Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 126 The Chase with Time

How long can six breaths last?

With the powerful lung function of the Astartes, it would probably take more than fifty seconds.

On Augustine's sixth breath as he reached down the corridor, the opportunity he had been waiting for appeared:

In the warhead guidance part of the virus bomb, the mechanical slaves made mistakes during the routine mechanical decryption process.

The huge engineering tongs fell to the floor due to incorrect operation. In addition to the two slave workers who were crushed to death on the spot, there was also a technician whose upper body was exposed and groaned.

The eyes of the two Astartes warriors were attracted by the loud noise, and the wails and calls for help from the casualties made them laugh out loud with schadenfreude.

"The opportunity is now!"

Augustine's hands tightly grasped the cold steel bracket under the cloister and pulled his body upward.

Under his terrifying strength, the tall body jumped upward at a speed that violated common sense of human gravity.

The reason for choosing this as the climbing fulcrum is that its material does not have any elasticity, so there will be no low-frequency resonance sound that will be transmitted to the ears of the enemies above.

This is an extremely rare rigid structure among the many supports in the cloister, and one needs to be careful enough to find it.

In 5 seconds, Augustine had reached the edge of the corridor, and the screams below had just reached their climax.

At 8 seconds, Augustine, who turned over, found the visual blind spot of the two Astartes and launched a silent charge.

In 14 seconds, Augustine, wearing only soft carapace inner boots, crossed a distance of 180 meters and arrived near the two Astartes. At this time, his position was less than 20 meters away from them.

At 16 seconds, the warriors who finally noticed the strange malice tried to turn around, but Augustine, who was already in a close position, did not give them any chance.

The monomolecular dagger was pulled out from the waist of the first Astartes, and the next moment it was stabbed into the neck of the second Astartes along the gap in the armor.

The other hand that was free did not forget to push the owner of the dagger. A sudden force was exerted on his shoulder, causing his nimble turn to turn into a comical stagger.

When pulling out the dagger from the victim's neck, Augustine did not forget to twist it. A large amount of air instantly poured into the lungs and heart, killing the victim thoroughly.

And until now, the owner of the dagger that killed his comrades had just stabilized his figure.

Augustine once again bullied him, and his forward knee bump once again destroyed the opponent's balance. The hand holding the opponent's shoulder was as gentle as caressing his bride.

But the other hand holding the dagger sent death into the opponent's heart with a silent cruelty.

Within 2 seconds of the rabbit rising and the falcon falling, a one-sided murder came to an end.

Someone in the Chapter once said that Augustine's fighting style is very similar to those of the Crow Guard who were active in the 31K era.

Elegance and night have always been his favorite combat labels, both before and now.

It has been said more than once that he has a very different style from the Chapter, but he doesn't want to change. He is proud of it and marks the difference between him and other company champions.

20 seconds is exactly the cycle of two breaths, which is also in line with his usual level. After his breathing calmed down, Augustine looked with satisfaction at the ignorant mortals below.

The night was still long, and he and they had plenty of time.

The battle between the Gray Knights continued. The two teams in the engine and weapon arrays also showed a completely different combat style due to the increase in group will.

Different from Augustine's silence and elegance, the Holy Shield Terminator Power Armor equipped by all Gray Knights illustrates another possibility of silence - when you are strong enough, silence can also be violent.

March silently, break down doors silently, spread out formations silently, and pour firepower on the enemy silently.

The malevolent warriors felt that they were not facing a group of Astartes, and that all actions of the other party were carried out in silence.

There was no communication, no war cries, no orders.

There were only precise and brutal Kraken-type armor-piercing blasts fired at them, and Nemesis weapons that made ordinary power armor as useless as paper.

Melee combat is not enough. The power of these Gray Knights is definitely not something that ordinary Astartes can withstand under the amplification of the Terminator.

After their life-saving attacks were lightly resisted by the Terminator, they received a ruthless and fatal blow from the opponent.

Regardless of the severity of the injury, a psychic weapon can instantly destroy the soul of its victim with just the slightest scratch.

Long-range was not enough, and their weapon parameters were well understood by the other party. The handover and rotation of firepower barely lasted two rounds, and then broke down under the deliberate suppression of the other party's fearlessness.

There was no chance of winning in a confrontation. The super high defense of the Terminator Armor made the Gray Knights not afraid of confrontation.

The firepower of the twin storm bolt guns is not something that their ordinary models can resist.

What's more, with precise cooperation, the gray knights in these rotating positions have not even overloaded the psychic shields on their shoulders.

The power of the Kraken-type armor-piercing bombs is even more unbearable for malicious warriors.

