affected by environmental factors during the generation process, especially chaos pollution. The gene seeds will mutate more and more, which will affect Asta The influence of special monks will also grow.

The gene seed inheritance of the Thousand Sons Legion has always been unstable. Legion members are prone to flesh and blood mutations, and they eventually betrayed the Empire. The Black Dragon Chapter, a sub-chamber of the Salamanders, had their geneseed mutated causing their skeletons to mutate and grow long fangs.

On the other hand, because the gene seed itself is inseparable from the subspace, psychic visions of the death of some Primarchs may appear in the minds of their descendants.

The Black Rage of the Blood Angels Chapter is caused by visions of the death of its Primarch Sanguinius. Chapter members will repeatedly have visions of the death of the Primarch in their minds, and then become crazy, which will last until they have a mental breakdown.

Genetic mutations can cause a series of problems and even destroy the entire Chapter. Therefore, each Chapter must hand over 5% of the Chapter's gene seeds to the Mechanicus. The Mechanicus Church checks the mutation status of gene seeds and determines the mutation rate. The gene seeds for establishing new war groups also come from this tax.

"But the gene seed of our Grey Knights has no defects, at least not the defects of this kind of psychic illusion."

"Could it be that the special environment of this cave stimulated the psychic illusion?"

"This illusion is obviously from the perspective of the witness. The 20 Primarchs have never been here. If they had been here, the ones who were slaughtered would be the aliens!"

Tai Yue couldn't find the answer and had to give up thinking.

After dozens of minutes, he finally came to the end of the cave, which was an empty space.

There were rusty metal objects scattered on the ground, and their original purpose could no longer be seen.

On the stone table in the middle of the cave was a human skull, without any mutation, a pure skull.

Tai Yue chose a smooth gravel next to the stone table and sat down, and began to review the details of the repair of weapons, armor, and vehicles. If it were other Grey Knights, they would definitely start praying to the Emperor.

In a trance, he entered the dream again. In front of him was Neos, the child who appeared in his dream and led the construction of Crook City.

There were countless aliens and creatures polluted by chaos in the cave. Neos was covered in blood and his eyes were bloodshot.

Behind him was a dying man. Taiyue joined the battle without thinking carefully and killed all the aliens and creatures polluted by chaos with Neos.

The two were panting. Neos turned around to check the man's condition and found that the man was just unconscious, so he was relieved.

Neos then released psychic flames to burn the filth, and only the bones were left after the ashes.

He selected the human skulls inside, put them together, and then fell asleep with these skulls as a pillow without saying a word to Taiyue.

Looking at the sad Neos, Taiyue did not disturb him, but accompanied him silently.

"There are enemies among the stars, only the pure skulls of humans can make me feel at ease!"

This was the last sentence Taiyue heard before he woke up from his dream. After he opened his eyes, he found that a day and a night had passed, and he had passed the first trial!

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