Warhammer III

Chapter 8 Catherine

Electricity flashed across the head of the aberration, and the eyes with exposed brains looked at Taiyue. The electric light all over his body made a hissing sound. Taiyue felt that the aberration at this time was like a wounded beast, and he stretched out his hand to touch it.

The electric light around the monster became more dense, and it attacked Tai Yue instantly, too fast to dodge.

After the electric light came into contact with Taiyue's arm, it covered it like a liquid and was not injured. Taiyue continued to observe the aberration, and had the heretical idea of ​​taming it.

Suddenly, with the aberration as the center, the scene in the dream began to distort and deform. Tai Yue woke up and found that someone had come to the confession room!

At this time, the room was dark, and Tai Yue didn't care about the heretical dream scene just now. After getting up, he left the room and quietly walked to the confession room to see what was going on.

When we came to the confessional, the first thing that caught our eyes was the icon of the God-Emperor illuminated by green fluorescent light. There was a figure standing in front of the icon, blocking the fluorescent light and making it difficult to see clearly.

I saw this figure suddenly whipping himself with a whip, muttering words in his mouth. He should be confessing to the God Emperor. The tone of the voice sounded like a female voice. Could it be a nun who came to confess his sins?

Tai Yue wanted to leave and go back to sleep, but the nun's voice suddenly became sharp, like a roar, and the next second it was a wanton laughter.

Could this nun be schizophrenic? Taiyue can only think of this reason at present, because workers at the nuclear power plant have casually said that some individuals who dig deep underground will experience this situation, and their temperament will change drastically and they will become manic. The workers suffering from schizophrenia eventually left the construction site and disappeared from everyone's sight. No one knew whether they were dead or alive.

Thinking of this, Tai Yue began to worry about the nun and decided to get closer to understand the situation. Tai Yue walked around to the direction of the emperor's statue, wanting to see the nun's situation clearly.

What comes into view is a naked woman, her plump body outlines graceful curves, her hair is a little messy, and green fluorescent light covers her body like a layer of gauze, which is both noble and mysterious.

Tai Yue blushed to the roots of his ears. It was the first time he saw such a spring scenery, and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva. "Who's there?" The woman asked, alerted that someone was nearby.

Taiyue was panicked at this time, like a child who made a mistake, not knowing whether he should answer or not, and he couldn't run away. At this time, the woman turned off the fluorescent lights and had put on her clothes in the darkness.

When Taiyue saw the lights go out, he suppressed his voice and said in standard Imperial Gothic: "I am a merchant in the merchant fleet. My fleet just arrived at Dan Port today. I heard that there is a monastery here, so I came here." Pray to the God-Emperor and hope that He will keep our fleet safe and safe from the warp storm.”

Taiyue continued to compile: "When I saw the fluorescent light here, I thought it was the appearance of the God Emperor, but I didn't expect it to disturb the nun's practice." Under the influence of his adoptive father, Taiyue became extremely proficient in Gothic.

"What is the berthing number of your merchant ship?" she asked again. Taiyue was secretly glad that he went to the trading hall first this morning. Recalling the berth number he saw this morning, he blurted out: "Sc0."

"Your Majesty, the God Emperor, may your merchant ship stay away from the storm and return home with honor every time it sails." After saying this, the nun left. Tai Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and she didn't look like she was schizophrenic.

Tai Yue also came to the icon and confessed: "God Emperor, please forgive me for the white lie I just told. This is to protect the nun sister's self-esteem and reputation. After all, no one wants to let others know that they are crazy and naked."

What Taiyue didn't know was that he had been scanned and recorded just now. The small auspicious device in the dark was placed in front of the emperor's statue and had not been taken away. The fluorescent light just now was also emitted by the auspicious device.

In a luxurious room, the auspicious device's terminal image was being played. People watching this episode had mixed emotions, staring at the confessing Tai Yue and not knowing what he was thinking.

After the confession, Taiyue returned to the room and prepared to continue resting, but he couldn't fall asleep. He didn't know whether it was because he was suddenly awakened or because he saw the nun sister's naked body.

After 2 hours of random thoughts, Taiyue fell asleep and didn't wake up until the morning.

After waking up, I found two nuns in the confessional looking for something. One of the nuns cheered: "I found Lady Catherine's oracle," and trotted away. The other nun was sullen and did not follow.

Tai Yue was going to wake up Phyllis. Phyllis had already woken up and was praying: "Only the Holy Emperor can all living beings be safe." After the prayer, the two of them asked the little nun who stayed behind about the person who came yesterday. Has the Lord left?

The little nun told the two of them that Lady Catherine was going to the hive in person to preach the faith of the God-Emperor today and had already left early. The guard who stayed here will also leave after recovering the auspicious device.

Taiyue and Phyllis found the older nun from yesterday. She did not refuse Taiyue's request this time. Taiyue handed over Phyllis's father's information to the nun and informed that Phyllis's father was a planet. The soldiers of the National Defense Force sacrificed their lives to eliminate the aliens. Phyllis has a firm belief.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, my name is Frieda. Phyllis, you can call me Aunt Frieda from now on." Sister Frieda decided to keep Phyllis.

"As for whether you can become an apprentice, considering that you are older than the children usually recruited, there will be a week of assessment time. If you pass, you can stay."

"As for you," Sister Frieda turned to Taiyue and said, "You can leave now. Your sister will be the messenger of the God Emperor in the world from now on, spreading the gospel of the God Emperor."

"I will come to see you before I leave Danggang!" Tai Yue reluctantly said goodbye to Phyllis.

Taiyue then went to the trading hall alone. The merchant ship of the Su Dynasty still hadn't come. Just when Taiyue didn't know where to go, a middle-aged man called Taiyue.

"Young man, I see you have been here for the past three days. Are you waiting for a merchant ship or buying some treasure?" The middle-aged man's face was pale, and he stared at Taiyue and continued: "There is a black market nearby. Maybe there is something you need there."

Taiyue knew something about the black market. Some banned goods were often traded there, but there were a lot of people and it was very dangerous.

"The goods in the black market are too expensive. I am just a civilian in the underground nest. I can't afford it if I go there." Taiyue refused expressionlessly.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Little brother, you are too modest. Countess Lauren is extremely cold and doesn't look good to anyone. Even the servants in her house are all mechanical servants. That day, you and I were crying and laughing in the business area of ​​the trading hall. Your identity is not simple!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man also looked at Taiyue deliberately.

It seems that this man saw what happened that day, but he mistakenly thought that Taiyue and the countess knew each other.

"If you want to come to our black market, you are welcome to come at any time. This is the black market pass data. With this, you can find me." The man handed Taiyue a special bird divination instrument and left.

Taiyue thought that his father's cell degeneration was very serious and he could not wait until the next time to buy medicine. If the merchant ship did not come in the next three days, he would go to the black market to see if he could buy cell degeneration inhibitors there to treat his adoptive father!

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