Except for the shoulder armor, which can barely withstand two shots due to its double-layered chimeric structure, the other parts are all broken at a touch. Those who have died have explained all this with the hideous wounds on their bodies.

This is a massacre, a massacre that has been planned for a long time!

Except for deliberate attacks, who would use such expensive but single-purpose armor-piercing rounds throughout a normal battle?

Except for deliberate planning, who would know them so well, even including the blind spots of the shoulder armor turning.

For a moment, the Malicious Warriors thought they were encountering the Custodes guards hiding in the throne room.

Only they would train and prepare for war with the Astartes as their imaginary enemy for many years.

The truth is not far from the truth. In terms of blood relationship, the Gray Knight they faced could not be said to be closer to them.

The malicious warriors chanted this fact that had only been discovered until now. The calls for help and roars in the channel kept coming and going, leaving Jutas who was rushing to the bridge froze in place.

"What's going on? Who's attacking me? Who am I resisting?"

From gang-hopping to the first gunshot, from shooting to charging and melee combat. The collapse of the malicious warriors occurred in just ten seconds.

Of course, it was the same here with Jutas. From the time he received the first "enemy attack" from the veteran warning on the porthole, to the news that the bridge guard lost contact, the engine room was lost, and the weapons array room suffered heavy casualties, that's all. Within these ten seconds.

He didn't even have time to hear the word "Gray Knight" that marked the other party's identity. These two Gothic words together only had three syllables. (Just forget about using Gothic as English, I’m too lazy to explain it to GW. 2333)

This is of course not to say that the Malicious Warriors Chapter, as a standard Codex Astartes Chapter, is really so weak in combat effectiveness.

What can only be said is that when an opponent who is equal to or stronger than you has the opportunity to deliberately attack you, the damage it brings is pain that you are never willing to bear.

In less than a minute, on the data terminal of the Terminator power armor Jutas was wearing, more than half of the malicious warrior units scattered throughout the ship had turned dim gray.

Jutas knew exactly what this meant.

His blood pressure rose rapidly as his two hearts pumped, and the corners of his eyes cracked angrily at the casualties represented by these grays.

"How to do how to do!"

His chest made a deep echo as he gasped violently. He needed to come up with a plan in the shortest possible time to save his company that was about to suffer all casualties!

In fact, the best plan is to run away. It's not about honor, it's about the best qualities of a calm warrior and leader.

After all, when you are clearly caught in the enemy's trap and there are no mission requirements, how to stop losses is his top priority as a company commander.

He could have run to the flight deck right now, anywhere. As long as he can find an assault boat, from now on, the sea and the sky will be brighter, and he will be able to repay this revenge.

But he can't, at least not here.

The ground attack on Federman No. 4 he led left him with no way out in such a vast territory of the empire. (I really don’t know whether the Death Watch will accept renegade soldiers. But he definitely doesn’t want to go.)

As long as he dares to escape today, the Inquisition, which is eager to find the "person taking the blame", will naturally label him as a "traitor". Then he exhausted the power of the Inquisition, chasing and resisting him to the end of the world, until his last breath.

He can be violent, he can be despicable; he can commit himself to the Tribunal in humiliation, or he can die gloriously in battle.

But he could not accept the flag of the company he took over from his predecessors, so he was labeled as a rebel and was trampled under the feet of other compatriots.

"There must be a way, there must be a way..."

He strode forward aimlessly, the details of the entire battle flowing in his mind at high speed.

"Judge! Yes! That's him!"

The huge secretion of adrenaline finally allowed this warrior to find a glimmer of hope. He understood that the worst outcome of everything at the moment would only end with him and the judge's punishment.

As long as the inquisitor is still there, in order to shut him up and maintain the dignity of the inquisition, someone will protect the basic justice of this operation.

And under this, the reputation of his war group was naturally preserved.

There is a high probability that Yutas will be secretly executed in some unknown corner, but the seeds of the company's survival are at least preserved.

Moreover, after this battle, the common fate of this company and the Inquisition has been tested.

Maybe the Inquisition doesn't fully trust them anymore, but who cares?

At any rate, after most of them were destroyed and rebuilt under the leadership of the Inquisition, they can barely be regarded as half of our own people...

That's all he can think of. Time is running out for Jutas.

"Save him! We must save his life!"

Jutas, who had made up his mind, quickened his pace and rushed towards the bridge which was not far away.

Jutas, who had already anticipated his own fate and was determined to die, ran with great strides and murmured in his mouth:

"Eranti, you must live until I come!"

Can't sleep, one update, please vote!

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