Warhammer III

Chapter 37 Giant Chaos Egg

The church militia and uncorrupted believers led by preachers and penitents outside the highest church in Trollope struggled to resist the followers of Chaos and the demons of Slaanesh.

Although they have fanatical beliefs, the most common weapons in their hands are flamethrowers, and a small number of missionaries have chain saw weapons in their hands.

After the Chaos believers dispersed them, they could only fight in various ways, and it would only be a matter of time before they were eliminated.

The planet's space station and the fourth planet were also affected by this chaotic force. The screams, corruption, and slaughter were all turned into the spiritual food of the Slaanesh demon, and then corrupted more people.

Astropath Su Jingrong and navigator Elizabeth on the Uruk immediately discovered the raging subspace energy fluctuations, and the Slaanesh demon also attacked them immediately.

As special psykers of the Imperium, both were trained to avoid demonic possession, and the addition of the demon-banishing runes on the strike cruiser prevented them from becoming corrupted by Chaos or possessed by demons.

Inquisitor Ann Wodehouse temporarily took over the command of Uruk, and bad news followed. Under the influence of the subspace energy of the fourth planet, the entire planet broke out in uprising. Chaos believers killed the Ecclesiastical Priest who oversaw the work. And now Mordant's acid dog army has not yet arrived.

"Just contacted the astropaths on the transport ship of Mordent's Sour Dog Legion. They will have at least two days before they can reach Mandeville Point in the system."

Su Jingrong reported the situation to the judge in time.

Before the inquisitor could give the next order, she relied on her powerful perception ability to notice something strange about the bishop's spaceship around her:

"The energy fluctuations in the subspace have also affected the crew of the Bishop's ship. The psyker servants and astropaths have been possessed by demons and started a bloody massacre on the ship!"

Inquisitor Ann Wodehouse did not hesitate and directly contacted Taiyue and obtained permission to use the light spear array.

With the assistance of the technological servitors on board, the light spears mercilessly penetrated the demon-occupied Bishop ships, and the wreckage of these ships crashed into the planet like a meteor shower.

Doomsday scenes fill the sky and the ground, and the invasion of demons will only bring endless destruction and death!

Tai Yue and Kathleen had already arrived at the Bishop's Council Hall. Looking at the body of the fallen cardinal, they realized that there was an enemy inside the Supreme Church!

"Anhui Zelda!"

Katherine discovered that her guard was still alive and hurriedly stepped forward to check on the two of them.

The two battle nuns had multiple wounds on their bodies. The festering wounds had strange red blood streaks spreading all over their bodies. This was the corrupting damage caused by the chaos toxin extracted from Mirial's body by the rune sword.

They have lost their minds under the power of chaos and corruption. Their eyes are blood red, saliva is flowing from their mouths, and their expressions of despair are like those about to drown.

"Chaos is corrupted, they are hopeless!"

Tai Yue raised his right hand, preparing to use psychic bolts to relieve their pain.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, please let me try it, Grand Instructor."

Kathleen asked for a chance. Looking at her sincere and firm eyes, Taiyue agreed.

She closed her eyes tightly and began to pray devoutly, and the spiritual power she guided soon covered the two of them. This spiritual energy represented her rejection of the subspace demons, and was pure and sacred.

The purity comes from her own belief in the emperor, while the sanctity comes from the tempering of the Taiyue spiritual flame for more than ten days. The new spiritual energy has the power to expel demons and chaos corruption.

Zelda woke up first and looked at the cardinal in front of her. She used her last will to say intermittently:

"The Battle Sister of the Martyr Lady Order next to Nahum is also a Chaos believer. She killed the cardinal and the papal emissary Lord Clemans in the hall."

After saying this, Zelda fell to the ground and passed out.

Anhui woke up next, and Kathleen motioned her to stop talking. She already knew what happened here.

"The corrupted Sisters of Chaos are already inside the Supreme Church. If you encounter them, shoot them to death!"

After rescuing the two Battle Sisters, Katherine hurriedly notified the Battle Sisters and the Crusaders through the Servo-Skull.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, the Chaos-corrupted Bishop's spaceship has been destroyed. Grand Master, do you need orbital strike support now?"

Taiyue received a communication from Judge Ann Wodehouse. He thought for a moment and issued the order:

"Please be on standby at any time! Notify your assassin servants immediately and start assassinating the Sisters of Slaanesh now!"

Katherine then passed information on the Sister of Slaanesh to the Inquisitor, making it impossible for anyone else to contact the mysterious assassin.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go to the Crusaders' headquarters and prepare for a counterattack!"

Soon after, the Crusaders and the Trollope Lesser Sisters of Battle began to take the initiative to purify the Chaos believers. Katherine personally commanded this combined army.

Taiyue had more important things to do. After boarding the Storm Crow gunboat, he went directly to the bell tower where the biological sage Della was. The gunboat was driven by Technical Servant 01 and also carried the Uruk. Six combat servitors.

Chaos believers have surrounded the bell tower, and the biological sage Della is covered in a modified black carapace and releases psychic lightning.

Her left hand is currently holding a metal elliptical sphere, and she has used a demon binding collar to seal an unlucky demon.

Taiyue drove the Storm Crow gunboat and quickly eliminated the Chaos believers, and then took Della with him.

The Storm Crow gunboat passed by the church spiers and icons at high speed, heading to the 65 icons that the two men had marked previously.

These holy icons are the same as those in Nahum, and they are full of symbols of Slaanesh demons and chaos eggs.

These chaos eggs come from the followers of the Redemption Sect on the fourth planet. The leader deceived them to be buried alive in the holy icons, so that they could receive the prayers of the followers of the state religion and be resurrected in this way after a hundred years.

Now they are indeed resurrected, in the form of chaos eggs, and their souls and bodies are no longer the original ones. The fate of believing in the Chaos Evil God has always been like this.

The two came to the first marked point, and they could no longer see the holy image. Only a black fog was shrouded in the original place.

"Has the black fog formed by the corrupt aroma covered the holy image?"

Tai Yue looked at the black fog in front of him and had a bad premonition. The Storm Crow gunboat tilted the rain of bullets down, and the thunderous sound resounded all around, but there was no sound of the holy image breaking and collapsing.

After the explosion, the black fog was dispelled, the holy image had long been broken, and the giant chaos egg hidden in it had been hatched.

The giant Chaos Egg is over 100 meters tall, with a pale skin covering its slender body, and its entire body is covered with wriggling tentacles, and there is no symmetry or duplication of limbs!

(It has reached 200,000 words without me noticing, please give me recommendations and monthly votes!)

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